4 man basement challenge is dumb

Herbalyte Member Posts: 45
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

I've been trying to get this challenge for 2 hours now and after 8 games of 3-manning with the last one either dc'ing, running to the other side of the map until they bleed out or EGC claims them,...

This challenge is just stupid as #########. Survivors know what I'm doing and they are not going to grant me this challenge. This community is toxic AF so who in their right mind would make a challenge that requires survivor's cooperation?


  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited December 2019

    I was able to do the four man basement challenge on my first try.

    My strategy was to use BBQ, Iron Grasp, Agitation, Whispers on Leatherface.

    I was fortunate to get Macmillan, Suffocation Pit. What I did was just ignore patrolling the gens on the opposite side of the map to the basement which forced the survivors to be near the basement. But you can do this strategy on other maps such as Arazov's Resting Place, and Coal Tower is also a good map to do this challenge as it's easier to get survivors to the Basement where ever.

    Despite playing as Leatherface I didn't camp.

    Also what rank killer are, how experienced are you as a killer as with most killer games you got to play smart and have some sort of game plan.

    EDIT: To add with this challenge think like how a survivor would think, as a survivor main if I'm playing against killers such as the Trapper, Hag, Leatherface, I will do my best to avoid looping near the basement. If you're getting a lot of disconnects it would be due to your play style, are using tunneling and camping strategies.

    Or it could just be that you made it too obvious of what you are trying to do, and some survivors will disconnect just to prevent you from completing the challenge.

  • Herbalyte
    Herbalyte Member Posts: 45

    I have no difficulty GETTING the survivors my problem is survivors dc'ing or using tactics that dont allow me to hook them in the basement at the end. If they've placed themselves out of basement range they bleed to death by jumping of my shoulder and getting downed while they rush to the safe corner and if they are in range they just dc before i can even pick them up. This is not me not having enough "skill" to manage 4 people in the basement but rather people being unsportsmanlike.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    Sounds like you're making it too obvious of that's what you're trying to do. As mentioned in my previous post, you got to think they like a survivor would. Whilst this strategy is highly map depended if you go into the game focused on patrolling the gens on the basement side. The survivors are then forced to go to the basement side of the map if they have a chance of winning the game.

    When I did mine it was against an experienced group of four SWF.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    It must be frustrating. A lot of the challenges depend on the behaviour of other players

    I was lucky as I did the 5 hooks with Agitation challenge, and did this in the process. First time too.

    And when I actually did go for the 4 sacrifices in the basement in one match challenge, I did it first time as well.

    I did the 4 gens with Dark Sense challenge on my first match of the day...but unfortunately I had de-selected the challenge. Luckily I managed to get it a few games later.

    Thankfully I have done all the challenges and am not purchasing Premium again. So my swear jar should be a lot more empty next year.

  • MegHead_97
    MegHead_97 Member Posts: 12

    I had two people dc two games in a row while having 3 hooked in the basement, there's no hiding the fact that you what to hook them in the basement unless their not smart.

    Both survivors at the end send me messages laughing at the fact they ruined my challenge, at end of the day you only get lucky if survivor don't DC.

    Ps. I was playing trapper much harder then bubba in my opinion.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    It's a challenge. Its not supposed to be EASY.

    Dont focus on it. Play your game. If you're in a position to basement hook, do it.

    But planning EVERY game you play around a single, NON TIME LIMITED challenge, is stupid and will only frustrate you, and everyone else complaining about the time challenges.

    They are, and I repeat this, NOT TIME SENSETIVE, CHALLENGES.

    Not time sensetive: they will never go away.

    Challenge: something difficult or requiring skill to overcome a difficult task. Something to be EARNED through trial and error, luck, or obtained skill.

  • Herbalyte
    Herbalyte Member Posts: 45

    Have you even read my post? Survivors DC'ing is literally making this impossible and no amount of skill could prevent this and that's what I mean. And I have to focus on it or it'll never work before the pass ends as I never get all 4 basement sacrifices coincidentally. Again, I've had TONS of games where I could have had a 4 man basement if survivors didnt resort to either dc'ing or waiting at the opposite side of the map. Like I said, when within range they dc and when outside of basement range they just wait to get claimed by the entity. It's petty and quite unsportsmanlike imo. And the challenge is EASY if only people werent such ######### in this community.

  • Herbalyte
    Herbalyte Member Posts: 45

    Oh and it IS time limited if you want to tier up your Battle Pass.

  • Herbalyte
    Herbalyte Member Posts: 45

    I feel like trapper is easier because people tend to go for the bait more as there is no instakill on trapper.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    It seems like the biggest problem is that so many people dc just to deny the killer the challenge. This has nothing to do with "easy" or "hard", it's a huge design flaw and completely out of the killer's control.

  • Herbalyte
    Herbalyte Member Posts: 45

    At last someone gets it. People are acting like I just don't know how to do the challenge even though I've been playing this game since day 1. I play ps4 aswell so dc penalties aren't going to be active here until summer 2020 lmao.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I see so many people complaining that they can't complete this challenge because of the dc's. It tells a lot about this community, but sadly and honestly, this wasn't surprising.

    dc's should definitely count towards this challenge and I hope the devs will change that and keep this in mind for the future challenges.

    Btw, I'm also on PS4 since day 1.

  • Herbalyte
    Herbalyte Member Posts: 45

    I've had the game since pc launch but ps4 is where the friends are at. And yeah I agree. Seems like the devs want to play make-believe thinking their community is better than it actually is. This is the most toxic community I've joined since For Honor but with worse memes.