Why is Hex: Ruin still in the game?
As much as I don't like Ruin, the fact is most matches I have played go crazy fast if there is no ruin around. Match starts and if every survivor is apart, they find a gen and start working. Killer finds 1 survivor and chases him or her. If the survivor manages to stall for a bit, 3 gens pop-up. Then the survivor usually goes down, someone goes for the save. 1 more gen pops up by the time someone else is downed and the last gen won't be too far away from being completed too.
I also don't like the idea of making gens take more time to fix, but I think something has to be done so that if the killer does not use ruin, he or she is not so punished.
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Or maybe chasing efficiently?
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Not so rare for you though right?
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Yeah pretty rare bordering on non existent but even I have had trash games particularly when I first started and didn't even know wth adrenaline was.
But go ahead and keep grasping for straws
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How would you be so new you don't know what Adrenaline is and yet the survivors are hardened veterans all running it. Calling bs right here.
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Lmao guess you already forgot about old rank reset I mean the new change has only been out for one reset now 🤣😭😂
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People didn't reset to 20
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Lol they don't need to or are you forgetting that match making has been trash forever now, furthermore there was still a big problem with people intentionally deranking SPECIFICALLY for rank reset.
This is absolutely precious you're so latched on the fact the a new person could run into this scenario that your brain has imploded
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It's very rare so I doubt it actually happened.
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Bet it happened more often than you think lol. It's easier to progress to mid tier as killer than as survivor because new survivors can't loop worth a crap.
Throw in old rank reset and voiela you can get survivors with a bunch of meta perks paired up with barely competent killers with few perks.
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Ummm he got one chainsaw near the basement and literally just sat there for 4-5 gens because the guy he was camping had kindred so we could all see it, then got another 1 shot hit with NOED and camped that guy to dead too during the door opening.
1 chainsaw, 1 M1, 2 kills. Outskilled. Lmao. It's one of the things wrong with this game really. If you don't care about pips it's way too damn easy to cheese the kills.
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why wouldnt be.
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How can iron will help you from making mistakes ?
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This MarsAttack guy is relentless and just feels his opinion is the right one and the only one, so just let it go waffle, this guy isn't worth it.
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Lmao, killers have been nerfed like crazy too. The maps are incredibly unbalanced in survivor's favor, and DS is known to have many problems that extend beyond just being an anti tunnel perk. All of these points have been beaten to death time and time again, but "KILLER UNFAIR TOO STRONG SURVIVOR UNDERPOWERED" Seems to be ingrained in people. Both sides are in a pretty okay spot in terms of balance but need tweaks, and the maps really need to be fixed.
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The most used Killer perk is in fact Ruin.
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It's the equivalent of hiding your terror radius. When used on a blendette, it can easily get you out of mistakes.
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This mentality is the real problem. Yes, you need to adjust your playstyle and cannot brainafk play the game on autopilot. But that's exactly the point of the game! Each Perk and Killer should bring something unique to the table, to play around different strength and weaknesses.
Otherwise you are better off, playing KYF with 4 other buddies over and over again.
Isn't it the fun to understand the opposite site and adjust, outplay and outsmart the other player?
Why are you even playing, if you are unwilling to learn, grow and adjust to the game?
If it's still fun, then why do you complain?
If it's so unplayable, than better uninstall and look for a game better suited to your taste.
If you ask for help about a strategy, perk or killer, but are unwilling to try any solutions, why do you even ask?
And how can you be serious about saying, a squad of 4 SWF and a single solo are mostly the same?
You get so much more information and options as a 4 men SWF squad than if you go in solo.
Ranking in DBD doesn't mean a lot. It reflects who can invest the most time into the game and usually, if you have a growing mindset and are willing to learn and adjust, you will get better at the game and deserve your place at the top, but it takes some time, sadly more time than just ranking up.
I still think some maps need some work done or are simply too large for a game like DBD.
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No I mean Ruin ruins the variance of the game because the killer always uses it.
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The reason it's in the game is because there hasn't been a fix on gen speeds. Two survivors on one gen is 45 seconds. Little bit less if two people have prove thyself so there's at least two teams working on gens. Of course this doesn't count if someone is being chased by the killer.
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Where does Decisive Strike fall in terms of use?
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I don't actually know at the moment, and I don't have access to the data right now.