Swf is balanced and requires no changes



  • picigu9
    picigu9 Member Posts: 50

    As a killer/survivor switch, this is 100% true. Swf definitely provides a challenge, but nothing actually being good at the game can't fix. Plan accordingly. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet. Be fast. Be smart. Even playing as clown, I can beat swf groups, so there is no excuse for not being able to beat swf, but your own skill. Even playing swf, me and my friends survive slot less than you make it out to be.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Doesn't mean solo queue is.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Or, I just play killer at red ranks. This isn't a tru3 specific thing, and I actually disagree with most of his points. Nice strawman though. Shows me you have absolutely nothing to say, as I assumed you wouldn't.

    What now?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The game is going to be balanced around swf someday soon you can stop complaining.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    It wasn't a complaint. it was a direct response; but okay. Let's assume that's true.

  • badster
    badster Member Posts: 46

    Two people are on a generator together. Must be a coordinated swf!

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    I mean, it's really only stupid strong when the survivors are good...

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    That's what I thought. You have absolutely nothing constructive to come back to what I said. You know you're wrong, and that's okay. Keep living in denial, chief. Enjoy eating your foot.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    He means a coordinated swf is barely more powerful than a coordinated solo Q

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Voice coms are broken as #########. They negate any advantage a stealth killer has, and makes life hard for all killers. It is broken, it is not balanced, it never should have been in the game and ruins it.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110
    edited December 2019

    Except that is both fundamentally AND rationally incorrect, especially against certain killers. You can not say a coordinated solo queue is "barely" more powerful than a coordinated SWF, just based on comms alone. Period.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Survivors have plenty of tools to communicate and be efficient without comms. That's facts.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Not on the level of comms. Stop trying to create rationale where it doesn't exist. You can't.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    Not true while it's infinitely more annoying swf negates the need for multiple perks, regardless of how GOOD the survivors are you can't say that that's strong..

    I don't need kindred, I don't need bond, I don't need better together, further more perks like third seal and knock out are completely negates by SWF whether it not the team is actually good that's still powerful

  • GoddamnBananas
    GoddamnBananas Member Posts: 54

    Imagine actually believing Survivor is that much easier to play. Especially when they've released the stats, and the average survival rate is only about 40%. And that was months ago, it might be even lower now.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179
    edited December 2019

    Imagine that I play both and I can objectively says they are much easier not even just from a strategy perspective but from a objectives to complete perspective.

    In order for killer to get a kill without a Mori he needs THREE hooks that's 12 hooks total just from a NUMBERS perspective that's harder to achieve than repairing 5 generators. But WAIT THERES MORE. It takes MINIMUM 2 hits to down a target from full health without a ohd ability. So now you're looking at POTENTIALLY 24 hits you have to get. BUT WAIT there's STILLLLL more. You also have to account for steptic which can add a third hit on BT, MoM, DS which basically gives 1 full minute of immunity, yeah you can down them and slug but that's a fullinute of baby sitting them or running around looking for the next survivor and if they have unbreakable they don't even need a second survivor to get up.

    But wait there's STILL more, your objective can run away from you, hide from you, doesn't have predetermined spawns, doesn't give you random skill checks that can make it easier to down them.

    This isn't even opinion, this is just a straight up FACT that playing survivor is easier on every level.

    Survivors have ONE goal repair five generators which give you skill checks allowing for faster completeion, they have predetermined spawns, they don't move from you, everything else is optional

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    The reason why the survival rate is so low is because they make 1 crucial mistake.

    They count the amount of survivals of all ranks.

    How easy was it when you first started playing dbd?

    I think you died more than you escaped.

    Now i don't know what rank you are nor do i care, but you escape more than before right?

    Now imagine red ranks with all meta perks, flashlights, toolboxes, fireworks/crackers, med kits and all their best add ons.

    They get so many easy escapes that a lot of time the killer has to play try hard.

    Believe me, I play both sides at rank 1 and i escape about 70% of the time (I think it would be even more tho) as a solo survivor.

    Hardly breaking a sweat because of all the jungle gyms and god loops.

    And i don't even use meta perks or any items whatsoever.

    I even played without perks and items at rank 1 with survivor and still escaped most of the time.

    Now try that as a killer and try to get all 4, or at least to pip (not black pip), your chances of succeeding that is less than 50%.

    So if the devs want to show real numbers than they should do so by rank colour and not an overall score.

    Here is one who understands they real facts and numbers of both sides.

