Why is Hex: Ruin still in the game?

Considering Hex: Ruin is by far the most used killer perk in the game how have the devs not thought that there is a possible issue with their game? The perk is not fun for either side. Continuing on this note I think all gen slowdown perks are immensely unfun to use and play against, but are sometimes necessary against survivors who know how to do gens. I really wish the devs would look at why Hex: Ruin has such a high usage rate and try to fix the core issue because as it is now I don't think anyone enjoys the perk.



  • GoddamnBananas
    GoddamnBananas Member Posts: 54

    I do hate Ruin in particular, but the other perks I'm fine with. Cause it feels like you need some skill to get good use out of the others. Whereas Ruin is just "here you go, free value for doing nothing." It's bad game design. I wish Ruin was weaker and perks like Thanatophobia were stronger, tbh.

  • Jason_cx
    Jason_cx Member Posts: 21

    You know you can easily cleanse totems and hex totems to get rid of Ruin right? So it's not entirely unfun, think of it as a challenge. Ruin's hardly an issue for me anyway, in fact it allows me to be immerse and try and discover the hex totem without being spotted. Besides, I've seen multiple streamers and youtubers have their hex totem destroyed literally 10 seconds into the game. Judging from this forum you created, I don't like to assume things, but it's really giving me the impression that you are a survivor main who hasn't tested out ruin on the killer side, otherwise you would mention that in your complaint too right?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Some killers can quite easily get by without Hex: Ruin because of one thing that they have in their kit: MOBILITY.

    As someone who mainly plays stealth killers, sometimes I've had 2 gens popped before I hook someone because I couldn't get to a survivor fast enough. Ruin helps me stall out just that little bit to get a hook or 2 to help me snowball later.

    Quite a few killers as well have moved over to using Corrupt Intervention to force survivors towards them instead. I haven't levelled Plague, so I don't have that option.

    And I believe the most used perk for killers is BBq + Chilli.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I use Ruin because trying to get an Iridescent Gatekeeper emblem without it is pretty difficult. Sure, there are "alternatives" but none tackle the early game gen rush like Ruin. It's not fun to use, but it's easy to see why it's so popular.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Yes. I don't enjoy being limited to three perk slots.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    As a Survivor. I am entitled to EZ escapes. Idc if I am using, Adrenaline, DS, DH, and Borrowed Time with a insta heal and 4 man SWF on voice coms. Thanks <3

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It's a crutch for many killers.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Its because the developers like to put bandaid fixes, instead of tackling problems head on.

    Nurse was initially a bandaid to looping.

    Bloodlust was a bandaid to semi-infinites.

    Pallet vacuum was a bandaid to survivors quite litterally getting hit through pallets (if I recall correctly).

    Ruin is a bandaid to generator speed,

    Enduring bandaid to Decisive Strike.

    Borrowed Time bandaid to camping.

    The list really goes on, and on, and we kind of have to accept that this is how the developers try to fix their game. If you or me agree or disagree with it doesn't matter, Behaviour has not changed in the last 3 and a half years, and is unlikely to do so in the future.

    But who cares? All that matter is more overpriced cosmetics, am I right?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Enduring came before DS so it was never a bandaid for DS.

  • WhTe_Tygre_DBD
    WhTe_Tygre_DBD Member Posts: 295

    Becusse gen speed it too fast

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Gen speed should be fixed and gen slowdown perks and add-ons should be removed. Gen speeds should be balanced by the game itself, and killers should be able to focus on chasing and hooking survivors rather than messing with gens.

    Gen speed/difficulty should scale with a survivor's ability (not rank, ability) so that whatever happens newbies aren't penalized and experienced players aren't buffed.

  • Widowmaker8197
    Widowmaker8197 Member Posts: 88

    Don't like getting DS'd? Don't tunnel. Chase the unhooker not the recently hooked survivor. Genrushing is a term made up by sweaty killer mains who don't know how to apply pressure other than running ruin and BBQ.

    I promise this game would be so much better if it weren't balanced around killers getting 4k's every game.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    The issue with gettjng the unhooked oftentimes they are long gond or hiding by the time thd killer returns. If the unhooked doesnt run into them be mistake.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    As a killer survivors cleanse the totem immediately in 9/10 of my games but when I play survivor I can never find it LOL. I hate it.

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    DS: Anti- tunnel.

    Unbalanced Maps: Devs decide to buff killers and nerf survivors instead

    Genrushing: What a stupid term. Survivors do the objective quickly. There’s literally nothing wrong with “gEn rUsHiNg”

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    I dislike ruin because it punishes the newer players and it might demotivate them from playing in the long run.

    I can hit my greats, someone with less than 100 hours might not be so able, and if you get a crap ton of skill checks it can just ruin the match for them.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Ruin is not a crutch for a bad player. Ruin is for many killers a way to give them a chance. Gens go way too fast without it. This argument is stupid, all the survivor mains who cry about everyone using ruin also don't want longer gen times because it's boring.

