Nurses kill rate has dropped even more

According to @Almo her kill rate for all platforms all maps is now 43.9% which is a 3 to 4% drop for all platforms. Id be interested in seeing her kill rate on PC and in Red ranks has that also dropped or stayed the same. It would also be interested in her pick rate now vs pre addon/basekit rework.
If I need tbh nurse's kill rate dropped cause they increased their skillcap cause she was easy af to play with addons, you just had to play for a complete day and you already are decent playing her and say welcome to the 4k party.
And if I remember most nurses I faced relied on omega blink or 3 blinks so since they nerfed those addons all of them quit playing nurse.
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I won't deny that. I played nurse with range addons for a long time (not omega, but still). Then I switched to base nurse (no addons) and she was terrible at first against decent survivors. Then I got used to her. After a while I realised that she was a monster even without addons. Now she is just unfun af.
They wanted to change her just "slightly". This minor changes took everything from her lol. She is still good tho, but boring to play imo. That second cooldown (Fatique is a cooldown I think) is just too much.
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By that logic all the noobs quit playing her and her kill rate should be going up not going down. Also omega is still in the game if you use the addons for it.
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So its time for people to learn her again instead of complaining on the forums
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She is still the best in the right hands
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Well, the thing is we dont balance around fun, cause if this were the case the game would be a unbalanced mess.
She's still S tier, but I wouldn't mind if they reduced the cooldown, but the cooldown is needed cause she has just a slightly fatigue for failing.
Her power is supossed to be High risk/High Reward
Without the cooldown it would be Medium-Low risk/High reward.
Still as I mentioned I wouldn't mind them reducing the cooldown, somehow nurse is fun to play against for me (If she's not doing scummy plays, slugging or using overpowered perks)
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The good nurses still 4k, the killrate is low because people havent grasped the new timings
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I don't think it's add-ons change that drives them away. It's the painful cooldown. Before nerf, I played nurse without add-ons, and I actually had fun even I lose.
But now, i'm frustrating even I 4k (1 game out of 10 I guess) because I need to sweat so much. It's so stressful that I can't even enjoy my free time with this game because every mistake I make punishes me so much.
This is a casual game, not a competitive game. We play this game for fun. I'm not gonna waste my time to train myself for hundreds or thousands of hours just to be a good nurse
Don't get me wrong. I agree with add-ons change, but they should never touch her basekit. That way I can still enjoy playing her
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Scrubs can't play Nurse, what else is new.
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You dont get it.
If X item get nerfed which like 50% of people use and is overpowered and they rely on that item to win, what will happen? the kill rate will obviously decrease, cause it was reeeallllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy common to see a nurse using omega blink or a 3/5 blinks build...
And yeah it is still in game but with conditions
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She's the killer with the highest potential and also the killer with the highest skill floor.
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I somehow agree with you, but being able to go trough map in seconds and ignoring survivors defenses should been heavily punished.
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Like I said. She's still good. I personally just don't like playing her. And honestly I haven't seen one good nurse since the changes came online. I'm not denying there are good nurses... I just haven't seen any of them.
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It's not the same though. It used to have the meme of a downside that was "blink accuracy" and as a result massively messed with the charge-range ratio. You could get as far as a base blink with less charge time. The new range extenders maintain the charge-range ratio and simply gives the player a higher "charge cap" - they can charge for longer than base to go further than base.
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Oh someone needs to fix that to 4k average for "killer fun" Tm
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Omega Blink is still and thing and anyways that's not what this post is about so lets keep it on topic please.
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Im in topic?
Im just giving you a example cause I said you dont understand..?
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Nurse got trippled nerfed. Her cooldown, dedicated servers, and the sound issues right now make countering Nurse ridiculously easy.
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Sound issues affect every killer.
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She is not S Tier in the slightest. If you whiff a hit and a survivor has half a brain they can literally run straight and the Nurse can't catch them ever again within reason (if the map was larger i may of not been able to ever). Me and a friend tested this in a KYF on Thompson's House. Not only that how her blink is set up now with you being able to see her before blink ends any average to above average player can dodge her quite easily and don't get me started on the people who could loop a Nurse before that rework.
While i 100% agree she needed a nerf a lot of it was her addons needed the rework. Additional blinks, OmniBlink's were Overpowered and carried a lot of Bad Nurse's. How they actually nerfed her was actually went from both a viable and fun killer on both sides (depending if you enjoyed playing against and looping her). To a semi viable killer who's frustrating to play and easy to counter (provided the survivor is average to above average).
Anyone who say's she is still the best probably has yet to play any good survivors or drop the double recharge addon's. While you can be good with her in the current form because she can blink through objects that alone won't make her the best killer. Any survivor who is Hindered by there own power I.E Legion may get some kill's, but the average for kill's will never be good.
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Her map pressure is heavily nerfed..
About ignoring survivors defenses, survivors still have defenses, but not pallets and windows like usual. It's the line of sight. It's very hard to predict good survivors if they're out of LOS, especially with cooldown which gives them more time to stay out of LOS
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A day to be good with her. Okay buddy, you keep thinking that. Maybe with omega blink, but as she is now? No.
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The thing is that's how it's supossed to be.
A extremely high reward with a extremely punishment cause remember, she can go trough the map in seconds and ignore pallets/windows...
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Can you elaborate an argument...?
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Aren't you on console though...?
Console Nurse and PC Nurse are 2 very different things.
