Rage quiting

As another friendly suggestion I have is an idea to help eliminate or at least decrease rage quiting in a match. If a killer disconnects a match because they are being a baby they shouldn't be allowed to play the game for a minimum of 30 minutes. Same goes for survivors who do as well. Not only rage quitting sucks the life out of the game but makes the game not fun. Why even play a match if you're going to quit? Yes as a survivor or killer you can't win every match but then again that's what keeps the game interesting. You'll lose more people that play the game if issues like this or camping aren't resolved. If you have to tunnel or camp as a killer you suck in general and should learn to play the game but that is a whole other topic.
Hey, good news! The DC test started today. If you're on PC or Switch, you'll start seeing time-outs for DCs.
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It's a casual game. Nobody gets rewarded for playing; you can't force people to play by punishing them when they don't want to play. These DC penalties are simply BHVR caving in to an overhyped idea of the community. It'll solve nothing, because it doesn't tackle the reasons players DC to begin with. People will just turn to other games and in a few weeks everyone will start complaining that the DC penalties were a bad idea and that we need operation health instead.
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I'm not so sure about that. If you're in a toxic match with a bad player or killer that quits it screws everyone plain and simple. I've had matches that were so bad that I said screw it and just died on the first hook. That way I still get my points and it screws the killer for only getting one hook.
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LOL people thing lobby queues are bad now, just wait till 3/4 of the player base is on a ban and playing something else. The penalizing players for not continuing in a "toxic" match has to be the dumbest idea to ever come out of a gaming studio to date.
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Well 1 minute to 15 minutes is a huge jump :-P
Thats it. Im willing to help test almost every stuff, but thats it...
Also it wont solve the point in problems. ppl will just start going afk, use task-manager, alternate programs to kill connection, and so on. Mostly they dont dc for no reason :-P