Red and Green Mori's & Red & Purple Keys = No respect however

If you can pip, double pip or even go even with survivors without using Red or Green Mori's you are a legit Killer.
Killers that use Mori's outside of the yellow one are weak imo. I could never personally use them (i'll only use yellow mori's because it means i worked and EARNED to kill the last remaining Survivor) Survivors may be too strong for them so they feel like they need them and there are different reasons to why people use them but Red & Green Mori's is not respectable at all.
On the Survivor side although red and purple keys are not as bad as a killer using a red or green mori its not respectable if your trying to be a legit survivor. However these keys are not as bad as killers using red and green mori's and this is coming from a killer main
What do you think about Killers that use Red and Green Mori's?
But you respect the Broken as ######### Green Keys?
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Sure you’re a killer main, ahaha.
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Moris are the same as keys imo. Both need to be looked at in the future. If you think moris are worse than keys you probably never saw three people escaping through a closed hatch with a key. And that happens at red ranks. So you don't play killer and survivor at red ranks. So your opinion is not that valid for me.
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If you can double pip running an Ebony Mori, you deserve a medal.
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lol What!? I dont care how valid or invalid my opinion is to you!
smh telling me about myself and i dont play at red ranks. Sounds like your just calling me a liar and ALSO you know nothing about me...some nerve
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both should gone for balance, but this game not gonna fun with restricts,
if you see keys use mori to counter it or get out
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Imagine complaining about Moris and Skeleton and Dull keys while this only rare item that can be found easily on bloodwebs and even on chests exists...
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But its more situational than a mori since it needs 5 gens to be done
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I think its more harder to just black pip with Tombstone myers than double pip with mori
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Ehh, I think keys are fine for solo Q. Usually only the key user is going to get out with it, and it makes solo survivor so much more bearable to know i'm not completely tied to the performance of my team to survive.
When you load into the match and there's a mori or people are just dropping like flies at 5 gens, it feels bad to know your chances of survival are going to be in the hands of an RNG hatch spawn.
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I think they get undeserved victories but that doesn't mean they are bad. (Even tho most are)
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I don't use moris anymore. I did when I first started killing but not any more since I can usually hold my own in games and find them too powerful. Also people just play super sweaty when you play one.
I would never bring in a key to escape, but I find one in a chest you can bet I will be dropping out that hatch.
If three people got through the hatch, well that means they did at least four genny's so I wouldn't say it would be undeserved.
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I was about to say the same
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You were making a decent point, but than you messed up by saying they didn’t play a certain rank so their opinion isn’t valid. That’s a dumb excuse for being closed minded to his side of the situation. I don’t agree with the thread creator, but I do agree Moris and keys should be looked at in future. Your lack of respect diminishes your point. The thread creators point of view holds more ground.
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Four issues on dbd right now; moris, keys, bad map design and poor balance (I don't think the current state of ds is fair for killers). In my opinion you can't nerf or fix one of these without fixing the others.
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Key's are no where near as strong as moris. it bothers me so much when people try to compare them, yes keys can be powerfull but unlike moris, survivors have to actually work for it to earn just the chance to use it.
to use a key you have to:
- have at least one teammate be sacrificed
- fully repair at least 3 generators or make it to end game
- find the hatch which spawns in a completely random location
keep in mind that you have to do all this while being tunneled by the killer for having a key.
to use a mori:
- hook a survivor
- down the survivor after they're unhooked
I'm pretty sure this isn't difficult to do for most people who play killer...
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I'll never use my moris or keys just to win. I might use mori on death hook to spice it up or do an end game key meme build with my friends but using broken items/offerings to win is shameful. You will see in several of my comments I note how easy it would to be to fix keys with a channel to open the hatch and no longer leaving the hatch open. And how easy it would be to fix moris by working only after all 4 hooked or after second hook but devs are too simple to do these tweaks. Not to mention adrenaline and noed.
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And why should survivors be so heavily punished for having absolutely terrible teammates, in a game with completely bonkers matchmaking. I will get games where as a rank 1 survivor my team is 2 rank 15's and another rank 1, and we get to go against a rank 1 killer. Guess how that is going to turn out, with the rank 15's nonstop feeding pop goes the weasel?
Games like that are such a waste of my time, and a key is the only thing in the game that can protect you from them.
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You're joking, right? With my fix you can still use keys to duck on bad teammates.
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Green keys are objectively broken. Anyone who denies it has never used one.
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*4 *3 *not one gen
A key is basically a free escape, if the last survivor got it.
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A purple flashlight is often more beneficial than a key imo.
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I know one thing, I've NEVER been able to open a chest and pull a Mori out mid match to get a easy win... That would be kinda cool though. DEATH TO ALL! 😂
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I just want to know...why is using any item or mechanic not respectable?
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Opening chests takes valuable time. If you think chests are op you got some flawed logic mate.
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Did you read my post? So, you think it's fair a survivor can just pull an escape free card out of a chest mid-match? When do killers get something they can search to buff them mid-match like that? That was my point... It doesn't exist. And chests take hardly any time to open. Anyone with common sense knows not to open one when the killer is around. Killer gone, simple.
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I don't think anything of them, i'm not gonna base my opinion of people just on what gear they use.
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Maybe because mori's are significantly more powerful than keys? If you are ghostface/wraith/insidious whoever, you can literally sit behind a bush 5 feet from the hook and instadown the survivor again into a mori within like half a second (and im not joking) of them being unhooked.
It takes literally no skill to do, and getting 1 down in this game isn't hard with a significant amount of killers.
A key is free escape for 3 people under totally optimal circumstances, and as someone who uses keys every time I can, I can say there's plenty of times you will not be able to take your team with you. You still need to do a bunch of gens, and people already have to have died. From there you have to find all your teammates, somehow communicate to them you have a key, and none of them can be seen by the killer.
But on the other hand, a mori is pretty much a free 3 or 4k just by equipping it.
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Here is a perfectly executed hook mori I did yesterday. This is the reason why keys are not even close to mori's in terms of power.
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But a flashlight needs much skill.
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Yes I read that you think chests are op
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I never understood the point of the yellow mori. You get more points by hooking the last survivor lol..
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And then its just one escape, Moris are for everyone
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One unnegatable escape. You can escape a mori by looping.
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Yea, kinda
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So you're not a "legit" killer for using a Mori?
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Deny a DS save. And it's a cool finisher, why not?
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No, I think keys in chests are OP. Nice try though...
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Doesn't that mean you think chests with keys are op? Or: Chests are op?