Hillbilly "gamechanger" Ultrarare Addon

The hillbilly currently lacks a signifigant "Gamechange" addon, like Mint Rag, Tombstone, or Black Incense to really give them something new and powerful that takes their ability to a new level. So here I'll submit humbly two ideas that I don't believe would be too OP or too crazy and would fit right in with the Hillbilly as he exists.
Iridescent Mix: This Chainsaw oil is mixed with the very essence of the fog itself, immaterial and effervescent: Grants Undetectable While sprinting with the chainsaw, removing red stain and heartbeat This gives Hillbilly that wild moment of "HELLO FRIEND" that is so satisfying and forces an interesting new dynamic to the game for the Hillbilly.
The other in a similar vein is thus:
Iridescent Body: Metal in the body of the chainsaw blends and bends reality and the nothingness of the entity's realm granting Invisibility (Ala wraith) while chainsawing, but does NOT suppress heartbeat, merely obscures the hillbilly and his red stain while sprinting, giving him a serious movement advantage on open or wide maps where being able to see him coming would normally be a serious advantage. He would leave Invisibility either at the start of his swing, or IMO better at the end of it.
I think both of these give something new and fascinating to the Hillbilly that could really amp up his gameplay.
Invisible and undetectable billy.
No, that ain't broken at all 😂
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Silent Billy is scary as ######### of an idea! It might be broke and too much but it should get a ptb test.
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Demon Slashes: Deep gores in the body of the chainsaw fills the Hillbilly with a demonic bloodlust. Movement speed while chainsaw sprinting is tremendously increased, and the chainsaw is much quieter; increased charge time carries over from beast marks.
Viscous Chain: survivors downed/injured with the chainsaw suffer from the Oblivious status effect until fully healed; the hillbilly's chainsaw is significantly louder, and stuns from Collison last much longer.
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I don't think it would be, as long as you don't put in Both Addons. I'd be suggesting one OR the other. Either heartbeat/stain stealth while sprinting, OR invisibility while sprinting, NOT both. Both would be too crazy. Ultimately this is basically an idea to give more map pressure to a high pressure character, playing with Awareness, Neither makes him more dangerous IN a chase, but his Initiation of chases is Much more powerful. Ultimately I think it'll be pretty Meta-neutral. It wouldn't be changes to his "best" addons, which are almost unquestionably charge time addons, and neither add charge time, and I don't think they should take from it either, maybe negative to turn radius, or negative impact time, or even SLOWED charge speed.
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Absolutely not, he is already the easiest no skill killer and if anything he needs to be nerfed
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I don't know about Console, but on PC he's mid tier at best. I'm not scared of a hillbilly like I am a nurse, spirit, ghost face, or wraith. you can always see him coming, and with a little skill at looping he's about as dangerous as a slightly faster leatherface, which is to say, Not Very. in skilled hands he's reasonable IMO.
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undetectable billy is scary. especially with a noise reducer as well.
I love it.
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I'd probably say the first one, but either would be sick!
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The first one would be a nice addition and could mimic how tinkerer works. For the second one, I don't know if this would be healthy for the game. Your turning a non stealth killer into one which might be to strong especially with one shot capability.
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The first addon its balanced, but the second one..... basicaly a one shot down and faster killer
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I think that the first one would be more in line with his perks (tinkerer) instead of the second. I would be fine with the first only.