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Trapper Is outdated
yeah imagine, indeed trapper needs some love and changes
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Same goes for wraith imo.
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but he is not screaming for the buff at all specially with certain builds and addons he can sneak on people and get free hits very easily. he is fine but could get buffed a bit indeed.
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Less RNG on traps, start with more in hand and more on the ground. Just this would go a long way for him.
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The wraith does at the very least have some mobility. The crapper doesn't even have that.
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i mean in certian scenarios were his traps are working and using bassement a lot he can easiliy win a match but u need to play tactical and is not fun.
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I’m not sure why he’s the only killer that can actually be hurt by his own power. There’s no reason that his own traps should trap him too. It’s led to some pretty frustrating bugs lately anyway.
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But let's be honest, that only happens against bad/over-altruistic teams.
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Thats another problem but it has sense at least before servers came out You could walk over the trap without any problem now You can't and thats Is a problem in certain loops specially while chasing someone.
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Against swf that is Whats Gonna happen most times... Ive seem it many many many times i have won matches as trapper i shouldnt have because of that and i don't blame them they need altruistic points if they want to pip.
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Would be Nice aswell. He loses a lot of time bye doing that
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Devs don’t give a ######### about trapper, wasting your time people.
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Good ideas. Although nerfing dead hard might not be necessary.
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Yeah just like doctor, it feels awfull to be kind of forced to use the same addon always otherwise the power is really underwhelming.
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This is for balance. Trapper would be able to completely shut down loops he has trapped.
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Before servers he could walk above first time after placed now he can't Even do that.
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Well he still can kind of
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It is in Trappers case.
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How tf do you open gates and cleanse his totem if you can't trigger his traps by not stepping in them
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Ive tried double same add on to see which addon is the best for him. And
- Stone decrease escape change means nothing, the RNG is too high, Survivors can still escape with 2-3 try sometime
- Fast setup traps means nothing, because that 1sec setup faster can not make up the time you walk to get another trap
- Darken traps is so map terrain depending, it doesnt help you able to place traps anywhere you want. you still have to place traps on tall grass to make it work.
- Those bleeding effect only help you to find them after they escape
Like @Blueberry , start with 1 more trap slot and less RNG is already make him good (you dont have to use Brown bag in every match and able to use another addon)
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Is the less they could do. Anyway in the same aspect they can break traps they need a toolbox and waste charges and they are Gonna fo back fast unless they use sabo and no one uses that perk anymore
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Stepping in traps should put someone in the dying state no matter what
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the biggest reason he would be OP is because he would be able to instantly shut down every loop he comes along. all he'd have to do is put one of his 10 traps down.
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Body Block Hag does this already. Plus his Traps can be destroyed and taken out of the game, unlike Hags or Freddys. It really wouldn't be as OP as it sounds since his Traps are so easy too counter.
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Not sure if serious...
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Against a good SWF, you'll 100% get rushed and looped to oblivion.
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yeah you're right except you cant destroy a trap during a chase .
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That's only one person though, the rest of you're team could be destroying them, making him have 0 power. And if you're in a chase then you can't stop Freddys or Hags traps either.
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you have to be asleep for freddys traps to work and trapper using his traps like that would be cheap and OP. st least with hags traps she cant prevent you from getting away, I think what your missing is the fact that trappers traps demobilize survivors. freddys snairs only slow them down while hags only allows her to teleport. and her traps are easy to get rid of you just need to shine your flashlight on them.
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and your point about that only would be one person doesnt matter , majority of the time you aren't playing with a SWF so nobody is going to run and try and disarm thetrap while you're in a chase.
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Again, Body Block Hag demobalize as well since it blocks pallets, vaults, and doors. Plus if you run small game you are told where the traps are, so you can avoid them or activate them. It really would not be as OP as you think it would be.
Doesn't matter if it's SWF or not, a coordinated team will pop the traps while one person is running the trapper around, wasting the Trappers time since he has too reset them.
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Removal of the ability to deactivate his traps? (traps can´t be destroyed) is just absurd, you would be able to do normal stuff or even open a gate. Completely nonsense.
