Let's Talk About, The Trapper...

The Trapper is in My Opinion The Most Balanced Killer in The Game...
He Has Traps Placed Around The Map, If A Survivor is in One Of Them They Are Left To Stuggle And Have A Good Chance ( Regularly 50/50) Of Getting Out The Trappers Trap Before He Comes...
Seems Pretty Balanced To Me, Addons Kind Of Take That Away, Almost Invisible Traps Which Are Pretty Much To Constant That Survivor's Step in Them and Idk About You Guys But The Ultra Rare Addon That Opens A Closed Trap Every 30 Seconds I Find Tolarable...
My Only Complaint on Trapper in A Survivor Perspective is The Traps Can End Up Being To Closed into Spaces Which Prevent Many Options For Survivor's in Game, Which is Why My Opinion is Decrease The Default Traps To 7, Therefore The Survivors Have More Things To Work With...
My Only Complaint on Trapper in A Killers Perspective is The Start Of The Game, You Have To Place Traps Around The Map And Approximately 1 to 2 Gens Get Done Once You Have Finished Which is Also Why I Say Decrease The Traps So It's Not Only The Fact That it Benefits The Survivor it Also Benefits The Killer in Some Way...
Let's See What You Say About This...
Can Any Admins Let Me Know if This Post Will Be Valid in This Section Of The Dbd Forums Please
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This is the bug reports section, so no. Don't worry, I already flagged your post for the mods so they should move it to the appropriate category shortly.
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Can you believe people want to nerd the trapper jesus leave
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Removing traps benefits the trapper because now he is will spend less time setting the traps.... because their simply are less to work with...
Heck we should give him just 1 trap, place it and m1 the world!
more seriously, the trapper is potentially really strong and potentially really weak, the fact that survivors have a chance to get out right away or have to attempt it 20 times is a bit of an issue, like the Pig, its partly up to RNG wether you do well or not which imo is not perse a bad option to have, but it most def is hard to argue balance there.
also if you are against a SWF team you can be super f'd right from the start as one of them will just follow you around undoing trap after trap after trap leaving you just wasting your time completely.
And yes the placing traps takes time you dont have, Ruin is a real game changer to use on the trapper (I dont run ruin ever, but did so for the 6 traps in one match challenge and boy does that help tremendously...)
I dont mind the trapper though, personally I only feel he should have 2 traps to start with and thus able to pick up as basekit to balance it a slightly bit better. (I never run add ons because they are inherently bs)
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No if anything trapper needs a buff to stsrt with more traps
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Also, The Trapper doesn't need nerfs. Cutting off survivors' options is the entire point of his power, and really the only thing he's got going for him.
And saying that reducing the number of traps he has available will benefit him makes no sense. By that logic, we should just remove all his traps so he doesn't have to waste time placing them.
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This guy seriously wants a weak, buggy killer nerfed....... LMAO
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I Disagree With You Since I Think Trapper Needs A Buff
Let's See What You Say About This...
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I think Trapper is weak, largely due to him having some outdated design choices (such as having to manually go around finding traps to pick up and Survivors being able to disable his Traps for periods of time using toolboxes) that don't really line up with the way the game is played these days.
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Puppers always requests that the trapper just needs to start with all of his traps and once he is down to 0 he is able to pick up, up to a maximum whatever addons you use. Actually thinking about it, ALL traps might be a bit too strong, because his traps are a bit stronger than hag traps. At least in chases they are kinda insta downs.
So at least maybe make 3 traps from start basekit and further increase with addons, so you don't even have to change the addons. Everything else: I think also he is pretty balanced. Strong power, needs a decent amount of skill to set up properly and has possibilities to be countered.
Just at the moment he is totally depending on Ruin or Corrupt Intervention, and you don't ever play with your maximum amount of traps as some of them are initially placed in regions you never go. And you cannot afford to walk to all of the spots, neither to get all of the traps back once the gen in the area is finished and renders the traps useless.
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I believe you are guaranteed to escape the trap on your 5th struggle attempt, unless the killer is using certain add-ons.
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I came here expecting a buff trapper post and was going to point the OP to my favorite DBD Streamer, TheEntityLeftHand. (RP aside, the guy is a godlike trapper)
Was pleasantly surprised to find a post who finds him balanced?
So I sit here confused, not sure how to respond. LOL
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I don't feel like the Trapper needs a buff or a nerf in his current state. Maybe some tweaks, but nothing big. His traps are not only supposed to cut off survivors options, but to catch them by surprise. You can play Trapper a lot better if you can predict where survivors will go. Analyze how the survivors play, where they run, which generator(s) they are committing to, and place traps accordingly. If you see the same survivor run the same path twice, place a trap there when they can't see you. They will most likely take that same path again thinking it's safe. Try placing some traps in tall grass in some contested areas. I'm not saying you should place a trap in the corner of the map simply because there's grass there, but think like a survivor and plan ahead. That's how you'll get the most out of the Trapper.