Why do killers let the worst survivor go?

It happens extremely often when I play survivor. The player who did the least and has the fewest points always gets caught in the end, but the killer lets them go anyway. I've always wanted to know why?
Maybe because he feels bad for the cute li'l newbie.
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being nice to a new player I guess
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They're not new, they're just bad.
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then just being nice or just wanted to let someone live and they happened to be the last guy
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But why only specific players? I mean when I'm the last guy, they never let me leave. So why let the dude who spent the whole game inside a locker go?
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Why do you care so much? Not like it -really- affects you.
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Because I want to know, why is that such a big problem? There must be a reason, no one ever cuts me that kind of slack. So what's the difference?
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Maybe it's because I'm a survivor main, but I'm the opposite if I come across a bad survivor as killer I'll do my best to make sure that they don't pip. I do it so they learn from their mistakes, and I don't want to be the reason for them to somehow get boosted to high ranks then I would have to deal with them as survivor.
I'll often give a survivor hatch if they thought they played well (good looper, stealthy players are getting hooked).
EDIT: I've had scenario where I was nice to a 3 man SWF for whatever reason (can't remember), they all somehow got to red ranks later in the season and were the 3 randoms in one my survivor games. They gave a bad Huntress an easy 3k, as they kept rushing the basement.
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Just leave the game instead of watching what the killer does with the last player? I promise you would feel much better.
If you are unlucky and killers never let you go when you are last one then it doesn't mean it' some kinda conspiracy against you.
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I let people go for a number of reasons.
They are playing my fav survivors.
They played a good match.
Everyone else DC.
They ask for mercy.
They are simply the last one standing.
Heck if I'm Pig and you boop my snoot you go free!
People who don't go free are flashlight clickers, butt dancers, and OoO users. You all go to the entity!
Everyone has their own reasons to spare the last survivor. At the end of the day it doesn't matter much does it?
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Maybe they just don’t like your survivor choice? I can’t stand Jake, so I’ll never let him escape if I can prevent it. I love Claudette, so if she’s last I’ll spare her. If it’s a group of Claudettes, I’m going to tunnel one or two of them because they’re so hard to see on certain maps (Looking at both Yamaoka maps and Swamp).
Sometimes I take pity on players because they’re fellow potatoes. I’m not going to show mercy to good players who have the skill to escape, I will show mercy to the taters who have no hope because they’re just bad.
Also, if they offer their item to me and weren’t toxic, I’ll let them go.
Shirtless Jakes get a pass as well, I don’t want to wound that glorious torso.
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Here is my thought process, "This survivor is rubbish, maybe it's a killer main doing a survivor daily, I'm a killer main too! Killer mains are my friends. I'll let my friend go."
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"This survivor plays like a baby! If I brutally kill them, they'll be discouraged from playing the game. Why not show them some mercy while they're still babies?". Like, seriously, you must that one guy that brutally beats people in competitive games with clueless amateurs.
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I think for me it depends on circumstances. If all other survivors DC, are potatoes and I already got 3K with one or no gens done, or if I am in a good mood, I will let the last escape. I may also let the last survivor escape if it was a really good intense match.
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I think it promotes less toxicity in the community. Sure, they may not have deserved the hatch, (i only allow hatch) but you'll be giving them an experience they won't soon forget. Especially if they're terrified.
It's the pay it forward mentality. As a possible killer player themselves, they may also soon allow a free escape to someone. Possibly someone doing an adept or a daily challenge.
I got adept jeff this way. I stayed hidden the whole match and was the last one found and downed by noed. He proceeded to pick me up and drop me on top of the hatch. What a guy. I realized that day that when playing killer, the 4k isn't always everything.
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Think it also depends on how you’ve played during the game. Perhaps what you’ve done has somehow made them unhappy. Chases were too long, what you did, in their eyes, was toxic (just hypothesizing). Maybe you just get unlucky.
I’ll usually let the last survivor go, especially if they’ve got the 4% (before all survivors we're downed/sacrificed). If it’s been a toxic match - everyone dies 🤷♀️
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That's some true words, man. So many times I see killers give the hatch, and while that's cool I suppose, it always goes to the nerd who just camped in a corner and self cared all game. Didn't actually do more than half of a generator.
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I generally give the last survivor the hatch if I utterly destroyed them and they weren't particularly toxic.
Also before the new rank reset, I'd let the last one go to slow down ranking up.
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Maybe cause the best Survivors generally can escape?
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Getting the most points doesn't mean you were the best player.
Hell, the person who got the least could have done all the Gens themselves.
But Sure let's use BP as a metric.
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I'm this way. I can imagine how discouraging it can be as a new player to be constantly beaten down and feel like you don't even have time to improve your skills because you keep dying so fast. So if I come across a survivor who clearly doesn't know what they're doing, I either let them escape cause I don't mind that much and maybe they could use a win today, or if I decide to kill them I at least let them get in some decent gametime first.
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If I keep running into the same survivor over and over again, I'll often cut them a break because they're either a baby or they're having a really unlucky match. If I catch someone constantly hiding in lockers or camping the hatch, well, that doesn't garner my sympathy. Hell, if it's down to two survivors and I see that one is working on gens but the other one seems to only be hiding, I'll target the hiding one. (Thank you, Whispers.) The one on gens is an easy mark, sure, but I'm not going to punish the active team player and reward the immersed one.
I may also give the last one the hatch/exit gate if they surrender. Depends on how the match went.
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This is true, because doing generators is the least rewarding action for survivors.
1 repaired generator = 80s = 1250bp
1 unhook = 1s = 1500bp (add BT and its safe)
1 heal = 16s = 500bp (without Botany or Med-kit)
1 broken totem = 14s = 1000/1500bp
1 pallet stun = 1000bp
1 hook sabotage (you can safely pick a corner hook and farm) = 500bp per hook
Also, reminder: the least rewarding action is the main objective. Remove it, if it is wrong.
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If a shirtless David is the last survivor and I have no challenge demanding him dead, he can escape.
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And? Being bad at a game isn't something sinful or anything.
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My way of flipping the bird to the entity on occasion.
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If they weren't teabaggers I'll let them leave.
Or random glitch i have. The last surv goes invisible if I'm spirit and I phased. At that point, I don't care.
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Problem is you're assuming it's a grudge against you until the end of the match killers have no idea who put in the most work it's strictly whoever happens to be the last person.
I don't do this precisely because of people like you the entitlement to "I did so much work I should get to escape my team was sooo bad" free escapes create entitled survivors. Either directly or indirectly
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Bad or new? With the current matchmaking you never know if it's your rank or brown one.
And after all, it's Christmas time so why not let go everyone :)
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It just has to do something with preference I guess.
I tend to go easier on people who are obviously not the best on the game and I most likely let a Nea or Dwight go if I'm in the mood.
I don't care about the skill level of someone if I let them go. If they played fair and didn't tbag, there's a chance I'll let the last one go. If I'm in the mood to let somebody go and one of the last two survivors is a Nea or Dwight, they are the chosen ones. If it's someone else, it's just gonna be the last one alive.
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Good players are sometimes very toxic. Newbies are not spoiled already, i love that.
Honestly, for me it's not the worst survivor, more the one that was the most special. For example, i played a match as demogorgon and everyone goes down like flies due to STBFL and M&A. Only a nea managed to loop me for two minutes and made really good plays on unsafe loops. So i slugged her, found the last survivor that even sandbagged the nea with picking her up to take a hit, and hooked him only to give dae gud nea the hatch.