I really hope some of the level 4 tome challenges got tuned before the release

tomorrow the final level of the archives is gonna be made available and while it isn't really that bad there are some real annoying challenges like save 3 survivors during the endgame collapse and fully complete 4 gens using dark sense.
I really hope BHVR made them slightly easier to complete
Ah, dont worry. People will cry that they are too hard and then they will get changed eventually.
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I can't see Level 4 being as crazy as 2 or 3 because the devs are aware of how people will react now haha.
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Completely agree with these two, sure a SWF could make these easier but i shouldnt have to try find a full group to do a challenge. other than these two they`re fine though, sadly getting 4 kills in the basement will be annoying due to people purposefully disconnecting...
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Hope last minute hero got scraped .
That challange was eewwwwwwww
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Survivor ones will be like everything else in this game: EZ with an SWF group.
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Oh, btw. the Dark Sense Challenge is still meant to be on the Gen when it is completed. Which is easy. Got it with 5 Gens a few days ago.
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I'm done with premium. It's just not worth it. These devs are clueless. It's less stressful to just casually work thru the free rift.
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it is..but honestly im kinda bummed that you hardly get anything for the free one :( its like 15 things..YES I KNOW ITS FREE I SHOULDN'T COMPLAIN I KNOW I KNOW
but idk..was just hoping for more charms and stuff but for the free one there really isn't much.
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You get your money back (or cells or whatever) if you do complete the rift to level 70.
So it's kinda free if you do get to level 70.
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I get that, I do...BUT I dont ALWAYS have the time to grind out 70 tiers lol. I JUST NOW hit 62. Ive said before that if they made everything one tier cept really cool/fancy outfits then they would probably make more money, because if people were offered more in the rift, im sure they would be more inclined to actually by tiers, so in the end they could..and i say COULD end up making more money doing it that way, BUT i by no means am just asking them to hand me free stuff I would never, but its a good thought.
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Same. I was able to grind up to 70 only because of working the night shift for a month. Normally with the kids that ain't gonna happen.
I do like the fact that you cam basically buy the pass on the last day and still get everything from it though.
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I highly doubt they got changed too much if at all, I mean they just flat out ignored Legion players when we complained about the 4 second stun because it wasn't in the list of Legion changes that came out. I can imagine them not paying attention to the community about this even though it was complained about since day 1. I will be happy to be wrong though, very happy to see them paying attention to a legitimate concern.
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Im actually waiting for the final tome to decide if ill buy the rift pass or not. They changed a lot in tome 3 after trying it themselves, which i mean they really should have done before implementing them into the game, but at least we know they are playing and care about the experience, not just how many people complain.
Still gonna wait tho just in case
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Whatever they are don't expect them to be changed in any way until next year.
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Imo, there's really nothing worth working towards in either free or premium. I still like working thru the challenges, but the rift needs a rework.
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I got the premium pass and overall I am very pleased. Ill probably make it to the hag costume and recoup about 700 auric cells. That's pretty good in my book.
Its taken a lot of time. Its been fun but I don't want to go straight into another paid riff. There are other games I want to play! So ill take a little break after this one..