Keys are Busted, FIX THIS NEXT
When survivors use keys to escape and they find them in a chest, its an oh welp it happened moment. When you see someone with a key you can dodge the lobby, or tunnel them down. When you chase someone and they instantly jump through the hatch Its kinda #########. I think if we had a timed animation similar to doors on hatches that this would fix a lot of frustration.
Considering people in coms running plunders find a key and escape the whole team, granted I've done the same as survivor and you are winning the game. Is it fair?
EX. I have run plunders found two keys got myself out, and comed my team to get the other save and get out. can you imagine being that killer that gets two keyed expecting no keys going into the match?
Using an animation would add tension and fairness to the whole concept of using a key and would make me dodge less as killer, also allowing the user to utilize all the cool addons they have.
Gimme your thoughts guys.
Uh keys are balanced my dude. An item that lets you have a free escape with 0 counterplay is fine, it's a survivor item after all so it's balanced. Now a mori on the other hand, those are OP and need to be nerfed to only be cosmetic items for the final hook.
Alright to be serious though, don't get your hopes up on it being nerfed my dude, the devs are very survivor biased even if they swear up and down that they are not. Minor nerf to BL, absolutely butcher the new killer. Bug that screws a survivor: fixed in no longer than a week. Bug that makes a killer very clunky and sucks for them (sound bug, spirit/wraith lunge post power) those take months to fix. I mean take a look at how long it took them to rework Freddy, a killer who was so trash that he got his own tier on the killer scale. Survivors get nerfs here and there sure, but it is almost always either extremely minor (Balanced Landing) or something that never should have existed in the first place (Mettle of Man.)
Seriously my dude don't stress about keys, they are very likely here to stay.
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wheres facts
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I wish it at least had an animation. Like bending down to actually open the hatch. Something that can be interrupted. It shouldn't be useable in a chase. Just, like 5 seconds to open. It also shouldn't be immediately entered.
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4 words.
Moris, pink add ons.
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It can be disheartening, sure, but so can a lot of mechanics in the game, and that doesn't necessarily mean they need "fixing". My opinion has always been that there's really nothing wrong with ultra-rares except the fact that they're not actually ultra rare.
If it makes you feel better, though, the devs seem to disagree with me on this one given their track record of nerfing overpowered mechanics. So you can probably expect a nerf to both keys and moris at some point in the future. Maybe sooner than you expect - for all we know, it could be something they're working on right now.
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I genuinely believe the mid-chapter patch will nerf keys and moris. I don't think you should nerf one before the other.
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Keys would be fine if they were only obtainable via blood web, like a mori. You shouldn’t be able to load in empty handed and find an item that changes the game so much. When I’m playing killer I can’t break a pallet and an ebony mori falls out for me to pick up.
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I think more than 50% of the community can agree that keys + moris should be nerfed in some way or another.
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If i had a dollar for every ebony momento mori ive gotten. (Id have a lot because ebony pops up every bw for being a ultra rare addon apparently). I dont even like using it so i have like 30 saved up. Its weird because ive only gotten 3 red keys in my lifetime of playing survivor at level 50.
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your aregument is invalid... you can find a key in a match and get a whole squad out for free, when the killer is looking for people at exit gates. And a swf can have up to 4 keys.. a killer can only have 1 mori. and guess what. The killer still has to work for that mori. Meanwhile if 1 survivor hides in a locker all game and has a key, they just wait for the killer to close the hatch for end game, and then just hop right in.
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Survivors have more ultra rare "things" in general, as opposed to the two (or even one, in some cases) add-ons and one offering that killers have. So it makes sense that moris would be more common in bloodwebs than keys. But yes, that's exactly my point - the main problem with ultra rares is that they come up way more than they should in bloodwebs for being so powerful, which means they come up way more than they should in-game.
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fair point, ultra rares and rares (red & purples) should only come up like once every 3 blood webs, not once every bloodweb
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Keys only work if the survivors have done enough gens, more entitled killer wailing.
