So rather then give us a Christmas event...

You just add in some Christmas cosmetics because you want more money over the holidays so you can be lazy? As if doing this makes up for no Christmas event?
How does simple few Christmas cosmetics make up for a EVENT? Please do tell.
Considering the mess the game is in, I dread any update that doesn't fix the game as it possibly brings more game-breaking content.
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The Devs:
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It's better that they work on the actual game and the shambling mess it can be than make an event that'll break the game again.
A healthier game is better than more content.
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No offense,but they are still breaking things like sound,matchmaking and a lot of bugs....
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Correct but working on an event won't help that. It might even make it worse.
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It's not even really an event though. It's just a lobby background with music and lights on lockers, hooks and barrels on the maps. How could they break something by adding a few simple things that dont interfere with gameplay. Game wasnt really bugged last year and the year before that when they added it
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Eh, you're kinda right, but I don't really trust their spaghetti code that much. I'm not super upset by it not being around but I do kinda agree that it sucks. At the very least they could've enabled special holiday items to spawn in the bloodweb
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@PhantomMask20763 in defense of BHVR they have proven that they can always break ######### regardless of what they do.
It is still bullshit no summer bbq, no halloween and now no xmas. The anniversary "event" was nothing either.
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This is BHVR we're talking about here. You'd be surprised at how much stuff would break by them just re-adding textures.
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Honestly they should've just done the Christmas theme lobby and music when the Curse Legacy chapter came out instead of the Japanese background/lobby for Oni.
They never did that with any other killer before and now you do it, with this chapter release around this time knowing people were likely expecting the Christmas "event"
Seeing as he was released in December/Christmas time and I'm sure everyone would've been happy with that
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God damn spaghetti code
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Just because they have to work on bugs it really shouldn't excuse them from making more content especially because their events are already super lazy and don't really change the game and you just grind for some crappy cosmetics. They really should make actual events that aren't just repair this generator, but this one has a margarita machine :o
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There was a Halloween event. Its literally still partially active. It wasn't the same as last year but we did have one.
Please don't spread misinformation.
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Not misinformation that is/this is not an event.
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It is and was.
BHVR said they were changing how they are doing events, they did. Just because it isn't what you want to consider an event doesn't mean it wasn't.
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Make up for it?
Did they state that?
From what i heard while watching, they acknowledged that there'll be nothing here now because they're preparing for other things.
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@GodDamn_Angela i don't know if your new or what but we actually use to have events. If you actually believe that they will fix this game by no longer focusing on actual events don't hold your breathe. The last chapter release proves quality assurance means nothing to them. Cosmetics, chapters and rift pass are king around here now. BHVR doesn't listen to player feedback or give a ######### about the player experience as long people continue to buy.
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Still to unlock my Halloween stuff from the rift.
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@GodDamn_Angela if you think that a sad-deflated Halloween pumpkin sitting on top of a generator was an “event,” then I can’t possibly imagine what your expectations for this game are.
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I understand their statement more like "we won't do new types of events with new objectives" like the halloween event with pustulas...
Readding old events really isn't too much to ask for
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The tomes and rift are both permanent. It's like calling the End Game Collapse an event. They did give the game a halloween feel but it was hardly an event.
We had no summer event, no halloween event, no christmas event, no summer theme and no christmas theme. We got a pumpkin on a gen.
I bet if you went into BHVR's office they wouldn't even have a plastic Christmas tree in their lobby.
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Instead of a Christmas tree they have a spin the wheel board with all the killers faces on them so they can decide who to nerf when they get back from their holidays 😏
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I am disappointed we did not get a winter event, but my god am I in love with the Dwelf cosmetic 😊
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Come on, everyone loves Elf Dweet.
And those ugly sweaters have been requested all year.
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im torn, I agree that a snowy lobby or bonus BP blooderb items SHOULD be simple... But considering they’ll be out of the office and short staffed for so long I would rather not risk a bigger mess just for a minor event
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I mean... If it would break the game even more there is no difference to not having an event because people rather play something else over the same grind in dbd ;)
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It would be fine but they didn't increase the speed of doing anything while we still get: Broken patched, trigger happy nerfs, bugged sounds, hotfixes that add bugs just so we can't have remotely bugless holidays.
