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General Discussions

This DC penalty idea was poorly implemented



  • Member Posts: 989

    My guess is the true solution for DCs is too complex; the system should only disconnect based on specific behaviors and events. This is the challenge, to implement effectively, but due to conditions and circumstances described in other replies, it's not even close. It's BHVRs product, they'll do what they want with it. Some of the consequences may include estranging some of the player base, but if sales are indicating more and more new players, then BHVR has plenty of room to experiment.

  • Member Posts: 9,420

    For those that would run to the killer or suicide on hook, let them. They clearly can't handle the game and shouldn't be playing to begin with. DCing is their way of avoiding being beaten. By letting themselves to be hooked runs counter to this and eventually they will stop playing.

    The penalty is also for killers. Killers that can't handled being beaten and DCing before survivors can exit will be punished now. Either they will grow a spine or quit playing.

    The game as a whole is better off.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah, I agree. I don't have huge issues with it, the timing just isn't great. But I too wish people would post in the feedback thread, because even though I'm sure the devs will read all the feedback they can find even outside of the official thread, it makes it a lot easier to have it all in one place.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    the ones saying that you should penalize killing oneself in game by the hook is bad, sure it is effectively similar but it is not the same. first of all your comment, no if you load into a match and need to leave suddenly sure you could use the "DC" itself but take your lumps if you do it or you can get your self hooked and leave the match this way (or just leave yourself active) and the game will end for you one way or the other (if killer the survivors will get gens done and match will end, if survivor the killer will find you, hook you and that will take care of itself. Now the difference between a straight dc and kill on first hook 1) killer gets points for downing you, 2) killer gets points for hooking you, 3) killer gets points for summoning the entity, 4) points for the final sacrifice, and finally it counts to emblems. does it affect other survivors? yes but once in the match it should not be an issue as the match was started. if it was in the lobby they can leave without a single issue.

    at this point i'm done with this discussion, it has devovled into everyone against the rest because everyone is right (without backup of facts) since that is how people see their opinion. you will see my opinion here is backed up with the facts and discusses both sides not just one side and lambasts the others that don't agree.

  • Member Posts: 338

    sometimes i dc agaisnt huntress and billy i hate dedicated servers so much is not even fair, when are they gonna fix their game?

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I don't play on pc so I wasn't sure if I should leave feedback or not. Though after seeing a video showing how long the penalties last I decided to leave feedback on that.

    It's my biggest problem with the forums, multiple people create multiple threads on the same topic. Just is boring seeing multiple threads about the same topic, rather than see new ones that might be more interesting.

  • Member Posts: 11

    I dont see how this beeing good for the match makeing queues ether. More players getting banned, the longer the queues gona be and to be honest the quese for survivor and killer is just to long afther the cross queues came around. Why punish rest of the player base by making the queues even longer?

    So of if I get a long time out for dcing a hard tunneler or run up against a boring killer like Spirit, I sure will just jump on another game or do something else. Time out isnt realy a punishment.

    We need the punishment affects the dcing player alone not the whole community. If you dc to much you could get a debuff penalty that slows down your movement speed by 5% ( or something like that) for x amount of games after dcing to much. This will hurt the dcing survivor or the dcing killer with a movement debuff for sure. Or even maybe just remove the perk slots or give Blood Point penalty in x amount of games? Any thing is better then a time out.

  • Member Posts: 33

    I think we do, since obviously that isn't enough to make people question if DC is worth it, despite it obviously not being worth it. BHVR needs better detection of what caused the DC. If it's a connection issue the person shouldn't get the DC ban. If it is by them intentionally clicking the leave game button (don't see why this is so hard?) Then they should get the DC ban. Let's be real if you get so mad that you DC by litterally pulling out your internet you are probably going to take a break regardless. After that fix people who litterally kill themselves on first hook really quickly and you should be good, but that should also be early in the match. Sometimes the person who gets hooked, has to make the sacrifice play for somebody to get out and that shouldn't be punished.

  • Member Posts: 141

    They need to make it to where the team mate or killer can't body block at all in he first place. They fixes are needed but all I see are excuses to leave.

  • Member Posts: 55

    I think what they should do is have a set amount of time between your games if you dc. That way if you dc for innocent reasons you aren't in too much of a problem something like a 10 to 15 min penalty before you can queue again would be fine

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