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Its not a matter of skill all the time. Most of the time it comes down to the team the killer is facing. A good team will find the ruin in under a min, and already be working on gens thru ruin while someone is being chased on one of the numerous survivor sided maps with good loops or the occasional god loop. You can juggle survivors all you want but there is ALWAYS someone working on a gen if the team is competent. Without ruin a single chase can decide a game if the chase is not very quick. Like under a min quick.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    I mean honestly just equipping ruin should get you to like rank 10-8, it's impossible for new players to deal with. But at high levels, everyone just works through it or it's dead in the first minute of the game, so it's really not an issue at all.

    DS / BT have to exist or killers could get away with some really BS things. I had a game against an insidious basement bubba the other day, and even though the first person downed had kindred and everyone was rank 1-2 and just rushed the gens, it was still a 2k for him because he killed both people on their first downs.

    If ever killer could get away with that, this game would be garbage. More garbage than it already is for solo Q anyways.

  • Fitzo
    Fitzo Member Posts: 11

    I find ruin alright of a perk but the corrupt intervention pop goes the weasel combo is quite underated given how effective it can be

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Ruin is a shoot and forget type of Perk that works against inexperienced and unskilled survivors.

    The perk itself isn't that strong and there are really good alternatives, but requires some more gameplay.

    Why do you complain about the killer is gambling on playing with 3 Perks?

    Be happy, learn to hit great skill checks and do bones if you come across them.

    If you need some assistance, there are Perks and toolbox add-ons that can help.

    Small Game, Detectives Hunch, Maps, play with some friends on com. Pick your poison.

    Good luck in the fog!


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Nice attempt at trying to hide your bias. Ruin is overused and discouraging for newer players to face. It's not something you should just deal with like camping or tunneling.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    How is there a bias?

    Getting better at hitting skill checks is a natural progression within the game, if you really want to get better with the game.

    And it is a fact, that there are a lot of perks, items and add-ons that can help you work around Ruin.

    I personally think, people need to be more willing to adjust their gameplay according their weaknesses and desires. The game offers plenty of variety and if you chose not to use them, it's your own fault and stop complaining.

    You can hit greats, you can look for the totem or if you really have to you can even gentap, all this without changing your loadout.

    If you address that it is discouraging for newer players, I would rather take a look at the insane grind within the game to get to a viable and fun point and less just get hooked up by one Perk.

    In my opinion the biggest issues aren't single perks, not even DS or Ruin, but the maps, gap between solo and SWF and gap between new players and veterans (grind).

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Ruin is a big problem if people literally have to adjust their playstyle around it. The grind isn't an issue you can get meta in 3 days. Maps are an issue you finally got something right. Solo and swf gaps aren't as big as people think, definitely a smaller problem than Ruin or poor killer performance. The second biggest problem next to maps which take forever to fix is something that can be fixed at any time: the ranking system. Disagree? Tell me why.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    That's funny, same could be said for dead hard, DS, bt, any exhaustion perk actually. OoO

    Ruin isn't free value either lol, ruin is more like oh I feel like only running 3 perks this game.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    OoO is broken but the others are situational. I think you're just naming perks you don't like to face.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179
    edited December 2019

    The ONLY exhaustion perk that is situational is balanced lol and there's enough variety in the maps that you should still be able to get use out of it most of the time. Bt is a free unhook with zero drawbacks. Also let's not forget adrenaline another freebie. Last gen goes off instant health state AND Sprint burst get a 2 for 1 special with adrenaline for literally doing nothing lol.

    DS isn't situational you ALWAYS get use out of it you either get a free full minute to heal yourself up enough for a survivor to get you or the killer eats your DS and now you can continue the chase without ever having to do anything for it at least MoM you have to EARN your free hit lol

    And if he camps you till the minute is up well that's potentially 3 Gens that are 80% done if people aren't just sitting around like a bunch of nub cakes lol. You ALWAYS get value out of DS

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I agree about Adrenaline but you didn't mention it before. DS is dependent on how desperate the killer is and BT doesn't stop the unhooker from getting hooked. All exhaustion perks are situational, only BL is extremely weak due to map dependence.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    Dead hard is not situational you can always use it with the exception of a ohd. If the killer baits it out by being patient them you can use it for distance. Lithe works works with Windows and pallets if you can't get to at least one of those you probably don't deserve to get to use it. Sprint burst is completely free yeah you have to walk around of you don't want to use it for no reason but you still get to choose when you want to use it.

    DS doesn't depend on how desperate the killer is. If he ignores you off the hook because he thinks you have it them you basically just got free BT.

    Bt doesn't stop the unhooker from getting hooked but should he be allowed to get the hook in the first place if he can't even wait till TR is gone?

