playing in EU but getting players from other regions

Im playing on the ps4 pro with lan cable. so my ping is really low and i have a good connection.
i live in the EU. whenever im searching a match as killer after 2 or 3am, im getting 95% of the time people from saudi arabia in my lobby. so there ping is like over 100. i check their profiles on psn and really most of the time they are swf groups from saudi arabia.
so does anyone else have this problem?
is it so difficult for the matchmaking to get my lobbys filled with people of my region? i don't get it.
It can't be like there are no other players after 2am in the whole EU region.
this is not a 1 day issue. its like this for over a month now and i don't wanna dodge every 9/10 lobby to play the game.
The game prolly looks for survivors near your rank and cant find anyone. They could all be in other games when you search.. and you are looking during a low play time.
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i understand that. im always rank 1 or 2 and im sure there are enough survivors in my region in red or even purple ranks. but somehow i don't get matched up with them.
i don't know its really weird. i mean even at 4 or 5am there must be enough people.
hopefully we get dedicated servers soon what could help maybe idk. until then i dodge i think.
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Tbh matchmaking is pretty broken