For the love of god, keep the DC penalties going.

It has been SO NICE to be able to play consistent red-rank killer games, and not have everyone DC the second I either:
Slug 2 people
Tunnel a particular annoying person
Mori anybody
Hook anybody
Damage anybody
Use NOED in any form
Stay near hooked survivors in anyway
I can actually stay at rank 1 and not constantly de-pip every few games because people get salty over something I've done. It is so ######### nice and I'd really hate to see it revert back to what it was before. DCing should never be a normal part of the game, and up until now that is all it was. Anything remotely "unfair" in a survivors mind, and they would instantly DC. I am fully aware that people can kill themselves on hook, and that BOTHERS ME NOT ONE BIT. Do you know why? Because I can, at the very least, safety pip because I still got the points for the game.
The complaints I see constantly about how "the game is bugged half the time" or "the killer holds the game hostage" just seems like people grasping at straws, desperately not wanting to be punished for DCing. I always find it a bit odd that there is almost never any video proof of anything like that happening, it is all just word of mouth. You'd think if these "widespread" gamebreaking bugs plagued a huge amount of people constantly, you'd see a ######### ton of video of it, but you never do. That is because it is not wide spread in any sense, and it is just another excuse people are trying to push forward in order to hold on to their right to DC.
End of my tangent, but I don't think I can go back to playing without these penalties. It's an entirely different game where people can't exit the lobby menu to ######### over someone because they got mad. I'm all for fixing bugs and making sure people don't get penalties for game issues, but this is definitely something that should stay.
Playing on PS4. So no penalty system. I've gone from rank 4 to 7 in about two days. The vast majority of matches are over before they start due to DCing survivors. The opposite has happened too, if survivors get a good start, the killer DCs. It's unplayable right now.
20 -
The penaltys should be more punishing imo.
6 -
So I’m at a level in the time where you gotta hook 4 survivors in the basement but I feel survivors are onto that and DC every time I attempt it. I’m also on console. Am I just SOL?
3 -
im a survivor main and can not wait for dc penaltys to come to consoles
2 -
Punish literally everyone else in the game because someone occasionally crashes? Like what? Did you even read what I said? There are literally 4 short DC timeouts before it ramps up, meaning that unless your internet is #########, or you have a ######### computer, there should be no excuse for it.
11 -
it isnt, the Devs are should of released a PTB and allowed players to volunteer to test the dc penalty bans and maybe as an incentive to participate reward 500,000 BPs for participating in it for a certain amount of hours.
0 -
Soft timeouts for actual game breaking bugs. If you're going to sit here and tell me that the Nea in the video constantly runs into those bugs, you're wrong. That is literally what I said already, 4 soft ones to GUARANTEE that these rare bugs that occur rarely won't cause you much trouble to DC for. Even then, that isn't a hostage situation either, as the game would of ended around the same time even if she couldn't move. All you did was put a bug in my face and say "BUGS EXIST THEREFORE DC PENALTIES SHOULD NOT EXIST" without considering the fact that, that is more than likely a 1 out of 50 game occurrence, and is not worth basing the entire DC penalty system around.
Then you show a screenshot of... two people who DCed? What does that show or even prove...? You literally could of just posted any random DC screenshot and made up a story behind it, that is why video works. You've showed me one video of a game breaking bug and nothing else of value.
Comparing an anti-cheat to a DC penalty system is kind of stupid if you ask me, two totally different things in terms of how they function.
It's more about the value of player experience here. What is more important, a hundred people or a 100 thousand people? Would you change the entire game based around the vocal minority over the silent majority? Because that is your entire argument. "Oh, this person has encountered a bug, and other people (which I can't provide proof for because *reasons*) have told me they encounter bugs too! We need to stop DC penalties because the few people who actually do crash can't bare to wait an extra minute for a game!".
The only way for it to work against actual players who encounter these bugs would be for it to happen over and over, which, as of now, there is no actual evidence of. It's an entirely situational occurrence for most of these things and they don't happen to the same person often. So this would be literally no issue to the people who encounter these bugs because more than likely it will be the only time they run into it.
