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How am i supposed to complete the sacrifice all 4 survivors in the basement????

i am rank 15 right now as killer, and even when im rank 8, 1/4 survivors will dc if i down them in the first minute or if i even come close to the basement, and once they even dced when i closed the hatch. we need the dc penalties on console and we needed them yesterday.


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  • Member Posts: 2,396

    You’ll have to keep trying. Eventually, you’ll get it. I haven’t done it yet, but read it’s probably best to use Trapper. Don’t go for the basement right away, try to hook each of the survivors once before you take them down there, and take the map into consideration. Attempt the challenge when you get a map that has the basement centrally located.

    Once you get someone in there, trap the crap out of the basement and anywhere leading to it. Make sure you run the perk that makes it harder from them to struggle from your grasp and the other one that lets you walk faster while you’re holding someone.

    If you try this at the beginning of the match, survivors will think you’re just trying to be toxic. Trying it after you hook each of them once and they have 2-3 generators done will give them a little sense of accomplishment.

    Some survivors also play killers and will understand you are doing a challenge.

    The other option is an Insidious basement camping Leatherface build.

  • Member Posts: 1,471

    Go Basement Trapper, much better than Basement Bubba. I used Monstrous Shrine, Agitation, NOED, and STBFL with Padded Jaws and Stitched Bag on Campbell's Chapel. Once one survivor came down to the Basement I hooked them and the rest immediately ran down, one got caught in one of my traps, the other got grabbed during the unhook animation, and the other was already injured so I downed them while the other was on my shoulder. I wish I saved a replay of that because it was absolutely magical to watch.

  • Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    Although the disadvantage of Insidious Leatherface is that most survivors will only fall for it once and after that will try to avoid it at all costs, which can make it a challenge to get them all into the basement once they realise they have no hope of ever getting out. I prefer Trapper for basement builds for that reason, because survivors tend to attempt basement rescues more against Trapper since they feel like they have more of a chance of getting out of there alive.

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    Basement trapper.

  • Member Posts: 599

    My best shot is a Hag with agitation and iron grasp (and something like ruin + STBFL), opportunities come all the time. Finished 3rd tome and 4th tome basements with relative ease.

    And yes, you just have to keep trying. At some point you'll get a group without pussies that can take a hit.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    I had a similar experience on my first attempt.

    I thought all was lost when I got my first basement hook (Nancy) after 4 generators had already been done. Basement was in shack, so I put a trap on the stairs, a trap at the window and a trap at each door. Then I walked away and waited for Territorial Imperative to pop.

    It didn't, but someone disarmed one of the doorway traps so I went back. The person who had disarmed the trap apparently got freaked out by their Bloody Coil injury and didn't go for the save. Instead, she jumped out the window and straight into another trap. Last generator popped as I picked up Jane out of the trap. Hooked Jane next to Nancy.

    Steve and Claudette arrived as I was hooking Jane. Claudette got caught in the trap on the stairs. Hit Steve (the only remaining healthy survivor) with NOED, then whacked Claudette as she escaped from the trap, and hooked them both.

    I wished I had recorded mine as well. They were quite nice about it in postgame, considering.

  • Member Posts: 323

    I did it with ghostface at Hawkins. The last survivor DCed but they DCed a little too late after I had hooked them in the basement (while EGC was about to finish). Literally lucked out

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    I did it with scratched mirror Michael on Lery's. I got lucky that the basement was in the theater in the center of the map, so with agitation and iron grasp I had no problem getting them in there.

    I was also fortunate that the survivors I got were not dc'ing little douches.

  • Member Posts: 1,493
    edited December 2019

    i feel it can be easily done, if DC penalties were apart of the game already, considering they're not its something i dont feel like trying because i will just become tilted. (on console)

  • Member Posts: 379

    Freddy with snares. He counters Borrowed Time

  • Member Posts: 988

    Play trapper, iron grasp, agitation, mad grit, deerstalker. Focus on keeping people around the basement but remember you only have to death hook them there. I would be gotten it first try, but someone DCed as I was about to death hook them and end the game. So I tried it again and got it on my second try instead.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    Im just going to play either billy or hag with both iron grasp and agitation to get people in the basement. If im having too much trouble ill camp with hag using MYC and her mint rag addon.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    You can't prevent survivors from dc'ing. That survivors can deny you completing the challenge by dc'ing is a major design flaw. I hope that the devs will at least change that for the next Tome challenges.

    You can just keep trying. (You can also ask the survivors if they want to farm with you for this challenge.)

  • Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2019

    Keep trying? Get better? We aren’t giving out participation trophies... become the beast, work your ass off! But I totally agree we need the DC penalties NOW! They already admitted that they don’t need dedicated servers to implement it... so I’m not sure what they are waiting for

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