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She's still one of the best in map pressure anyways.
And here's where it comes the typical nurse build with I'm all ears..
Most nurses use anti-stealth perks which make it close to imposible from hiding, and stealth isn't the best playstyle in this days...
And most maps doesn't has decent LOS blockers (and yes im talking to you azarov's and coldwind)
But yes that's a playstyle, but once you face a great/good nurse she will destroy you
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I mean, powerful or not, I as a former Nurse main find her straight up unfun to play now. I don't enjoy having to wait twice after using my power every time. I've completely dropped the character since I just don't enjoy her anymore. I can still 4k with her without add ons, just like I used to, but it's extremely frustrating and just not rewarding anymore. I know I'm not the only one who feels that way either as there'e been multiple people saying more or less the same thing I have around here. So, if even a small percent of the "good nurse" population have stopped playing her, we'd see the numbers we have.
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Pallets and windows are not the only defences survivors have.
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What's the other then? stealth?
that old unviable thing which devs keep nerfing every patch adding anti-stealth builds and making maps more brighter?
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I mentioned this to you before i believe, but just a reminder i play both PC and PS4. Well not now that my PS4 died need to send that into Sony *rolls eyes*. I started on PS4 then moved to PC, but with dedicated servers went back to PS4. Now im back on PC with a new account for reason that are in another thread of mine xD
It's not High Risk/High Reward if it's physically impossible after a failure thanks to that punishment at that point it becomes High Risk/Extreme Punishment. If the Nurse still had the possibility to regain a situation while chasing a survivor by boosting her M/S to either 100% or 105%. I don't want her overpowered again, but i wouldn't mind it if she still had the ability to do something. The biggest issue is the fact her ability is both her Movement and her primary source of attack which leaves you incredibly at a disadvantage.
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Developers intensify the sound occlusion, made the chasemusic louder, made footsteps quieter. And with the recent sound "bugs" (which coincidently keep coming back) you get basekit Iron Will ontop of that. Stealth got buffed to a ridiculous level.
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Let's just wait to them fix the sound bug and see how stealth will be garbage.
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We arent balancing around fun now? Can you really say that after Legion changes and the upcoming Doctor changes?
Or you mean "we are only balancing around fun when its the Survivors' fun".
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Doctor changes is more a QoL change for low ranks, which I dont agree with, but he's not destroyed and devs just hate legion at this point.
But still, what do nurse's main mean with "fun" cause fun is subjective for everyone..
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I came here asking the Dev's if they would share some updated stats not to argue for or against buffs to nurse. But you have posted 10 of 33 comments please stop spamming this post I appreciate your stance on the nurse.
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Im not spamming this.
If you know what spamming is:
Im debating with someone else which is arguing with me, which is the point of why this forum exist, everyone is able to give their POV and no one can stop that.
Thank you.
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When all of the baby nurses quitted playing her why is the kill rate so low now?
Just try to learn her on red ranks, she's kinda weak without two specific addons (CD) and a godlike nurse player in control.
EDIT: Just saw there are survivors in this thread, that think pallets and windows are the only defenses against nurse. Please guys. Stop it.
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"she's kinda weak without two specific addons"
just imagine that omg
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Are you playing nurse on r1? No? Try it then.
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Do you have any proof of this, or are you just talking out your butt?
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Nurse is terrible with the cool down in a chase. You have two blinks and there's that. Also useless to move about the map since when you actually find someone you have to wait for the cool down before you can start the chase. I actually started enjoying the challenge of her basekit before the nerf but now... Useless
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Maybe it dropped because of the people who were absuing Omega Blink can't do sh** with her now. I play Nurse and still dominate. I guess she is bad.
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That has yet to be seen after her nerfs.
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Obviously the latter, the other person that argues that nurse has high map pressure has no clue what she talks about either. Nurse has a little less map pressure than a 115% ms killer so imagine having the same map pressure as a bubba. Yet somehow some people have no clue how to play as nurse or against nurse.
Made up arguments by people who do not play the killer and dont play against it. Nurse is in the dumbster so unfun that every other killer feels better to play as.
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Actually they balance around fun, just that it is balanced around survivor fun cause we cant have that they actually have to do anything regarding skill. That is why it is so easy to rank up as a survivor and why even red ranks are filled with potatoes who have no clue what to do. If you go against potatoes fine, go against good survivors and nurse suffers the same problems as all others.
One of the best in map pressure? In what dream world do you live in? She traverses the map slower than a 115%ms killer how is that close to being the best in map pressure?
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I have this friendt that mains nurse, and it took him about 5 kill your friends to get the timings again
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I have 3 friends that main nurse and played her for thousands of hours, that tried the rework and said she is still fine you just can't ######### up a thousand times anymore. And also for you to talk like that you must have evidence about everything right?
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It already has to me at least. I have friends on steam that used to main her and most streamers that can hit the blinks say she is fine. Hit your blinks
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She is way too hard to use now.
I do not expec to invest extra hundred of hours to get to "acceptable" level again and I will get better results with silent bell wraith anyway.
With current sounds that are sometimes glitched to ######### and you can't hear anyone ever you are actually guessing where survivor is and then you have dedicated lag and ghost hits so... bye bye nurse.
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The proof is all over the forums that the nurse is under powered. The severe lack of whining from survivors complaining about nurse being op or unfair just shows that she is a pushover now.
When survivors are silent about a killer, it means they are not viable.