6 -
I see you read the first paragraph and skimmed over the rest. IRONIC!
You keep going on and on about bugs when you've showed me one that did not reoccur again. Proof is what matters here. You saying that "people run into it all the time" has no value at all because all you've shown is one instance of it happening, even though, like I said 3 times now, is what the softban system is there for. This is obviously a rare instance and it more than likely won't occur again, at least for the same person, so the 1 minute ban is fine so long as they don't purposely DC again. An argument can be mad about how its unfair for them to be automatically bumped up in case they rage DC because of a previous bug-related DC, but even then it is still on them.
"You cannot possibly in good conscious say whether people do or don't run into a bug, or how many times they run into them."
That is the thing about lies, you can continually spam them everywhere in order to get what you want. An example would be spamming the forms about how the game is full of constant game breaking bugs, and that is MANDATORY that we do not enable DC penalties because of all the poor people!
That argument is completely stupid. Show me some proof of people constantly running into these bugs, and maybe people would take it seriously. Complaining is not enough, action speaks more than words.
5 -
No. There's too many anomalies to keep it going. Too many innocent people are getting penalized for game issues. Your feelings and opinions aren't worth penalizing innocents.
7 -
How do you read through my post and not understand a single thing I said? Oh wait, you didn't read it :D
That is literally the extent of our conversation. You refuse to acknowledge or even come up with a response about my point.
Post edited by Rizzo on5 -
So far, we have 1 confirmed case of this happening to one person, with no evidence of it occuring again leading to a worse ban than exactly 1 minute. Yet "YOUR FEELINGS AND OPINION ARENT WORTH PENALIZING INNOCENTS". Which, interestingly enough, I can throw back at you. Your feelings and opinions over very few cases of bugs causing DCs is leading you to want the removal of the DC penalty system, which in turn would penalize all the innocent people who try to play this game normally, and are screwed over by those who DC. Shame on you!
4 -
Yes, one confirmed case. That must by why the devs, during the stream, acknowledged it was happening. Cause of one person.
Okay. Makes sense.
Give yourself a pat on the back for making sense.
2 -
It isn't uncommon for someone to upload a video of a never-before experienced bug, and have it listed out in the patch notes or on the streams. Stick around a bit more and you might see it.
You still continue to not come up with any sort of defense for your points, which is leading me to believe that you can't find a good way to defend them without making yourself sound stupid, which is fair I guess.
1 -
Don't you just love it when you're forced to DC because a survivor bugged out on a hook and won't die to the end-game collapse?
Cause I sure ######### don't like to be punished because BHVR has no ######### idea how to fix core game issues, let alone game-breaking bugs.
1 -
That was so predictable that this was going to happen. Obviously, a dc should count as a sacrifice towards the challenge.
3 -
Of course he thinks they don't exist, read his name.
He literally just created an account to post this thread.
2 -
I mean I originally supported the system because I hate habitual ragequiters, but after playing throughout today I have had the game crash / get stuck 3 times while loading, putting me at a ~30 minute soft ban.
There's also been plenty of times I loaded into a match and a survivor didn't, when there was nothing worth dodging, making me think they probably crashed while loading and also were eating DC penalties.
1 -
You literally just posted more screenshots with no proof to back up your story behind it. You never learn..
0 -
Agreed. While I mostly run into survivors who DC and ruin the game for their team and myself (either side) I can imagine it will be nice to know that a killer DC is not going to just screw over the survivors now.
Well that is assuming we get console bans soon-ish.
1 -
I can agree the bug where I am involuntarily forced to DC is annoying and sometimes the game will just disconnect me. Leaving me with my growing penalty, for no reason.
It's not that rare OP
0 -
Personally I think the option to "leave game" should be disabled during certain situations, like how in certain TCG video games you can only surrender on your turn when before or after card activation/interactions, so in this case, I 100% agree with being unable to leave the game while being carried or on a hook (maybe even dying, so you can't leave right before getting Mori'd) and actually force disconnect when the game has you trapped b/c of bugs. Or I guess "leave game" could be changed to trigger the Endgame Sacrifice pre-endgame, so you actually are giving the killer a sacrifice in return for choosing to leave the game early.
