Should they get rid of all the "Complete in a single Trial" challenges

ask anyone and 99% of the people who say they ENJOY not mind or think its not that hard but genuinely ENJOY dealing these challenges.
For #3, as example for the Dark Senses challenge they could also add a second objective on it that you could complete over time like complete 15 generators using the perk Dark Sense in as many trails as it takes, this would allow you to try and complete the 4 gens in a single trial using dark sense, but also allow you to complete it over time so it doesn't take you more than 20 matches to complete. (you would only have to complete one of these for the challenge to be completed)
Should they get rid of all the "Complete in a single Trial" challenges 75 votes
Leave it as it is #GetGudKid
The dark senses challenge is a bad example as it is just a bit too hard as a challenge. Just lower the requirements, 3 gens on level 3 were fine. Other than that I think there should be a "challenge" if you complete challenges, not just grinding.
The only way I would see for option 3 with alternatives would be to design the challenge hard on purpose (and then just once per level) and give more bloodpoints if you manage to achieve the master part.
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Maybe on these challenges, add a second possible way to complete the challenge (see example in desc)
Some are fine.
But some, like 4 sacrifices in basement, can depend on survivors not dc. This is not right.
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Leave it as it is #GetGudKid
Looks like your 99% stat is busted. 99% of statistics are false 😉
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Leave it as it is #GetGudKid
These are the ONLY fun challenges. I wish all of them were "complete in a single trial"...
I hate grind
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Leave it as it is #GetGudKid
Ah, the king of loaded poll options is at it again 😋 #GetGudKid
I can say with all honesty that I genuinely enjoy master challenges. In fact, that might even be an understatement. They're the only ones I really have any fun with.
I'm dying (no pun intended) for more challenges that are actually worthy of being called such.
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Maybe on these challenges, add a second possible way to complete the challenge (see example in desc)
The ONLY one I want to see gone is dark sense. The rest are actually pretty reasonable. So I’m close to saying #getgudkid, but that one challenge is stopping me.
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Maybe on these challenges, add a second possible way to complete the challenge (see example in desc)
Depends on the challenge. Dark sense one is an example of being too difficult / lucky for a one trial stipulation.
I also generally dislike EGC challenges that must be done in a single trial as well.
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Maybe on these challenges, add a second possible way to complete the challenge (see example in desc)
I think most of them are fine, but especially for things like the 4 in the basement, it should either have an alternative or just be easier. I think that in general the challenges should encourage healthy play, or at the very least not be dependent on other players. That's the problem with 6 feet under or the Dark Sense one, you need survivors to cooperate.
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Leave it as it is #GetGudKid
Keep them as they are. I finished Level 4. It came out on Wednesday. This is way too fast, people have 3 weeks for those challenges, they dont need to complete those which need to be done in one Trial on their first attempt.
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Maybe on these challenges, add a second possible way to complete the challenge (see example in desc)
I actually like the way they are right now. The reason I chose 3 over 2 is that there are too many factors for the challenges: a good map with good teammates and/or bad opponents can make these challenges really easy while a tough map against good players can make them incredibly hard and even a single DC can make quite a few challenges literally impossible to complete.
An alternate way to slowly complete the challenge would be a good way to guarantee that you don't just get outplayed by bad luck while still keeping them how they are right now if you want to complete them somewhat efficiently.
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Maybe on these challenges, add a second possible way to complete the challenge (see example in desc)
i like them too, but it shouldnt take me 20 trials to complete, or 1 if i have a swf group to help me
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Leave it as it is #GetGudKid
Just came back from completing them, and i say "No" even moreso than before.
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Leave it as it is #GetGudKid
The only challenge I havent done or not trying to do is the dark sense survivor challenge. I didnt know I could earn the Level completion reward by doing all killer challenges, I dont think you need to do all of them to collect the reward. You just do all the challenges in the row till you get to the Epilogue at the end and collect reward.
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Leave it as it is #GetGudKid
Honestly, those are some of the easier ones if you approach them the right way. Some need a little luck, but in general I prefer the Master Challenges actually.
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Leave it as it is #GetGudKid
They're fine as it is, I was pretty lucky to finish the dark sense challenge in one game, because most my team was distracting the killer whilst I finished the four gens by my self.
But it's good to have a challenge even if its nearly impossible to beat, I don't think they should take away the single trial because it could make it way too easy, the only way to do some of these challenges like dark sense, is to find a SWF group, see if anyone in your games would like to co operate and help one another complete the tasks.
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DESTROY ALL OF THESE "complete in a single trial" CHALLENGES
Some of the single trial challenges are not that bad, but others are a pain. For people who have a limited amount of time to play a day, like me, it's frustrating to play like 2 or 3 days and still not being able to get past the same challenge because we were unlucky time after time.
Fix 4 gens using Dark Sense, for example. I fix 3 gens, then the killer comes, chases me. Everyone fixes the last 2 gens while I am in a chase. Or I fix 2 gens, everyone is getting downed, so I have to go save them and they keep getting downed, so there is no way to complete the challenge in that trial. Or the killer spends the whole match after me, not letting me fix at all. Or after fixing 3 gens, the match is going bad for the killer, so it decides to DC and screw me over.
All of these have happened to me and yes, I have completed that challenge, but it was an example of how things can go bad and so the challenge gets frustrating. I would rather have the challenge be fix 10 gens using Dark Sense, but I could do it over several matches. Even if I only completed like 2 gens per match, I would at least feel I had made some progress, instead of none.
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Maybe on these challenges, add a second possible way to complete the challenge (see example in desc)
As long as they do not hinder progress to the end of the Tome level, keep them as they are. Leave them as "Challenges" at the end of a Node for the completionists!
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Maybe on these challenges, add a second possible way to complete the challenge (see example in desc)
Well, is not about being hard, it's about being luck based... I did the one that recquires to sacrifice every surv in the basement, but just one of them that DC and goodbye challenge. So until the DC penalty is implemented I suggest... changing the master challenges or removing them.
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They should get rid of the 4 gens with Dark Sense and 4 sacrifices in the basement, they are pretty much luck based, especially the 4 gens. Or at least reduce the number to 3 for both.
The rest are ok.
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Leave it as it is #GetGudKid
But the dark sense 4 gen was f**king BS and I got really lucky my 3rd attempt.
Maybe it's ez if you are SWF, but I'm solo queue.
Be at 4/5 of the finished gens.... really? Are you f**king kidding me? 😡