Ranking and toxic SWFS

RiskyShark Member Posts: 19
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

Just played a game as Ghost face and leant up against 4 rank 2 while I’m a rank 7 and 3 of them are in a swf. Worst game I’ve ever played in the history of dbd. I’m running sloppy butcher ruin noed and whispers. They are all running ds borrowed time 2of them have flashlights another has a map and the other a purple med kit with the entire game I get looped one by one by each of them and when I finally get one down I get blinded by two of them. I get one down where I can’t be blinded and all three of them are body blocking the only hook close to me. I can’t do anything and they get out. I try to chase one and she goes to killer shack so I decide it’s not worth it and go for another one at this time there is only 1 gen left. And I’m mid chase with this one guy and last gen gets popped so I think I have a chance with noed still being up I get one down and camp because they were all being toxic running around clicking their flashlights and I wanted at least one kill sure enough one of them comes out of no where with Bt already injured so I try to down them and I hit the girl on hook but after she gets unhooked I hit the savior right after and she doesn’t go down she didn’t have MoM or anything so they all escape clicking their flashlight and I get messaged by the swf saying “gg trash lol” and I’m just sitting here like I’m literally rank 8 with decent perks and you are going overkill bullying me the entire game. Something needs to be done with ranking and something needs to be done about the radius flashlights work

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  • RiskyShark
    RiskyShark Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2019
  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Having the same issue. Rank 12 and I’ve gone against red rank swf groups my last 5 games, some purples thrown in there. I’m just gonna play survivor until they fix this.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Having the same issue. Rank 12 and I’ve gone against red rank swf groups my last 5 games, some purples thrown in there. I’m just gonna play survivor until they fix this.