    Hell as long as he waits long enough he should still be able to loop like normal even if the tr isn't completely gone .

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You just admitted DH is situational. Lithe is situational because some pallets can't be vaulted safely. DS does depend on how desperate the killer is because if they have good momentum they will not need to tunnel. You admit bt is not abusable because the unhooker can be hooked. Please try to name more "braindead" survivor perks I'm quite amused by your attempts.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    I don't consider a situation that happens less than 15% of the time situational. I Rarely ever don't get to use my exhaustion perks again barring bl all the other ones I almost always get to use.

    I also noticed you skipped over Sprint burst, how convenient even though it's not even the only perk you have yet to properly address.

    Desperation has no barring on DS and I literally already just stated every possible situation on why.

    If he ignores you cause thinks you have it. Then you just got a free borrowed time, if he downs you and picks you up get free escape, if he downs you and slugs that's a free minute to heal yourself up for someone to get you. If he slugs and camps you that's a free minute for other survivors to do gens.

    You ALWAYS get use out of DS

    You've already agreed to my premise on adrenaline.

    Being able to get a free unsafe unhook is abuse, it doesn't matter that you traded places. You didn't do anything to earn the unhook and if it's etc good survivors know how to use the BT to take a hit for the unhooker lol.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Free unsafe unhooks are there to make camping and tunneling weak. You talk like killers always go after unhooked survivors but this trend disappears among higher ranked killers. Being slugged means not doing gens or helping your team recuperate. Sprint Burst is situational like you admit because like you say, you have to walk around. About desperation, only desperate killers will crawl back to the hook instead of maintaining momentum and applying pressure on generators.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    Being forced to walk around isn't situational you can either use it to go to a gen nearby faster or your can hold it till you see the killer then Sprint burst away that's a choice which is not the same as situational.

    I can grant you the lithe statement, but I don't consider a situation that rarely happens as situational. I just consider it unlucky. Honestly how often do you NOT get to use your exhaustion perk? Because unless you're using balanced I'm going to assume the answer is not often at all

    Being slugged is just that being slugged, you aren't being hooked which is ultimately how the killer actually gets kills aka PROGRESS since you need 3 hooks for a kill. If you didn't get hooked because he slugged then you just got an extra "hook" for all intents and purposes that IS value

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Sprint Burst literally prevents you from running or else it's wasted and you go without an exhaustion perk for 40+ seconds. I get what you're saying about being slugged but the fact is that the survivor can't do gens and needs to be rescued.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179
    edited December 2019

    Okay so you can't run everywhere less you waste it that's a personal choice. As soon as you see the killer you can SB away you literally don't even have to wait till they are by you. (Never understood that line of thinking to begin with) so they can either chase you and try to make up ALL that distance or they can abandon chase in which you wait 40 seconds and youre good to go again

    If you're going to say getting slugged vs getting actually hooked is not a benefit then we're just going to ha e to disagree. Just because you can do gens doesn't mean you didn't benefit from the DS.

    That's like saying that because you get broken status from deliverance that you didn't get a benefit. You did you got to save your team mates the trouble if coming to get you.

    Likewise 60 seconds of being slugged is more than enough time to get all the way up to 90 and again you're avoiding a whole hook state

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    It's not worth risking playing without an exhaustion perk for me personally, at least with DH I can remain efficient and control when my perk is available. SB just isn't my playstyle (waiting for carefully timed opportune moments to abuse it instead of one last desperate dash). Just an opinion I guess.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    DH can be baited out or even lag hit, SB can't I like both but i still say sb edges out in usefulness you can even negate the minor drawback by running fixated which basically walking urban evasion lol

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    Ruin needs buffed not removed

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Survivors being idiots isnt a "really BS thing Killers can get away with". Ironically, a camping LF outskilled your team.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Survivor perks are meant to give slight advantages in certain situations so they can attempt to have the upper hand. Killer perks do the same thing, and some could be as "annoying" to some as you deem borrowed time and exhaustion perks.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    No idea what you're on about. There's a difference between a slightly annoying perk and perks that literally have ZERO downside ala DS

    Exhaustion perks have the most minor of downsides with the biggest one being balanced

    Adrenaline this one is annoying but I think it's fine cause it only activates after the last gen is completed. Although it's pretty annoying when you see a whole team running it and you just see all 4 people immediately go to full health lol just like

    Crap well this games shot.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    4 people making it to end game is bad enough news already bud.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    🙄 No ######### ya don't say, woulda never guessed that.

    You just go looking for arguments? Lol

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    No it just appeared that you often let 4 survive until end game lmaooo

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    That's weird I don't see anywhere in my statement where I said I often let 4 survivors get to end game. Must be invisible messages caused by amnesia.

    Oorrrr maybe I named a RARE circumstance where adrenaline is especially annoying....nah couldn't possibly be that, not at all