We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

These challenges and Salty killers.


So like I know everyone has been complaining about the challenges left and right, but I finished all four levels of the archive and the rift rather easily. By finished I mean the rift is 100% done and I've made it to the epilogue square of all four levels of the archives.

Here is my question... Why when people complain about how hard some of these challenges are, do Killers continuously murder survivors when they are obviously trying to do one of the challenges? surely these people have had to do the challenges themselves or need to do the challenges themselves. Why not what the person get what they need and then kill them?

As killer I've had people run right up to me and point at the pallets and given the event going on right now it's obvious they either are working on the pallet dropping or the flash lighting so I've been more than willing to allow them to hit me with pallets or flash me with the flash light over the pallets. After all we kind of all are in this together in the sense we are all trying to accomplish a common goal... But are other people playing as killer not willing to do the same?

I've noticed survivors are much more accommodating in this type of matter. As killer if I am nice to them and let them go they generally are willing to let me farm and accomplish any of the killer challenges I need like the bear trap challenges...or the grabbing people off Gen challenges...I just think it would be nice to run into more killers that are willing to be nice like this. Obviously I'm not like expecting them to give up their points. I'm happy to get my challenge and die for crying out loud xD



  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    If I notice it, I will help them, but they won't do the same for me. I needed ONE more trap to finish level 2, they had wrecked me, so I saw a survivior at the gate. I set the trap, motioned to it, and walked to the other side of the map. She disarmed it and ran.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I farm for challenges that can't be done in a normal match. The other ones are a fun challenge imo.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2019

    I've actually thrown matches helping survivors get their challenges done; but if I encountered someone who demanded it or acted entitled to it like that I would probably kill them anyways. The killer doesn't owe the survivors the challenge, if they want to play the game like normal that is 100% in their right and fine to do so.

    Also I've never had survivors help me with my killer challenges, not once, even if I help them as soon as I try and do any of my part they will all stop farming me and go full try hard mode. Usually I can't even get that far unless they are SWF, solo survivors never clue in so they will full try all game. So it isn't like it's killer's being "Salty" by that logic survivors are "Salty" too for playing the game.

  • JereBear
    JereBear Member Posts: 30

    I've been working on some of these challenges since the beginning like I can't use a flashlight for crap. All I need are two blindings. I don't care if I died after. But what gets me is that there are killers that deliberately like avoid helping out. Like for instance with this challenge it's very obvious what I'm trying to do... I'm not trying to run away I don't even try and wiggle when they pick me up. I'm just dropping a pallet in front of them and trying to flashlight them. The last two killers have literally turn their heads to the side and stood there until my flashlight drained and then tunneled me throughout the rest of the match.

    I'm not expecting like miracles... Or even to get my challenge and escape... It just would be nice to get somebody occasionally who isn't deliberately impeding my progress just because they can. 😬

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2019

    I had a Myers signal us to farm because he wanted his grabs. Dude then gets EW3 and slugs 3 of us to try and get a cheeky 4k. If he wasn't an awful killer he could have just won the game right there but we managed to recover and 4e.

    So no I'm not interesting in helping a killer farm for the challenges.

  • JereBear
    JereBear Member Posts: 30

    See but that is completely not what I'm saying. I'm talking about the killers that are aware of what's happening and do anything and everything they can to prevent other people from completing their challenges. That's not 'playing the game' that's just being toxic. Like I'm not asking for people to even make it easy for me in hindsight...I'm just asking that you don't deliberately go out of your way to make it impossible. Like the spirit I just finished with realized what I was trying to do and refused to deal with me for the rest of the match. They wouldn't even come near me. Yes I escaped...but they deliberately let me go so that I wouldn't have an opportunity to flashlight them a second time.

  • JereBear
    JereBear Member Posts: 30

    See I'm sorry that's just as bad. Like...I genuinely go around and help people with their challenges whether I'm a survivor or a killer. I don't then try and screw them all over after getting what I need. if I'm a killer doing challenges I'm happy to let the survivors that help me go and if I'm a survivor doing challenges I'm happy to die afterwards.

    Hell I don't even necessarily I want people to help me do my challenges for say I just don't want people to outright make it impossible by like avoiding me (when I'm a survivor) or something like that. You don't want to help that's fine but you don't need to deliberately be a jerk :/ so I'm really sorry that happened to you.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179
    edited December 2019

    Survivors much more accommodating that's rich 🤣

    Survivors are dobbit accomdate anything in this game hardly ever unless they do poorly then they leave their arms and beg for free bp like peasants .but if they are running bully simulator 2.0 then they don't care about the killer experience. It's all about how well they are doing

    That being said I have completed the whole thing and I don't think cooperation from either side is need to get them done, the only thing that usually hinders killer challenges is DCs

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    i mean if u play in rank 20 are all easy the problem is to do most in rank 1.

  • That is toxic I agree- yet survivors have been doing that actively to me too.

    Thing is how do you know they know? There is no communication. For all you know they just were scared of your flashlight, did you have flashlight challenge in your name or something? If you did I would help you, but if you didn't and others has flashlights I would probably grab lightborn and never let you stun me; because I wouldn't know but all I see is potential for a frustrating game of constant stuns.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2019

    Except that majority of killers play like jerks to get their challenges. Sorry I'm not going to hand you a challenge. Just like I'm not going to hand you an achievement. I'm not going around begging killers to let me get my challenge, I earned them like you're supposed to.

