Sacrificing 4 survivors in the basement

Platform: PS4
Everytime I try to do this challenge, the basement is most of the time too far away when I down someone even with perks: Agitation, Iron grasp. They are running away from the basement on purpose. They get moried for laying on the ground for too long because the bleed out timer runs out. Survivors bodyblocking on purpose to not get hooked in the basement.
Almost the only solution I see working is to use Mad grit but it is a dlc killer perk. Survivors running to the corner of the map on purpose. When they get downed after wiggling out of killers grasp, they run to the corner again or somewhere away from the basement.
It's luck based. Some survivors just don't wiggle. :)
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Have you tried the Trapper build everyone has been talking about. Or you don't have Trapper buffed up. I don't but i have gotten that challenge a couple of times during the 'Use your weapon' challenge.
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No, I havent tried that build. I can maybe try it, but generators go so quickly or someone goes so far away from the basement as possible.