Buff huntress.
Nah shes fine iri just needs to be alittle more skillfull like was suggested have it down at a long range because i personally wouldnt complain about a huntress who can land her shots. And please give her a addon to regenerate axes like peanits talked about.
This is my 5th post thats done this you havent seen the others? Lol. Seriously though those changes for huntress sounded amazing and i think itd put her in a nice place. Kinda hate going to get axes every 5 seconds.
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buff the axe hitbox.
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Please no that thing already hits when it misses.
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I wouldn't mind a buff, she's kinda weak now because of all the bad maps that screw her over.
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Imagine Huntress as 115%. Scary.
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Buff huntress? Now is 50% skill/50% hatchet hitbox abuse. Imagine buffing her.
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If you mean regenerating hatchets on hit then that was my idea.
If you mean over time then idk.
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I feel like a good buff would be a change to the hitboxes of objects scattered around the maps. I can't tell you how many times an axe should've landed when it insead hit an invisible object, typically being the hitbox of a car.
The only issue I could see that would rise from this is accidentally changing how the hitboxes react with players running into them (i.e. how much space you have to run around an object). Objects should have different hitboxes when it comes to ranged powers though, so this shouldn't be a problem.
Regardless, I know one of the most frustrating things I face as huntress is not being able to hit survivors if they are behind an object, even if that object doesn't provide enough cover and I should easily hit them. It just makes me wonder what the whole point of her character is if I can't hit people from a distance.
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Her hitboxes are just very messy overall. Sometimes the hatchets hit when they aren't even close to you, sometimes they go right through you, sometimes they hit the weird hitboxes of objects. They can also hit survivors working on gens (survivors hitboxes act like they are standing up when working on gens for some reason).
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I don't really know about that. If a skillful huntress always hits her hits then that's pretty rewarding, but if someone new wants to play as huntress but suck and miss all their shots then what was the point of running the add on
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Totally, It feels bad to play and bad to play against. Not all the time, but frequently enough to be a problem. I feel like buffing her throwing speed and hatchet speed while making the survivors' hitbox represent them better could fix this issue. As a killer, she would be more powerful while requiring more skill, and, as a survivor, you would never feel like she got an undeserved hit as you could see her hatchets hitting you not your invisible hitbox.
An overall fix to how hitboxes and hatchets interact needs to happen regardless though.
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Well if its a very rare you shouldnt waste them if your not good at the killer the same goes for clowns pinky finger if you cant land your bottle hits why waste a very rare addon?
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That's very true and honestly I don't really bump into a lot of clowns but when I do like 1 out of 100 games a clown would run that add on. So do you think that add on could use a buff?
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Maybe but i dont really see how without making it overly op.
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If you aren't confident in landing your shots then don't run the addon.
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A red addon like "regenerate one hatch every 25 seconds" would be fine, but its absoluty mandatory to nerf boring iridiscent addon.