1 -
@Sairek is correct here in my opinion. Either the DCS need to go and game crashes and bugs need to be adjusted. Or they need to decrease punishments. I had to stop playing at a certain point yesterday because I was about to reach the 1 hour mark due to crashes and bugs and I don't feel like waiting to play for 6 hours. So I just quit playing. Something I shouldn't have to do because of bugs and crashes...
5 -
I've been forced to DC many times because of a bug where the killer catches me, which if you knew how good I am doesn't make any sense (basically I make noob3 look like a drunken labrador helplessly smacking its paws against a keyboard)
1 -
I can't wait for it to be on PS4!
It is funny how many people are crying that they shouldn't be punished for bugs and crashes. Really? You DC 5+ times because of bugs and crashes in a day? I call BS.
If people didn't abuse the game in the first place we wouldn't need these penalties. Its sad... but I have my games ruined multiple times a night from people DCing because they got hit ONCE or hooked ONCE. Heck, Killers DC as soon as Ruin is blow. It is very frustrating when one person has a tantrum and ruins the game for 4 others...
My games ruined by crashes or bugs are far and few between. The problem is people's behaviour, not the game.
Edit: As a side note someone mentioned in another discussion a 'rejoin match' option for those who do DC unintentionally. Not sure how difficult it would be to add but it help people avoid the penalty when they didn't mean to leave.
3 -
I thought i was the only one, i played 8 matches last night and depiped to holy hell because every match the first guy would go down and instantly DC then every one else would DC. Me vs the killer 1v1 with zero gens going. I escaped a few times from the hatch and had a few killers give me the hatch and thank me for not being childish and dcing like everyone else. I dropped rank hard last night due to all the dcing. Can't wait for the penalty to go live on the PS4!!!
2 -
They only have to wait for a minute, which is nothing. The DC penalties are progressive, so people abusing it will get sidelined for longer.
1 -
Post edited by tortrader on3 -
That is what I've been trying to explain to this guy over and over, but he never learns. The game should cater to the majority audience, not the few people who "CONSTANTLY" crash even though the majority of people never run into a single bug in all of their play time.
2 -
This is a joke thread.
1 -
Either there are bugs, which will effect everyones' games, or there is no bug and some people have problems with their setups.
Since I'm not experiencing DC bugs and neither are most people, then I have to reason it's the latter.
I used to have problems with my M1 hits not being reliable. I tried a few things and eventually found I needed to adjust my desktop resolution. I might have said there was a bug, but most people didn't have this problem. It was my PC setup.
1 -
Your entire post is rendered dribble by the fact that the devs have openly acknowledged ALL of these issues.
Try harder.
2 -
No, you just want to DC when things are not going your way in a game and not be held accountable for it.
2 -
Again, a strange concordance between the nickname, the title, and the content. The last time was to promote camping.
Who does not feel unhealthy jubilation under these words? All this is pure provocation. An attempt to justify what is not necessarily so. Most of what is quoted is highly debated. This is not because disconnections are not desirable that anything that can cause you to disconnect is.
The debate and the fight continue. But it was a good attempt.
This forum tires me, especially when moderation approves this.
0 -
I have serious doubts about these so-called "innocent" DCs. How often does it happen to you 3-4 times in a row? Come on. I've been playing for a while and I've had maybe 2 legit internet DCs and NEVER a situation where I was glitched out and forced to DC. If your game crashes a lot it could be a driver issue.
I did see a Kate player last week that specifically ran to a certain point on the Springwood map where she slowly started floating into the sky, to deny me the kill. I suspect a lot of the players that get stuck specifically try to min-max their gameplay to the point where things get glitchy.
95% of the DCs I see in-game happen at crucial moments too, like exactly when a survivor gets slugged. I don't buy this coincidence crap.And because 95% of it is intentional, the innocent DCs have to suffer. That's just how it is. Don't blame the devs, blame the people who DC on purpose. Penalties are a must.
1 -
I don't DC unless it's a 3v1 (when I'm killer). I don't play 3v1's.
