

If Im able to create a DBD game...

Member Posts: 8,266

+ + + SURVIVORS + + +


Survivor has 5 Objectives to follows:

  • Gather/Collecting resources: Survivors start the game by finding Chest around the map, to get Objective Items (Guide,Tool,Bucket)
  • Study: Survivors use Guide, finish reading it to gain Gen knowledge
  • Get Gas: Survivors use Bucket to collect Gas and bring it to fill Gens
  • Fix Gen: Only Survivors have Tool with Gen knowledge able to fix Gen (45sec)
  • Open Gates: Once 5 Gen is done, Survivors can open the Gate and escape


These Abilities given to get rid of camping & tunneling, while keeping less info for Survivors to not abusing it.

Survivor has build-in abilities:

  • Decisive strike: 15 second cool down after unhooked, if Killer is below 32 away from you, the time stop cooled down, if the Killer is more than 32m away from you, the ability gets cooled down, you dont know when's its cooled down (to make Survivor can not control DS timing)
  • Borrowed time: 30 second cool down after unhooked, it doesnt stop cool down.
  • Kindred: when a Survivor is on hook, aura of Killer will show 16m away from the hook. Other 3 Survivors can not see each other's aura
  • Plunderer: Survivors able to see aura of Items in 16m range.


Perk enhance Survivors' default abilities, not giving abilities like the current game. Survivors can add a single Perk, the Perk is powerful but has a downside.

Each Survivor has a single Teachable Perk, if the Survivor character uses their own Teachable Perk, they only get half value of the downside, example:

  • Jake - Repairing focus: Fix Gen at 20% more speed; but able to hear Terror radius while fixing Gen is 50% less range (only Jake gets 25% less range)
  • Meg - Sprint: Run at 120% speed; but get Exhausted 50% faster. (only Meg get 25% Exhausted faster)
  • David - Strenght: You will get Deep wound if you get hit in injured stage (not affect on instant down attack); but your overall speed is 10% less. You dont get Exhausted effect by any mean.
  • ect


When you run, you fill up exhaustion bar, the longer the bar is-the louder your noise (groan/ breath/ interaction ect). When the bar is full, you are very loud and your overall speed is decreased by 10% (running /repairing / healing ect)

If a Survivor model is small, they will be louder than bigger model (Feng will be very loud while Jeff is really quiet). To make up harder to see or harder to track between models

Healthy Survivor run at 105% speed, but injured will drop to 95%


There are 3 Objective Items that required to progress your main objectives, these items are in Red Chest:

  • Guide: You must read this to know how to fix Gen
  • Tool: You must carry this to able to fix Gen (if you know how to fix Gen from Guide book)
  • Bucket: You must carry this to able to collect Gas to Gen

There are ?? items to help you increase surviving odds, these items are in Gray Chest:

  • Med: Healing 50% faster, unlock self-healing (Botany + Selfcare)
  • Light: ?? (cant think of anything yet)
  • Map: Survivor can not move while using, all Gen/Gas/Chest aura show up, pick an Objective object, then the aura of that Object always show to you.
  • ect

Item is very limited in number, but unlimited use (no charge).

There are total of 7 Chest: 5 Red Chest (1 Guide book / 2 Tool boxes / 2 Buckets) and 2 Gray Chest (1 Gray Chest in basement) (spawn random Med/Light/Map ect)

Survivor can carry 2 items at once, they can carry 2 same items to get double effect (2 Tool boxes for double Gen fixing speed; 2 Bucket to carry double Gas)

+ + + KILLERS + + +


Killers able to see Gen, but not Gas. Beside that, nothing change.


These abilities are to slow the game down, reward you to hit multiple targets rather than chase down a single Survivor

Killer has build-in abilities:

  • Flanklin demise: hit Survivors will make them drop items, this include empty Gas in Bucket that Survivor is carrying.
  • Unnerving presence: if Survivors are in your terror radius, their skill check zone dropped by 50%
  • Knockout: other Survivors can only see dying Survivors when they're below 32m.
  • Gen kicking: Kick Gen will make Gas leak out from Gen moderately until its empty, Survivors can not do anything about Gas leaking. Kick Gen also cause Gen 5sec back-ward, but not goes regression.
  • Mori: When there is only 1 Survivor left in a trial, you can Mori them.

Killer's power start at cool down:


Each Killer has a single Teachable Perk, and able to add a single Perks. Killer Perks dont have a downside.

Beside Teachable Perk, each Killer has build-in Perks by default, these Perks should be fit with their character's trait (like Legion can fast vault ect), example:

  • Huntress: Lullaby radius makes times between Skill check warning & Skill check randomly.
  • Wraith: His point of view is much greater
  • Demogorgon: Blood / Scratch mark stay longer, immune to Light (since they have no eye?)
  • Oni: Brutal strenght; Endurance (I dont think pallets really affect him)

The build-in Perks can be the same between Killer if they share similar size/trait.

+ + + ENTITY + + +

Once 5 Gens are done, EGC starts immediatly (to prevent 99% gates), 3min count down, dying Survivor doesnt slow down the time.

Noed: once all Gen are done, Entity gives Killer more power. Killer's first hit on a healthy Survivor after all Gen done is an instant down. Killer's speed is increased by 5%.

Depended on how many Gens left after the 3rd Survivor is sacrificed. Hatch & Key will have different chance: This is to make the rate of 1 Survivor alive is greater, but still have Killer 4k if they dominate the game.

