BHVR can you please revert some of the Legion's addons?

Mainly the Killer Instinct addons, they're useless, I would rather run faster than wasting my Frenzy on someone who is too far away.
Those are for info
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speed add ons were more useful then what they are now
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The Killer Instinct addons aren't "useless". Maybe you don't like them, and that's totally cool! But some people do like them. :)
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Meh, they're useless and boring. Bring back the old movement speed addons please :)
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True but Legion has much bigger problems.
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That's why Iridescent Button exists, we don't need some bad KI addons.
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Legion is the only "fast" Killer in the game that doesn't have movement speed addons, the problem with KI addons is that they give you almost nothing. Good, you know where some Survivors are, but you can't catch them because they're too far away... I would rather have some nice movement speed addons.
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Yeah lol
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The people who like them probably don't know any better. Killer Instinct range sucks. Hard. It gives you info you can't act upon. Which is pointless information. I'd rather run faster or reduce my stun time. +Killer instinct range is the most pointless add-on in the game next to Oni's iridescent family crest or Billy's speed limiter. At least the latter gives blood points.
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I don't use them as they feel like a wasted slot, I would love to see something done to them
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I always found it kinda funny how “never sleep pills” make the killer instinct bigger but don’t make you faster like it used to. I’m pretty sure if I took some pills like that I’d just be jumping around till I crashed.
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They are though you can't even get to the people you see with the extended range in time. Anything above 32m is fairly pointless because if they're that far away while running from you you won't reach them
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Who lol?
Bad addons aren't necessarily bad, but these addons have such limited use it seems pointless. I've never seen 1 person use them.
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Killer instinct range addons are so bad lmao
You can make the argument that its information, but by the time you're out of frenzy, that info is old and probably not good anymore.
Plus, it fools you into running toward someone that is wayyyy too far away.
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Im chasing 1-2 guys all game. I dont need to know where all survivors are. :'D
If they are all together, ok, I give them a few stabs, but if they are not, Im not wasting my time.
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You just got ratio'd pretty hard. Might want to reconsider
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Really? Who? I don't know a single player who enjoys running them addons now.
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I have played a lot of Legion. I have played against a lot of Legion's. I have NEVER seen anyone using the Killer Instinct add-ons. They have zero functionality. They literally tell me the same thing as BBQ but BBQ gives me a point bonus AND I get to go and use PGTW on a gen. Killer Instinct extension let's me...know that people are working on gens but be powerless to go and stop them?
I'll set up a poll for this one.
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The Killer Instinct range add-ons where good if you used Dark Devotion... But with Feral Frenzy no longer being a basic attack, the Dark Devotion build on Legion is no longer a thing.
They can also be usefull if you end up on a very large map against immersed survivors who spread out a lot... But you can't really predict that. Hm...
But I'd rather see changes to Frank's Mixtape and Stab Wound Study first. Thoses two add-ons are currenlty worthless.
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No one that I know of uses those add-ons, i have over 100 of them and i don't plan on using one ever until it gets reworked with something useful. As it stands now legion's only viable add-ons are the duration and mending add-ons but the blades have been nerfed 3 times already that they're not even worth running anymore so that only leaves Legion players with iridescent button and sketchbook add-on, how is it possible that out of so many add-ons only 3 are useful.
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They have no plans to do anything useful with legion. I'd give up on him tbh
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Not going to lie, i also miss the speed addons
I feel the extra detection range does more harm then good
If they really wanted to go with them i'd prefer it if it lowered your terror radious as well
For example susie's mixtape could increase detection range by 16 meters and lower your terror radious while in killer instinct by 16 meter (don't know the actual value's)
Then survivors wouldn't know your coming for them and they would make less distance by running away instantly
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At least your idea would be useful.
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No, they're awful and I have never heard a single person say they like them let alone use them more than once because all other addons do more. 1st problem is when you hit someone and you see two people in different directions you have no idea how far they can be half the time, Susie's mixtape makes this problem even worse, I don't want to see and run after someone who can be 48 meters away meanwhile there's someone far closer to me who I can hit, recharge my power, and probably be able to hit someone else, your power time doesn't let you hit them in time if they're more than 32 meters away and they have a brain meaning all you did was leave someone (who's already done mending by the time your power is done so they aren't wasting time anymore usually) just to find some who's not injured across the map and leaving you as a 115% killer with no power left because you spent it all sprinting across the map just to change targets.
2nd almost all other addons have more effect: blades slightly (and I mean slightly) slow the game down a little rewarding you for getting lots of frenzy hits, cooldown addons make your power less forgiving for survivors, duration addons can make you sprint across the whole map (and actually get hits unlike Susie's mixtape, double duration is amazing and no detection range addon can hold a candle to how useful they are), the pins can severely punish people early game for bunching together and give them pretty hefty status effects, iridescent button gives you one of the fastest pallet breaks in the game (AND does detection range addons job by letting you see anyone on the map), recharge addons ease the punishment of making mistakes like missing a hit or getting stunned by quite a bit, and Fuming mixtape while honestly very weak can at least give you some game saving/snowballing info by directly telling you gen progress. The only addons that do less are notorious for being absolutely useless specifically Frank's mixtape and Stab Wounds Study (lol 5 seconds off a timer that can go indefinitely now even out of Terror radius). The only use for Susie's mixtape aside from chasing the wrong person by accident is being used on an M&A build (which when in chase makes your detection range needlessly gigantic).
Long read but honestly detection range addons are either very niche or plain worthless and honestly isn't worth keeping in the game over something like making missing less punishing or frenzy speed, and Almo if you did read through all that and hear me out, thanks.
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Sorry Almo, you're a very nice guy. But these type of addons are not even worth an one bloodpoint. Merry Christmas ❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰
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Have a nice break! :)
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Yep,I agree.
Frank's mixtape and Stab Wounds study also need to be looked at.
I love Legion,but their add-ons are so boring...
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The thing is that Iridescent Button does more than those types of addons
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Tell me who?
Have any data on how many legion's use these add-ons?
And I don't mean rank 15-
I mean rank 10+
i'm honnestly curious on how many people like them