Next set of tomes challanges? New or repeat/similar?..

i wonder what BHVR is thinking for the next tomes as there's not much you can do without using dlc characters. after a short while the challenges are gonna basically gonna repeat what we have currently. maybe less challenges? what do you guys think the new challenges will be? or, "should" be?
Well Perk challenges are probably gonna make a big difference.
There'll be stuff like: "Kill your Obsession once the Exit Gates are powered using Rancor."
Or: "Get stunned 10 times while using Enduring."
Or: "Trigger Dance With Me 3 times while in a chase."
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with it being based around specific characters. I’d really hope for a huntress story and meg park story. That way we can have really interesting lore while also having really interesting challenges
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that dosent sound bad, id enjoy similar or these examples
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I would assume they go through the free characters first before venturing into paid DLC for the tome challenges
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id like to see huntress's story im sure it would be interesting. id also like to see nurses or doc's
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I expect a more of the same as far as base challenges - do x generators, heal x survivors, use this or that item..
I hope there will be more challenges related to killer/survivors perks and maybe some using killer add-ons.
The real problem is that there is nothing much to do in DbD speaking about objective: survivors must do generators, heal, save, maybe cleanse totem, killers need to hook survivors. A Tome based around Wraith, for example, won't have much to work on - Predator, Shadowborn, Bloodhound... what can you do with those, aside for "kill 4 survivors using x perk"?
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yea id assume the same. if they do based off dlc perks i wouldn't doubt those appearing in the shrine more often before the next next tome of the 4 if you get what i mean
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lmao that one was horrible. its essentially die for someone during egc to noed
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I expect Predator would have something like: "Be in a chase for [VALUE] seconds using Predator."
Bloodhound would be: "Hit [VALUE] Survivors from Healthy to Injured using Bloodhound."
Shadowborn is a really good question though.
The best i can think of is: "Trigger [VALUE] chases using Shadowborn."
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yea thats where i see the problem of new challenges because theres only so much to do. they will probably just add get 3 saves during egc while getting chased by pig on the game with a trap on your head
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i see the same with monitor & abuse, territorial imperative, iron maiden, cruel limits etc
they might just exclude these perks?
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Idk, they put Unnerving Presence in a challenge that had as little to do with the Perk as possible.
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well i played swf for this one just farmed my friend because it was funny. i tried during solo games but that happened to me. 99 and stolen smh
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i mean its kinda related?.. i guess cause it scares them away from the gate but thats about it. it shouldve been something to do with chases
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sacrafice 13 survivors during egc while running no perks.
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I know, but it was as minimal as could be.
And because they still did it, i don't think they'd exclude any Teachables.
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I doubt that they'll be having people run perks that're DLC base. But it'll probably move from Trapper and Claudette to probably like Wraith and Dwight. I'm assuming they're basing the rifts off the original killers and survivors.
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im sure they wont, but im sure gonna be curious as to how they do some of them.
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lmao this ones easy just open hatch twice.
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yea but im wondering what they do after going through all non dlc characters.. unless if they release some new free dlc in 2020
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It'd be funny if they did release new free characters in the future. But doubtful. What I really want to see is some good new killers and survivors with perks that're better. I understand some perks are there to be gimmicky but Demogorgon didn't really have any great perks. I think Nancy was the only one some good perks and steve had one good perk. Oni's only two good perks I would say are nemesis and blood echo but are niche. Yui's best perk is probably breakout.
If anything I'd like to see more killers that apply status effects seeing as the only two we have right now that I can think of is Doctor and Plague. Honestly I'd love to see them add a killer that you can set something up and grab a survivor. Kind of like isolating one survivor from the others for x number of time.