camping, tunneling, slugging.

Face Camping: When a killer is just staring at you on the hook, not moving.

Proxy Camping: When a survivor is just hanging around for no apparant reason (sometimes the killer sees a scratch mark and checks)

Tunneling: When a killer is focused on 1 survivor and that survivor only, not hitting other survivors even if in their way. Even going as far as farming off hook.

Slugging: When the killer leaves 2 or more people on the ground before hooking.

Slugging for the 4k: When 2 survivor's are left and 1 is downed, they leave 1 downed and look for the other before hooking. preventing hatch escape.

(this is just to clear up things... because i've been called a camper for going away from basement and coming back to them healing in basement after unhooking...)


  • Freddy_chan
    Freddy_chan Member Posts: 31

    i got called tunneler god knows how many times, even tho i changed targed every time to the person who unhooked so you know, big part of this community is just below average iq, or so it seems

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510
    edited December 2019

    I've been called a Tunneler by going after the guy who had Make Your Choice on and not going after the guy who was unhooked.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726
    edited December 2019

    i got called tunneler many times when i got 1st kill on 9th hook (literally everyone was on deathhook)

    Edit: but to add some not only survivor pepega stuff

    killers in post game chat are typing "nice genrush" after 9min gens xD (i know timers because im recording my games)

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    While these are the correct definitions, you have to keep in mind people who are upset they lost will be inclined to use any excuse they can to justify the loss. The easiest thing to do is point at the other side and say “you didn’t play fair!” because that absolves them of being at fault for their own loss. This goes for either side, honestly.

    Just keep it all in context, say gg, and move on. You know how you played, their perception of how you played doesn’t matter beyond hitting the “continue” button.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    I got called tunneler and camper after going back to the hook when I see that there is no one in gens and go after the unhooking guy

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    You can't face camp anymore

    You can camp, but not facecamp

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Slugging can be one survivor.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Anytime someone complains about anything I did in the match and call me bad, I just say "You fell for it, so you're obviously worse". It usually shuts them up or causes them to give an expletive filled rant that just makes me laugh.

  • Deltin
    Deltin Member Posts: 240

    if they call me ######### or bad.. i just reply with "if im so bad at the game, and you lost to me... what does that make you?" then promptly dc :)

  • cornbreadeater
    cornbreadeater Member Posts: 27

    I would consider tunneling to include hitting a survivor that’s right in your way, as long as you’re not actually chasing them, cause sometimes the killer has to hit them in order to get to the person they want to go for

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I was just thrown against a 4 man. After two flashlight blinds, a pallet stun, somebody breaking my hooks, and some *Insert word of choice here* survivor following me around disarming my traps, I got sick of it. I tunneled each and every one of them, three dead on hook, and left the forth to bleed out. Put me in a better mood.

    So in this case, I wear 'tunnel trash' with pride.

    Usually, though, when I'm called out for tunneling, it's because they were an idiot and ran into me. When they accuse me of camping, it's because I know somebody is near and I'm sniffing them out. Don't run around the hook and think I'm just going to let you unhook.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited December 2019

    Why not? Im considering "tunneling, camping and slugging" as legit tactic of killers to get kills. If you "camp" then other survivors can do gen progress (its kind of trade, killer get kill for 1-3 repaired gens, its fair). Against "tunneling" and "camping" you can take BT, DS or bodyblock - so many counters + no pip from hood proximity. Slugging is only good if you dont wanna let last survivor escape via hatch but I consider it legit tactic. As killer you dont want let last one hatch escape so can use this tactic to prevent it - why not? Coz its not "fun" for that one who is "camped, tunneled or slugged"? For killer is not "fun" gen rush and SWFs but must tolerate it so survivors must tolerate these LEGIT tactics of killers.

    Its not fair that for SWFs is their "voice comm cheat" all right but they cannot accept killer legit tactics. Its clear that surv wanna take away from killers every legit way to win but they alone wanna keep all benefits and "cheats" they carry now ==> see all survivors "nerf" crying posts here on forum.

    Post edited by Runcore on
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    I get called a tunneller even when I'm looking the unhooked survivor dead in the eye, and turn around to chase the unhooker.

  • kengee
    kengee Member Posts: 11

    i just play the way i want, camping, tunneling, slugging. Gen rushing, tea bagging, whatever it is, i'll do it if i want to. This community already toxic anyway, and i paid for this game. So F that.