What would be your job in the dead by daylight world?

I would choose survivor saving friends I dont want anyone to die on me.
What would be your job in the dead by daylight world? 12 votes
I think you have posted this on the fail category, this is the bug reports other category not polls.
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I chose other because I wasn't for sure what category this would fall under. I will change this right now thank you for noticing this for me
Edit: I tried going to edit and I didn't see anything that would allow me to change category
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I think the only one that can move this is the mods.
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By mods do you mean moderators? If so how can I contact them to get help?
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I also did not finish on a poll I'm having technical difficulties with the polls where it keeps on submitting randomly when I havent even pressed submit. How do you delete a poll?
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By mods I mean moderators yes. I dont know how to delete a poll, because I havent made a poll yet. You might ask the moderators or find it out yourself.
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Ok thank you