General Discussions

General Discussions

We talked so long about Spirit and Nurse problem, and we looked at, when this is far worse..

Member Posts: 426
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

But i guess it's fine to have maps like this, and when you find survivors with a brain, who know how to abuse them you can't chase anyobody right? :) yeah it doesn't happens everytime, but guess what? it happens more than you think that when i'm playing at grim pantry or ironwork, i chase survivors and their direction is immediately at the infinite..the others maps mentioned in this videos are as just as bad, you don't even need to be good, just smart enough. I'm always all in for the balance, i agree that nurse needed to be tweaked same as spirit.. but then this still exist.. nice job


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  • Member Posts: 928

    There are also some ridiculous windows that can spawn at the coal tower and at the pit of suffocation.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    Most of the maps favor survivors to a hilarious degree if they know the layout and know how to run the structures. Hawkins and Sanctum are new and arguably killer sided, so that has been a nice change of pace. Something like Lerys has a couple busted loops, but maps like Haddonfield, Ormond, or Crotus Prenn don't even pass the initial sniff test in terms of balance intent.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    I agree with Scott that some maps are just painful with how they spawn and certain windows need to be addressed for sure along with those walls as they can be overpowered for both sides.

    We do have to be careful with rng though and while the strongest should never spawn together if there was more of a set pattern then the loops start to become known with no bad parts on maps and survivors can use that to their advantage even more. It's a hard one imo but one that does certainly need looked at and tweaked.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    Personal experience I guess. I have yet to have anyone escape through the gates on that map. Not many pallets and the gen spacing is pretty favorable if you don't lose the one up top early

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Only reason I hate it is because it is SUPER dark. It’s bad when I also passed a Kate in her USA top hiding in the bamboo. I literally can see in front of my face sometimes. Guess I’m just blind. I get stuck on rocks I can’t even see.

    I hated Yamaoka before but now it’s even worse.

    Plus having a long wall connected to shack is terrible. Reminds me of Thompson House.

    It’s far from killer sided :/

  • Member Posts: 928

    Yeah, I wish they made Sanctum of Wrath as dark as Yamaoka State. The map honestly looked much better on the teaser.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    I should mention that I have a "gaming mode" on my monitor that balances blacks, so the map isn't that dark to me. It cranks the really dark colors up and makes the brighter colors stand out more. Probably a built in advantage due to my monitor.

  • Member Posts: 749

    I do agree with Scott that the map layouts are certain maps are pretty awful, but I think they aren't the worse thing.

    Being able to chain loops is something only really good survivors to can do well, and if you aren't at that level you might think that these maps aren't much of a problem. And they really aren't until you do get survivors that really good at the game, which is pretty rare. That is why map design in my opinion it is the 2# worst problem.

    I think I the worst problem dbd has is definitely the God windows ( Yes I do know he talks about it in the video, I just classify it as its own thing as it's a completely different issue ). God windows can be abused by any rank survivor as its literally just using the same window over and over. They make certain maps an absolute pain to deal with if survivors use them correctly. They also make loops nearly even more frustrating, as you will have abandon chase right after eating a pallet or making a mistake.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    If it's early in the match, I usually follow them so I can kick everything... saves time later

  • Member Posts: 1,300

    I mostly play killer and I head straight to the buildings when I'm a survivor all of them or at least the majority are strong

  • Member Posts: 1,300

    Sanctum of wraith is a big map with lots of obstacles and its the newest map too I'm not going to set my expectations very high

  • Member Posts: 50

    Trapper: Show time!

  • Member Posts: 426
    edited December 2019

    @TheRoyalOwl you don't even need to be good to chain loops, you only need to be smart.. let's be real, survivors skillcap is not that high, what does make the difference then it's the coldness in certain situation..

    The sad thing is that even Badham is bad, wich got reworked early, not for the pallet, but for the 2 god buildings, school and the house.. i don't like to be that killer main, but it's clearly that their priority is for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 426

    Also i agree with @Blueberry i mean ######### we got freddy and a map reworked in 2 years, now doctor.. well let's just wait for all survivors to become good, or killer main to quit the game, until these maps will get reworked.. 2025 maybe?... oh god

  • Member Posts: 35

    I don't know about you guys but when I play killer I don't have a problem with infinites as there not so hard to end and insane asylum just learn how to mind game survivors which can also be said about infinites

    There really isn't a survivor sided map killers just don't know how end loops or decide which survivor to chase.

    Dislcaimer: I do play Freddy alot so that's probably why I'm good at ending loops teehee

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    I wanna see you mindgame the god loops, make videos against good survivors who are actually not braindead.

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    People have been saying maps were an issue since day one and it only took the devs 3 years to realise that.

  • Member Posts: 16,670
    edited December 2019

    Coal Tower is ok, because the Map is so small. Sure, the Tower is good for Survivors, but not such a big problem.

    Regarding Suffocation Pit, this Window is not really the biggest problem. The middle part is way more problematic, there are like 5 or 6 structures back to back. Sure, a Potato-Survivor is catched easily there, but you will not be able to catch a good Survivor in the Middle.

  • Member Posts: 651

    If only the map designers didn't think "long-wall loops" are good for killers. Matt Walker you hack.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Half of these loops just force survivors to run the opposite direction to break the loop. Or equip Bamboozle.

  • Member Posts: 432

    Well, I know it is surv sided but I totally hate it while playing surv, can't find any pallet and get stuck with everything -_- and as killer is just a pain

  • Member Posts: 28

    Survivor definitely have a very high skill cap... it does take skill, you just may notice it when watching them. Its like watching a professional speed runner, its looks easy but it takes a lot of practice and work. I will admit some killers have a much a higher skill cap but to say survivors dont need to be good is very bias.

    And yes, there are some braindead loops with not much counter but only 3 or 4 I'd say.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Even after all this time the devs still don't know how to design maps lol.

  • Member Posts: 426
    edited December 2019

    @TBfishy i play both sides, survivor does take skill, but it' s nowhere near, billy, huntress, nurse or demo level, or also a strategic hag or trapper.. if you find a good killers most of time it's 50-50 mindgame, it does not take skill to look your sorround, know where to loop, where to go next or doing the extra loops with dead hard for distance, that's why it's just a cold blood thing

  • Member Posts: 28

    Agree, those doble pallets are insane, if you optimese the chase on those 2 pallets is all the game lmfao

  • Member Posts: 7

    I think that there are barely any pallets on that map. And with the ######### matchmaking, you'll get people that waste the only 3 safe pallets on the map instantly.

  • Bad Killers. Survivors should only be able to run in a straight line

    Good Survivors and Killers. Stop chasing our scratch marks and use LOS to mind game

    Bad Killers. Wahhhh

    That somes up this thread

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