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I feel like Trapper should maybe get traps over time, rather than just start with all of them since people think that would be OP. Trapper is all about setup and that takes an insane amount of time, because not only do you have to get to nice spots and place them but you also have to walk throughout the map to get more. Giving him all his traps to start out with would be an insanely good quality of life change and would make him much more viable at higher ranks I feel like. But since people don't like the idea of making a sub par killer actually good, maybe give him traps over time, starting with 2 or 3. He can set up a little bit, and as time goes on he'll get more traps to maybe use in a chase or to continue his setup later on possibly.
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That was all one sentence.
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A good killer player can at least still do a good job as him, but when compared to higher tiers and the top 3 he is extremely outdated and weak and the fact that he has been this way for a while only makes it worse.
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I wouldn't start him with all his traps, but at least when the match starts, all his traps are already set in the random spots they spawn. I never understood why it didn't work that way. You have to already walk across the entire map to get them. Spot a surv, push them towards that trap and might get lucky....
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tahts a bad idea thats the iri addon wich is utterly stupid the traps spown in such useless places that arent usefull at all. i still dont get why devs can give him at least the chance to have his ability from the very beggining without being reliant on addons, most kilelrts can use their ability from the start, huntress starts the game with 5 axes (wich all of them do damage and are strong), the clown starts the game with 4 bottles, etc so why cant the trapper start the game with 4 or 5 traps aswell? the game has around 9 or 10 if im not wrong, walking to the other side to get something is not okay and the reason why most trapper players uses bag addons when they shouldnt.
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reminder of trapper still being outdated, i played him today and i got the 6 traps challenge first try only because i found 4 survivors messing around eachother who wanted to farm, still not an enjoyable experience. the challenge requires survivors messing way too much to fall in 6 traps in one game.
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Has trapper ever been updated?
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yes, the last one was like early last year he got a brown addon BAG... lots of buffs S/
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Lots of killers are in desperate need of buffing, but the devs don't give a #########. All they care about is nerfing killers to make survivors happy.
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It still bugs me that the devs are either too lazy, too unimaginative, or too uncaring, to do anything about these lower tier killers. They're quick to jump on top tier when complaints roll in, but with these old boys that struggle? Nope.
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I just hate the fact that he's the only killer in the game that it costs gens to use their ability effectively.
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One idea ive seen that i like, is allowing him to get traps out of lockers. Keep the cap on traps that can be held and add a cap to how many traps can be set at the same time
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I want you to read very carefully what you said, to trap the GOD window would be unfair, the very fact that there IS a god window is unfair lol
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most actually but they wont ever get touched, killers are a secondary thing for them they pretty much care about survivors fun and thats it.
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but is how it is and that is not gonna get changed god windows are there and forever they will stay there survivors will cry a lot if they dont have their god window to abuse without any kind of skill just vault that god window
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Oh dear.
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Trapper would be ridiculous if he started with every trap. Imagine he downed someone at the shack and could place 10 traps without leaving; that survivor is effectively dead.
As another example, he could trap up every loop he comes across without any downside. People compare his traps to Freddy and Hag, but neither of their traps hurt and they also have requirements/counterplay on top of just stepping on them (I.e. you need to be asleep for Freddy snares to work, and you can flashlight/crouch over Hag's traps), whereas the only counter play to Trapper's require you to have dead hard or a toolbox/saboteur.
Body block hag isn't a fair comparison because that's a very specific build which takes away her ability to teleport AND she's a slow killer to begin with. Trapper is fast AF and can snowball like a kid at Christmas in the North Pole.
IMO all he needs is:
1) Start with 2 traps as basekit
1.5) 1 trap guaranteed to start within 16 meters (this ones debatable, not sure how effective it would be)
2) Make his traps visible even when on top of them (once you get close they disappear which is really annoying)
3) Make his traps guaranteed to spawn close to generators/loops
These alone would make him waaaay better
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I personally think that the only thing Trapper would actually need is default 2 traps
it's not like Trapper was a very bottom tier killer like Clown/Legion/Doc, he needs a bit of love, yes, but once you get good with him, believe me he can be strong. But 2 traps by default would make him way better and viable, especially at low ranks because it will permit new killers to experiment more with his power