    If you are doing the basement challenge you are going to play like a jerk. If I notice you have Iron Grasp and Agi and going for basement all the time, I'm going to stay as far away from the basement as possible. Don't get mad at me for playing to win. Get mad at the devs for making stupid challenges.

    No one, and I mean NO ONE at red ranks is going to let you get your challenges. You have to earn them. If the killer is legit nice and messages me before the game to farm I might, but I also might just dodge the lobby.

  • JereBear
    JereBear Member Posts: 30

    Based on the fact that they will either avoid me for the rest of the match or tunnel me to death honestly it's probably just my assumption that I have. Like to me if somebody isn't trying to run away, stays in one spot and continues to try and flashlight you even as your injuring them... I would automatically assume they were doing a challenge. But I didn't think of changing my name I could try that and see if that helps thank you for the tip!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2019

    I dunno, I've had so many trolly SWF that I usually assume they are going to do something like sprint burst before the second hit and run me around while their friends do gens. I can't read minds, and killer can't even just change their name like Survivors can to help get a message across.

    My advice if your name says "Need Flashlight Stuns" and they do that, THEN you can be certain lol.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Padded jaws seems to be code for trying to complete rift. It doesn't injure the survivor.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,518

    Isn't working wit the opposite side a bannable offense?

  • shadowman0105
    shadowman0105 Member Posts: 261

    That is probably the hardest kick to the nuts I’ve seen in recent memory

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    To the OP - if you haven't noticed, the killer and survivor challenges are pretty much in direct opposition of each other. Even then, this is a two way street. Do you know how many survivors are running things like flip flop, unbreakable, and any other wiggle perks just to not be hooked in the basement?

    This isn't killer specific.

  • shadowman0105
    shadowman0105 Member Posts: 261

    Only if it’s to gain a advantage. If all survivors are okay with it then it’s fine

  • Nunya_Nunyabiz
    Nunya_Nunyabiz Member Posts: 30

    I'll be brutally honest: its not my job to help.

    I know I sound rude, but if others can do it so can you

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    I help out killers that take the time to message me before the match or invite me to a party to let me know that they're trying to do a challenge. A lot of the time, I'm under the impression that the Killer will deceive me to get a hook or a kill once a match begins so I run away when I see one motioning. I haven't had any killers that I haven't spoken to before a match show me any mercy so, why would I show any?

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2019

    Ah, the ole "This side is evil, unlike my side"

    A tale as old as time

    It's not anyone's job on either side to "accommodate" anyone. I want to play the game, not spend every game I play analyzing who may be doing what challenge and help them. If it's not at the detriment to myself, then sure, I will.

    As a spin on what you've said, in my experience survivors very rarely ever help me with just about anything, unless they themselves want something. You're expected to do all of these things so that survivors have a good time, but survivors are generally just ruthless and never give me any lol

  • Mjra
    Mjra Member Posts: 50

    Surprisingly enough, some people actually play this game for gameplay... shocking I know.

    In all seriousness though if someone doesn't want to farm with you accept that ######### and move on. Sometimes I'm in a ######### mood and just want to enjoy the game and farming is the exact opposite of that.

    Also hot take the 4th level was easier than the previous two levels

  • JereBear
    JereBear Member Posts: 30

    I'm not specifically asking for people to help me complete my challenges. I'm just saying that there's no reason to be completely toxic when people are obviously trying to complete them. Like at somebody else's suggestion I changed my name to reflect which challenge I was working on and that made the situation worse. Killers and survivors alike seemed to take that as an invitation to deliberately thwort me at every single turn. Even people on my own team when I was playing as survivor would see me going for things along with my name change and deliberately Sprint off in front of me to cut me off sometimes even using perks that they could be saving to use against the killer to increase their speed so that they could beat me into what I was trying to do.

    I'm just asking for common courtesy. Like don't body block me from doing #########, don't be an arse just for the sake of it.

    Once again I'm not asking for people to let me farm. I'm just asking for people to not be toxic dicks. Going and playing the game is one thing but seeing my name change and tunneling me from the beginning of the match until I die and camping me on every hook so I can't do what I'm trying to do is something else.

    Having my teammates refused to rescue me off of hooks because my name change makes it obvious I'm trying to do a goal? It's something else.

    I also like most people completed the fourth level of the rift rather easily, at this point I'm going back and getting things that are harder for me specifically like getting flashlight blinds. Doing this particular challenge seems to be the hardest at least from where I'm standing because now that I've changed my name to express my need for those it seems my teammates have just automatically assumed that I'm going to spend the entire match trying to get them and thus don't rescue me when I get hooked. Likewise The Killers will deliberately avoid me until they can get me down and then face camp me on each hook until I die.

    I'm not saying it's killer specific. I'm just saying that from my perspective I have happened had good luck when doing my killer challenges. I've ran into survivors whenever I've had a particularly challenging killer challenge willing to allow me to complete it in exchange for letting them go. Some have even been so grateful for the farming that they have deliberately stayed and let themselves die during the end-game collapse. That being said I have ran into toxic survivors as well that just don't give a crap about anybody else. If it seems like I'm just bashing killers that isn't my intention, I just happen to have had less toxic survivors than I have had toxic killers. I'm not a main on either side... I play both equally and I'm aware of the problems that both sides have.