    Wish there were more who looked at it like this 👍

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    The fact that people even try to argue that playing survivor is not easier than killer shows a fundamental lack of knowledge about how this game is played.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Well according to survivors, most survivors and especially swfs play to "relax" or "have fun with their buds" instead of actually trying to win.

    It doesnt even matter that killers apparantly have a ~60-65% killrate if most of those are either bad rank 20's or not even trying to win.

    Not even trying to win and still staying at a perceived "only" 40% escape rate. Its AMAZING IT IS THAT HIGH despite apparantly most swf not playing to win.

    Now imagine what'd happen if they did.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    Lol that's a good point I completely forgot about that, to be honest I don't think that statement is true but if it was, that just proves even more so how much more furstrating it is to play killer. When there are games I have to fight tooth and nail just to get a 2k 🤣😭

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Yup and that is why i wish more people would look at it more in depth.

    Yeah you just said it yourself, they're relaxing yet when they're on comms they still loop and waste time of the killer.

    And still most of them escape with ease.


    Because playing survivor is the easiest part about dbd.

    A survivor only have to worry about 1 person, trying to get into the mind of 1.

    A killer plays against 4 minds and have to keep track of 4 people at all time.

    Trying to keep 4 people busy as much as possible.

    Now imagine when they use comms.

    1 runs to a strong loop and the is like "nah F it, I'm not chasing you there. That takes to much time".

    Now the survivors tells his/her friends "he left me and is comming to you"

    So 3 others are ready for him and have a head start, while the 1 that was chased gets back on the gen with 2 others.

    Now repeat that and think about how that match looks like on both sides.

    Pretty relaxed for the 4 survivors and pretty difficult to play against as killer right?

    That's why swf is so op even if they are relaxing.

    Like i said, i play always solo and rarely break a sweat.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    I play solo about 80% of the time as survivor but when my team and I are on we rarely lose more than 1 person and that's usually our rando( we're three man group) if we do lose more than one it's usually because we made an egc play that we really didn't need to make

  • tak47888
    tak47888 Member Posts: 125
    edited December 2019

    I don't even understand why they want to buff solo survivor on swf level. I play solo survivor all the time in red ranks and I never really feel like it is too challenging. Most of the time, it feels like a walk in the park on a sunday morning. Except on very few occasions, where killer tunnels and camps.

  • WhTe_Tygre_DBD
    WhTe_Tygre_DBD Member Posts: 295


  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704


    It's just to easy for survivors in general, like you said with friemds it becomes a even easier game.

    That's why i never understand how some people can be so blind to actual facts.

    I too don't understand that.

    I wish the devs were a little bit less survivor biased and actually look at the killers side.

    As example, for me spirit didn't need a nerf imo.

    She was strong yes, had more counters than a lot of people think.

    The problem is that the majority of the survivors want easy games and not having to think differently depanding on the killer.

    Thinking outside of the box seems to be a very hard thing these days and the devs are going along with it.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I agree that swf isn’t the issue, it’s the matchmaking. When I play against swf my rank, I don’t usually run into issues, but when I’m a green rank going again purple and red rank swf? Seems impossible.

  • MarsAttacks
    MarsAttacks Member Posts: 179

    I wish I could agree with you but once you get to red rank you realize it's not even the rank difference that's makes playing killer such an insufferable mess. Granted, it doesn't help the issue. But once you get to that point if you look at things objectively you'll realize how much more do trol survivors have over the game than the killer does.

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    Actually, no. You must be a survivor main? Because most SWF are just plain Toxic, they come to bully and bullshit. That's it. You know the difference between a good, well put together SWF and a piece of ######### toxic one.

    I'm assuming you're the latter by your sarcasm and lack of understanding.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited December 2019

    SWFs are definitely not balanced and need changes more than anything else. These groups are using voice comm and this is not ok. Its giving them unfair advantage vs killer that is not intended by BHVR. Its kind of non-punishable cheating. Devs should make some kind of limitation for premade groups like 3 perks for member or only same perk once per swf group. It will make some counteweight for voice comm and make less hell for killer playing vs this kind of group. Im realy trying to play good and not camp, tunnel and slug but vs SWFs I have no other way to get at least one kill. Common scenario is that SWF is usualy bullying me, bodyblocking, teabegging or flashclicking. Then I camp one to get at least one kill and listen their ofences after game. So I see that for these ppl is bullying killer ok but getting kill by camping is totaly unacceptable for them. This is main reason to make some limits for these groups to balance gameplay for both killers and solo members of oposite team and to deflate ego of these groups . If SWF have only 3 perks or can use only one copy of perk in group they will be forced to more cooperate with solo player on their team.

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