  • 0-1 Gen done: the last Survivor's aura reveal to Killer at all time. Hatch doesnt spawn.
  • 2 Gen done: the last Survivor's aura reveal to Killer at all time. Hatch spawn.
  • 3 Gen done: Hatch spawn, Killer closes Hatch cause EGC starts & power Gates (the same as current game play)
  • 4 Gen done: same as 3 Gen done, plus the Key is 100% spawn in the next Chest that the last Survivor searches
  • 5 Gen done: same as 4 Gen done, plus the last Survivor able to see Hatch aura at 32m.

+ + + MAP + + +

Just throwing idea here. To let you understand the concept.

There are 7 Gen, 3 Gas, 5 red Chest, 2 grey Chest

  • 1 Grey & 1 Red Chest spawn in the middle
  • 1 Grey Chest spawn in basement
  • 4 Red Chest spawn near the edge
  • Gas spawn no close to each other
  • Gen spawn randomly.


  • Those number are just estimate, doesnt mean for game balance.
  • This is no build for SWF, because the lack of info is stand still
  • I think those abilities will get rid facecamp, tunneling from Killer (with BorrowTime & DS as build-in). And Gen rush from Survivors (with multiple Objectives & only 2 Survivors can repair Gen at a time)
  • Im sure you might think Killers gain too much power than Survivors, but these are just game mechanic idea, not for balance.

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  • Member Posts: 55

    interesting idea, maybe for a secondary slightly different game mode. i like it

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Could you please do a once over for the wording? This is very painful to read.

    I'll give my feedback on the idea itself in a bit, it seems cool tho.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok so taking it from the top:


    Just to be clear I'm under the assumption that the dynamic is the following. Find book -> Read book (x seconds channel) -> Find bucket -> Collect gas (x seconds channel) -> insert gas into Gen (x seconds channel) -> Get toolbox -> Repair Gen (45 seconds channel) -> go back to step 3 (or 4 if you still have the bucket)

    On it's own that's all well and good. However given the number of each item in play (1, 2, 2) it is very likely that Survivors will bottleneck each other. The issue here is that SWF can coordinate in order to remove this bottleneck. Survivors get the buckets and guide book. 2 Survivors read the guide book while the other 2 start filling up the gens. Then the Survivors who read the book start repairing gens while the other 2 finish putting in gas. The Survivors putting in gas will likely finish first and will read the book (so that they can be a backup repairer if a Survivor with a toolbox is chased). Finally they can get ready with someone on the gates immediately when the last gen pops. Setting that up as a solo is impractical but trivial and obvious as SWF and would have a MASSIVE difference in efficiency.


    Because of the above, the ability to see the other Survivor's auras is absolutely required. None of that "within x meters or only while injured" or whatever BS. If they can't see everyones auras always then this whole setup cannot work.


    Say what you want about individual perks, but the overall perk system and the types of perks that exist in the games is one of the best part of the game. I cannot support replacing it with a 1 perk system.


    That Exhaustion effect is a cool idea. Nice work!


    Other than the objective stuff I already mentioned looks good.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    @NuclearBurrito Perk is a best part, yes. Though overtime dev sees the problems in the game play, lead to a new ability perks, and then lead to another Killer play style (such as tunneling to make sure 3v1 game early => DS => slugging => unbreakable ect.) As I mentioned both Survivor & Kill have abilities by default (like DS,borrow time..) to shape up into gameplay style (force Killers to go for another Survivor rather than tunneling because its no more work), there for Perks in my idea becomes enhance abilities that they already have.

    About the object, its my idea to make its impossible for 4 Survivor works on gen at the same time (as maximum 2). This may decrease the M1 time on gen for survivors ,but the Objective time extended.

    I cannot make things perfect, but my ideal of the game is get rid of gen rush, tunnel, face camp. Also this idea isnt made for swf. Since I prefer to have less info as possible, and because the game always should be.

    (Sorry Im not that great in English)

  • Member Posts: 671

    i see too many glaring issues. when DBD first came out it was actually pretty good. Now there's more bugs than actual players.

    This is also extremely killer sided. Survivors now have too much to do with the time given. Nothing you suggested will stop killers from tunneling/camping because a majority of the players who play killer in fact bad at the game. You have not suggested any type of deterrent from toxic play styles.

    Playing solo, 8/10(80% of) games survivors 3 gen themselves giving the killer an auto win as it is.

    Ive also only seen a very small % of gens being 4 man gens. Most are 1-3, while one person is "supposed" to be getting chased and looping the killer. Yeah good luck on this idea. Its not your english that's bad. Its your balancing. No one would play because the chances of winning as a survivor are next to 5% total.

    I'm sick of people bitching about Gen Rushing. Your play style or killer lacks map pressure and you dedicate to chasing a single survivor. No game mechanic can make up for being bad at the game and making terrible mistakes.

    You have no Time stamps. ie: takes 30 seconds to 5 minutes to get gas for the gen. No gen work time required. I fully believe suggestions like this are just meant to make the game overly easy for the killer. The "perks" you listed for killer versus survivor is blatantly killer sided. 5 abilities versus a solo survivors 1? yeah no thanks. I'd click Not Interested on Steam if this was an actual game.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    @projecteulogy I also do feel what I did there is killer side since Survivors have too many thing to do, but these are not about balance though. just giving ideas, so I didnt mention about the percentage/timing clearly.

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