Why Are Trappers Traps So Dark...

Just Had a game with one of my friends and we were falling into traps left right hand centre because you can basically not see them.
Does anyone else have a problem with how dark these traps are I find them pretty much invisible.
Not a problem usually, the real problem is the clipping traps you can't possibly see.
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There's an add on that makes them darker.
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Probably used an add-on.
Also its weird seeing someone complain about the Trapper and it not be about wanting him buffed.
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It is an addon, called "Tar Bottle"
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To trap you :)
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yes tehre is an expensive green addon to make them darker.
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Naturally they are pretty bright probably went against tar bottle
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high level tar bottle can do this :(
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First time I see someone make this complaint.
Usually is about how bright they are without the tar bottle :p
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he probably had tar bottle or he could have ruin both dark trap add ons together tar bottle and log wood dye I think
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I mean... What kind of trapper doesn't camouflage their traps? It shouldn't require an add-on in my opinion.
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Omg, is this real? Pretty soon it'll be, "The Trapper's traps are too good at trapping, ban them!" Or maybe we could paint them bright yellow or orange and add a blinking hazard light?
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I agree but what it's really gonna be is...
'The trapper is to OP in the game, how is this a killer, should be banned'
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Lets buff Trapper's base speed from 4.6 to 10.9 and increase his lunge to 5 since he is such a good lad :D
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They are so noticable without the add-on and can be detected using a perk, so this is helpful. Doesn't always work, though. Not with survivor perk. The trick any how is to distract them with a chase.
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"The trapper is actually trapping people, so he's overperforming. We've decided to attach lights to his traps. This should make him more fun to play for both sides and less oppressive."