What do you do when the first Surv DCs when going for Six Feet Under?

I have been trying all day, around 15 games or so, not all of them were DC's, some were just me not being able to get them all down there. (Crazy how much limiting yourself to one section of the map cripples you unless the survivors don't feel like living.)
Last 4 games in a row someone has DCed the second they see Iron Grasp/agi, unusually before a gens even done. In those games I just stopped playing and let them escape, but pretty soon im just going to DC along with them.
All I can do is just hope the next lobby has the potato survivors again.
Just stick with it i know this challenge is a pain took me days trying to get this and just got it 10 minutes ago. the biggest key for me was running iron and ruin, i know ruin is just a decoy knowing it will only last a minute if lucky but that will make a survivor or two look for it and not rush gens and the biggest part is the map and rng luck of basement location. i put them on hooks outside the basement first so when i hook them in the basement death on hook and knowing people will come to save them. best of luck
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I say continue what you are doing with one exception
Make sure to tab out and start up music on youtube and than head back in to walk around the map Trust me it makes things a lot easier to relax and wait
For game soundtracks totally recommend Zoo Tycoon, Civ V
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I completed this first try. Basement Trapper, Darkened Traps, Bag add on. EZPZ
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well you are one of the lucky ones i had to deal with people DC on me before i even get to the hook in many matches
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I'm not actually doing it, but i'd probably finish the trial.
It's still Bloodpoints.
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I was not looking forward to doing it, but I got some potato's who snowballed pretty quickly. They all got caught in my traps trying to save. I can understand the frustration. It's not fun to play against either, I have done a few games lately with people doing it. It's not fun for either side.
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i played trapper for this. agi monst shrine and ruin. got the survivors near killershack cause thats where basement was and then trapped the hell outta the area. i ran the green darkness add on forgot the name and a bag and wow they went down quick. they kept getting stuck in traps while chasing one and then i just proceeded to let them save one knock that person and the others still injured so go for them after and easy game. got lucky after days of trying i guess
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Cry myself to sleep :)
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I don’t get why killers have these insanely RNG challenges but survivors are like... do gens. Stun a killer with pallets. Escape with Claudette. Damn.
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Do you know how hard it is to get heals and saves on people that play like idiots? Can't heal morons that run away or get safe hooks on people that run right at the killer upon being unhooked. There's RNG for us too. 😂😂😂😂
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End the match as fast as possible.
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The annoying thing about this one is that the survivor equivalent is to escape one trial with Claudette.
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My friend used Hag since he Mains Hag. Her basement game is off the charts.
Wait you mean getting 4 basement sacrifices in one game isn't easy like escaping with Claudette 1 time?
Almost reminds me of how balanced survivor vs killer adepts are.
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can we just like, riot to change this challenge. my god is it so infuriating to even attempt to complete
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I got it like 2 games after posting this, same way everyone does, heavily trapped shack with a lot of luck, and survivors that didn't DC.
Thank frick thats over. Tomes done.
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I got the six feet under challenge on my first try using trapper on coldwind😎😂
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the one time someone dcd when i did that challenge i carried the other survivor i downed in the basement out of the basement and hooked them outside and played normal
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Just force them to 3 or 4 gen near basement run iron, agi, deer stalker and whatever the slug them until gens are low enough to take to basement
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Actually come to think of it, it can be a good way to practice abilities depending on the killer
If your playing Huntress you could practice with Axes
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I ran Spirit with BBq, iron will, agitation, and make your choice after so many survivors dc'd as everyone else. With beads and pink glasses (forgot name). If you take this build though you risk people dcing for obvious reasons. Ends the game quick either way though.
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DC right back and queue up for the next round. They have expressed that they don't want to play or let you get the challenge done, so you might as well end it quick for everyone else and move on. If they're salty in the chat, remember to inform them that their teammates choice to DC directly correlates with yours, and they should be thanking them for it. No one can play the game without a killer, and you're just trying to complete a challenge, so if they're gonna be petty about it, and deny you the opportunity to do the challenge, you can be petty right back. I mean come on, the devs still haven't implemented their new DC ban system yet, so might as well take advantage, am I right?
This way no one wastes time; they obviously don't want to be a team player, and have opted to throw the game? well then, so be it! I mean, it's not like the other survivors wanted to play a full round of DbD anyways right? They may have started out wanting to, but the moment their teammate DC'd for a petty reason, the rest knew the game was thrown by that entitled turd, and they'd likely prefer to just have it end as fast as possible so they can move on to a match where (hopefully) no one DC's. In all honesty you're doing them all a favor at that point, and you won't waste nearly as much time finding a game where you might actually be able to pull it off.
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I honestly hate these rift challenges. Dbd could of done way better. Since the rift came out lobbies been crap on both sides. I won't be wasting my money on the next one. I just paid for headache.
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Honestly as a survivor if I see other survivors DC from match I just let the killer kill me.
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Smurf for the challenge. Rank 20s don't DC, right?
Excellent challenge, BHVR. I wanna Mori myself.
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When a survivor dcs, whether im on the challenge, as killer or as survivor, I just DC as well. I have everything I want grinded so bps arent quite a reason for me to play a 3v1
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Funny thing is that I got it when I was doing the get 5 hooks in the basement with agitation. I was in the red forest and the basement spawned in the main building. I would definitely shoot for Red Forest as it can have a generous basement