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Finding keys in chests are quite rare. Also, survivors need to finish enough generators to make the hatch appear in the first place, or either be the last one alive. I think keys are fair play as they are. If anything, you should be more upset about toolboxes, which actually speed up gen repairs and make you lose so quickly.
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People complain about everything in this game. I dont know if finding a key is really fair but neither is a mori. I still would not want to change any part of either. I can understand hating perks or killers that make the game basically unplayable because they are so unbalanced but i dont really care if every little thing is balanced to perfection
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All of the things that are ultra ######### for survivors suck.
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Not all, but some of them are pretty underwhelming and not really worth the 7k, I agree.
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Actually, giving the keys a short animation (3-5 seconds) to pop the hatch open would be a good idea. It means keys are valuable and a good escape tool, but not a free chase win. And if you gain ground on the killer or stun, you can use it during a chase.
On the topic, the hatch shouldn't open on its own when the doors are already open. Like, if both doors are powered but still closed, sure. But if they're open, you either have an easy escape or can get out through the second door if the killer's camping the first one.
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I think a small animation would be fine. Also I ran Ace with plunders, the good luck perk and a chest offering and I got like 8 keys in four games.
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One of my favorite things to do if I see a key and I’m not feeling generous is to swap to Trapper and equip Franklin’s Demise. Remember where the survivor kept dropping the key, and trap as close to it as you can but not have it be an obvious trap at the same time. It is absolutely hilarious how often this works.
My favorite example: playing on one of the Badham maps. The Jane had a key, and had white warded it.
first chase/hook: found her in the two story building hiding where a totem can spawn on the second floor. Trapped just around the corner so even with 3rd person camera you’d have almost no warning. Jane gets saved, before long free trap. I was hooking someone so couldn’t capitalize on it.
second chase/hook: mindgamed around a dropped pallet and remembered she dropped it right next to the pallet. Didn’t break the pallet and instead trapped the pallet. Lo and behold, one trapped Jane on death hook. Once again I unfortunately couldn’t capitalize.
Still killed her and trapped the key one last time, but she was solo and no one else fell into it. It was still absolutely hilarious and had I been more careful on my positioning I would’ve absolutely been able to take her out of the game sooner because of her greed towards her key. Turn your playstyle around and you can absolutely punish an item.
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I swear some of you killer mains won't be satisfied until survivors have one perk slot and no addons. It's not like every game a survivor brings a key or finds hatch before killer so chill.
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Okay this is the biggest cry baby post I have ever read. You want key timing to be nerfed but yet I deal with killers running discordance, Pop goes the weasel, thantraphobia, and hex ruin all together which makes it impossible to get any generator done but yeah let's nerf any advantage that a survivor had to escape a match. I've dealt with keys being used and my advice is if you hate them so bad use Franklin's Demise and they will lose them. Quit crying and learn to not tunnel and camp.
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if you’re gonna wanna need our keys we’re going to need to hit your mori as well.
just saying...
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Look at the forum and previous Nerfs to each side.
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Plunderer if equipped allowed survivor to see that item on the ground.
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I like to trap locker once one survivor hop in.
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Keys are busted thanks to the broken SWF mechanic
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Survivors should have some reason to get off gens and explore. I thought my nerf plunderer's comment was just a joke but now I see people that think it is actually too strong. If you don't like survivors not doing gens you're doing it wrong.
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Easy fix: 6 second hatch opening animation when using a key, hatch then immediately closes which does not trigger the egc.
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Never had an issue.
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Ok, i dont understand that. You can bring 4 keys, everyone hides the whole time and you get out the whole squad for free... i dont think that is how it works.
First, go get out 4 people, you do need to do 5 gens. how is that "for free"?
Then, if 4 people bring a key, and one of them get out without doing anything all game, 3 people wasted theirs, because they didnt get out.