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You have too much faith in these developers. They literally break something with each update, which leaves the game in a seemingly permanent state of broken limbo
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If they do that the community will just complain about "oh this event is so unoriginal, stop being lazy and give us more."
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You know, I felt like if I encountered all of these crazy ass bugs in my 2000 hours of gameplay, I would have some perspective about all the stuff people complain about.
But it seems the only issues I ever see about literally anything is balance, not bugs.
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Are they at least giving double blood points?
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Tbh the game is not in a particular mess, and they already said they wont do event so not sure what there is to complain
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Jan 2-6
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Im pretty sure if real developers read what you said they will be laughing right now, and laughing even harder at behavior
Yes we got Christmas cosmetics, but there's nothing to celebrate with it, no Christmas event to really be in theme. So it really feels out of themed.
It's like making a cake when no one has a birthday party going on
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If that's supposed to be our late Christmas gift then I am even more disappointed. And as well it starts near end of the break, in which people will prepare to go back to school, work n such. I don't know how they do their timing but it is bad.
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Remember when this game had events? :(
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Imagine thinking a Christmas event, that like you said, is literally a background, hooks etc etc, and nothing more than a giant more important than fixing game issues.
The sweaters are great. They don't owe you anything in terms of events.
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Like I said, it's not really an event, just a nice thing in the background, but whatever.
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I'm just saying, considering how popular and highly-requested the Christmas cosmetics were, implying that they don't care about player enjoyment by saying that they're lazy and just want our money is going a bit far.
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But you're not denying it.
Whether they'd laugh at me or not is irrelevant, since they have nothing to do with us.
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I don't know what I'm denying but okay.
Never said that any other real developers have to do anything with us, I'm just saying if they were to read what you said they would laugh at it and laugh even harder at behavior. So I don't know what part of that makes it irrelevant
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You would think with all that extra money there making and will make with this and future rift passes they could maybe fix the numerous bugs and actual quality of life of the game like they said they would or maybe hire a few extra people to at least attempt any of said things /).'
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They’re making up for it with the next tome, they hinted that there’s gonna be an event tied to the next tome. On top of that, you gotta keep in mind that they are human and need their Christmas break as well. They already got a lot on their plate as they are trying out a lot of new stuff. Yeah it’s rough but I really feel that it’s gonna smooth out as things go along. This game is way better than when it first came out and I think that’s a good measure for how things are gonna go.
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There was an event tied to this Archive as well, so I wouldn't get your hopes up for anything more than themed cosmetics. It's likely that the next Tome's associated "event" will be the Lunar New Year, since both it and the next Archives release are due in late January.
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Guys give them a break holly hell. They’re people not machines. How about you try and run a company? The devs need a vacation from what they’ve done, they are people too. Besides it takes time to make everything and make sure they make the game as smooth as possible. They need a break. It takes blood, sweat, and tears for them to make more cosmetics for us to buy with no event and to sellout with another battlepass in a paid game.
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They said a while back that they weren't giving us one. They're focusing on improving the game and other things instead of events to better focus their time and resources. The Christmas event wasn't even really an event. Just cheaper items that'd normally cost you 5-7k bp. Can't miss that personally.
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I’d agree with you but the game has seen little to no game heath improvements. Bugs that have been in the game are still here, nerfs handed out left and right (some good some bad), new bugs were made which were game breaking, and postponing content. So really, no summer event, really lazy Halloween event, and no Christmas event in exchange for a battlepass. Sure it’s not an event but it’s something a lot of people looked forward to at the end of the year :/
But way we got another sale coming up, yay.
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I like the battle pass but I didn't like them throwing the currency for event skins into it and personally I expect there to be new bugs when they release a patch. They aren't the first to have the issue lots of games do it's just with DBD they are much more noticeable bugs. I just want more events for skins and cross progression since I can't get my kate shirt sent over from my ps4 account to my PC account from the summer event. Since people complained that they worked for the skins. I personally also agree though the exclusivity is nice but damn you all. That's the only kate cosmetic i don't have on PC now but its on my crappy ps4 <.>
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If it's not an event, why wouldn't they give us the christmas thing then? ;)
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And I didn't say that you said that, just mentioning that them laughing will have 0% impact as they have nothing to do with us.