Stop talking. You're making a fool of yourself. Wait - no, you've already shown how ignorant and uninformed you are.
"It's not happening to me therefore you are all lying".
4 -
Every system punishes innocent people. Any kind of judgement system is flawed like that. Just look at.. idk, the justice system in real life.
There is no perfect solution, but this is 1000x better than no penalties.
1 -
If you are trying to make a trained argument to change my mind I'll save you the effort. You have no credibility in my eyes when you just use attack words. You are not acting maturely and you don't have my respect.
1 -
The point here isn't "how often" any gamebreaking bugs can give you 3-5 dcs in a row. The point is -it can-. I've had a few games yesterday where the killer crashed in loading screen even after they played bloody party streamers and no one had any reason to dodge. They crashed and I know they got a penalty for it.
Bugs and crashes will happen regardless of your PC setup and internet connection and the "ramp down" from after a DC punishment doesn't offset the chances for back-to-back internet or bug issues, or heck even two DCs within 5 games of each other.
This was only a test, but the first implementation of it was a failure. That's fine. They need to fix it. But let's not sit here and pretend the current system is perfect and should be reenabled as-is. Too many innocents are getting punished and there's too much entitlement from the "gifted few" who are lucky they aren't experiencing the myriad of bugs still in this game, not to mention even more dedicated server issues.
5 -
Why the hell are you advocating for a system the punishes people for multiple game-breaking issues if you know it's flawed in the first place?
This ######### should only be in the game after the devs properly fix their own mess. Not before.
1 -
Because it's better than having people DC on purpose basically every god damn game. Period. All your arguments are null and void. This had to happen and it's better than the previous situation in every way. Now they can work on improving the DC penalty system but it has to be there, even if flawed. I'm sick of having someone DC almost every game because they were downed by the killer in the first minute or some #########.
I wonder if you realize just how often people DC on purpose. I'm not exaggerating when I say almost every game. It had to stop and guess what: it has stopped, for the most part. Hallelujah.
2 -
So you're willing to risk getting hard-locked out of the game because you're that impatient.
As I said none of this should be even considered until the devs fix their own mess first.
1 -
So you're willing to endure a DC,or multiple, every game, just to avoid the occasional 1 minute lockout of your game when it glitches?
Honestly you just sound like one of those people who used to ragequit, but can't anymore. That's the only explanation I can think of for your reasoning. This update had to happen.
Besides, I don't believe you realize what "fixing their own mess" actually means. The game is so complex it could take years to accomplish a fully stable game and even then some bugs will persist. If you're not a software developer you won't understand the actual scope and complexity of something like this, and it's on FOUR different platforms too.
Again, this update had to happen.
3 -
me and my frends no more play dbd if dc panelties are coming
0 -
You're completely fine with your game locking you out for an hour because of game-breaking bugs.
Enough said.
2 -
Disconnecting ruining games is much much more common than the rare bugs in this game they really need to bring the penalties back and make the penalties harsher
2 -
drunken labrador helplessly smacking its paws against a keyboard
Usually in this context someone would say something outlandish instead of stating reality.
1 -
My goodness, have you dedicated your life to overreacting to everything that goes in on in the game. All of your posts are the same nonsense.
No, the game isn't perfect and wonky stuff will happen sometimes, but instead of dwelling on it and writing hundreds of post complaining about one thing happening, maybe just queue for a new game or play something else.
The chance of a significant ban from something that isn't your fault is so minuscule, it's really not worth discussing. Oh know, you crashed twice and have to wait 5 minutes. The sky is falling. It makes the game so much better for everyone, including yourself, to have a penalty for people who leave games early. Take the 5 minutes to reset your PC, and that'll probably fix everything anyway.
2 -
Never play again for the sake of all of us then, please.
0 -
You’re absolutely wrong lmfao. It happens all the time. And whether it happens 1 time in 10 games doesn’t matter because the penalties ADD up. There are way too many bugs for a DC penalty. And even if it does only happen once, I shouldn’t have to wait a minute for something I didn’t do. Or 5 minutes