And yes, the killer can have only one mori, but that allows him to kill all survivors after hooking them.
I dont think your post makes sense at all.
I think both keys and moris are fine. But to tell the truth, i use them all the time at the moment , because so much people are crying for a nerf. I never used instaheals, and now they are next to useless, and i dont want the same to happen to my moris and keys, so i uses them all up now.
Others might use them for that reason too.
But i can live with all of that, because i play surivor as well as killer, so i win and lose either way.
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I'd be fine with a 3 second animation to unlock hatch. That would be fair.
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Or basic memory don't forget that
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Lets play some rounds. 4 random Survivors with a Key vs a Killer with Ebony Mori. I bet a Quadrizillion Bison Dollars, the Killer gets at least a 3K 95 times out of 100 games.
So yea, lets go and talk about keys, when something as "ballanced" as an Ebony Mori is in the game.
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What rank survivors or killers?
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Does it really matter? Its almost always a win for the Killer on Rank 20 and on Rank 1 (unless the Killer is way worse then the Survivors due to rank reset)
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It does matter since if it's red rank experienced survivors they can abuse certain loops a lot more and just gen rush since the chase would take too long if it's a red rank killer duh it's a stomp and with average yellow/greens its a coin toss
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Insta heals, Bnp, Insta flashlights...need I go on? The devs can and have nerfed plenty of things they consider OP. I personally don't think keys are OP (or Mori's for that mbv matter. But I do believe they will nerf both. Probably this summer. Assuming they can find a way to do it they are happy with.
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How are moris not op? You're kidding me
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No i dont think so. On rank 1 Survivor have a slight edge over most Killers (we are not talking about Nurse Spirit and some of the bottom like Bubba or Clown of course), but once the killer brings in a red mori, its game over, unless he plays super fair or just uses the mori for cosmetic style after 2nd hook.
I can honestly say, that as a killer i never had a problem with keys, on any rank. Red mori is a totally different story. If the Killer decides to abuse it to its full potential (hook one and then tunnel this person + mori afterwards) you really cant do a lot.
I still think, they will nerf both, For Keys, Hatch will probably only stay open for 2-3 seconds after Key teatment, and the Mori will hopefully only become active once everyone is hooked 1 time.
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How often does this happen? Are you guys okay on PC? I'm usually ranks 3-6 on console and hatch escapes are very rare for the last person, much less more than one person getting out with a key. I can understand it's frustrating when it happens but at the same time, there's nothing you can do about it, so why are so many people so triggered by it?
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Lol. Thanks I'm at work and I needed a laugh. I agree though. Hey maybe Killers should have their own chests they can open.
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Coin killer offerings turn chests into killer chests.
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As a solo survivor player, I don't see keys used that often actually. I hardly ever bring in keys to matches. I easily have over 100 of them combined. Now I want to know exactly how many I have. I'll do the exact count later. Stay tuned...
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I suppose I should rephrase. Keys and Mori's aren't unfair in my opinion. They can be incredibly strong. I've made my idea on how to balance them a bit better known in several threads.
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Keys are balanced, but keys are noob so its cool, think of it like a noobtube. Sigh....
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So what?! Do you have any idea how hard it is to see a dropped key?! Exactly you can't win every match as a survivor or killer. It's what keeps the game interesting. No two matches are ever the same.
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Not exactly true, I could sit in a locker and wait for the killer to slowly, one by one, sacrifice my teammates (I don't endorse doing this by the way).
Then the killer can close the hatch and I can run in front of the killer, do plenty of somersaults around the hatch, as they can't do anything to stop me.
The only thing the killer could do is have NOED or Franklin's, but that's costing the killer a perk slot for a survivor item and there's still counterplay to those strategies. The survivor can simply just wait for the killer to walk away from the hatch, and that's it — GG, you won.
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You typed Mori's with wrong letters
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Get rid of Moris instead