Why do some killers lie about this...

The whole "I saw scratchmarks around the hook so I stayed around and looked for the other survivor. " I'm not saying this doesn't happen but in almost all cases that I've seen when a killer has used this excuse there is no scratchmarks anywhere and they just want to camp around the hook. I know this because often I walk towards the hook and make sure I leave no scratchmarks and run bond sometimes and see no teammates anywhere nearby. Yet the killer will still lie and say "I saw scratchmarks so I'm not going to leave until I find them"
You can't see your own scratch marks (without Fixated).They can be left on trees and walls which can tip the killer off to your presence even if you think you're being stealthy.
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Well thats Why you go for safe hooks or use BT and you suppose the killer will always go back at the hook when you save somebody.
you cant e pect the killer to make you unhook and heal. Preventing that is basically a ein condition.
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this is why I use lightweight sometimes actually very useful
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I walk over to the hook. I make sure not to run and leave scratchmarks for that reason. And when I see no teammates nearby and I have bond there should not be any scratchmarks anywhere
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I do try and go for safe hooks but the killer won't leave and pretend there's scratchmarks everywhere when I know thats impossible. It's an excuse to camp
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Well, I've actually never seen someone use that as an excuse 😅
But in all seriousness, sometimes you just know that there are more survivors around the hook, you don't need scratchmarks to tell you that directly, sometimes you have a gut feeling, sometimes you've seen/heard some grass movement, it's not as bad as people make it out to be, most of the time when someone stays around the hook, they have a reason.
Not saying idiots who camp just to annoy people don't exist, but they're a lot less common than most realise.
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Sometimes, it might be that the Killer saw the Scratchmarks that were still left behind by the one they just hooked by picking them up immediately and hooking them immediately.
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Killer main, don't think I've ever said that, and I don't camp unless all the gens are done. What actually happens is survivors try to flashlight save, body block, or otherwise make me drop the survivor I'm carrying. When this happens after hooking I wont camp, but I will extremely thoroughly check the entire surrounding area around the hooked survivor because I know some prick is there asking for it.
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I always perform a cursory sweep around the area if I’m not running perks like BBQ or Thriling Tremors which would tell me where survivors are. Helps me stop altruism lemmings and people who happened to be nearby. I never stick around long unless I see/hear something, but I do usually do a quick check just in case.
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When I stay at the hook it is because there's a survivor who IS running around and walking through grass, If I don't find them or hear them after about 10 seconds I move on. I once had someone with fixated and urban evasion keep walking through grass at the hook and it took me about 30 seconds to find them. since i knew someone was there and I was not going to let an easy save happen when i did find the guy he Dc'ed and said he was not going to play against a camper but that was the only instance in that game where I stayed that long at the hook and I only stayed since I kept hearing grass move.
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I'm rank 10-15 usually and play on xbox so you can imagine the killers aren't the best. Not terrible but not amazing. And I'm being serious when I say that sometimes people are losing and know this so just try and make excuses to get a kill
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I play survivor a lot too so I know how much it sucks to face a camping dbag. I find it pathetic to camp, unless it's some trolling bming douche, someone who abuses broken loops, or once the gens are done and you're out of options.
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But they don't need to, camping is legit.
Maybe they wanna try to make you feel better, to make it look like there was an actual reason to stay.
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Yes but it ruins the fun for everyone. Camping is such a boring way to play. It's a strategy but a crap one
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I can't really help you there.
Think of camping all you want, more than fine by me.
I pretty much think the same way, except that me getting camped doesn't really bother me.
But it's here.
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Getting camped doesn’t bother me.
People seeing the killer camping via my kindred and coming to save me anyway rather than do gens and get out, punishing the behavior, bothers me.
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I can relate, i already liked running Kindred before its buff.
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Same, been a staple in my builds since 2017. Kindred Addicts Anonymous when?
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How do you know they are lying? Better yet, instead of accusing people for camping just move onto the next match.
The scratch marks don't have to be right by the hook area either.... can't count the number of times I have seen scratch marks along the walls or in the distances heading towards the hook.
Sometimes you don't even need scratch marks. Survivors near by startle crow, rustle grass, or their breathing gives them away.
Survivor are not always as stealthy as they think they are, and instead of realizing the mistakes on their end they rather blame the killer for 'brain dead camping'. Of course this is DBD so its always the killer doing something wrong am I right?
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Sometimes are scratchmarks not necessary.
I remember as example on 1 match, were I had saw the backside of a mag behind a car on the autohaven map, while I was hooking a survivor.
What do you do as killer in such a sitation?
You try to catch the mag, but you also try to not move too far away from the hook, because there is a high chance that other survivors will also try to unhook the hooked survivor while you are running behind that mag^^ (or hooking her also somewhere up).
TL:DR Some killers may have not even need to scratchmarks, because they have directly saw the survivor :).
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You got it backwards. I said I DIDN'T see scratch marks, which meant I didn't have to worry about someone nearby distracting me from my camping.
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I have had a few situations where i got accused of camping when crouching as the pig, and we just facechecked eachother. My last few games have had me getting 3-4 kills, NOT because i camped or tunneled or whatever, it was all pure chance and following clues.
Disclosure I am a garbage tier 19 nub killer
EDIT: Also altruism is insane, so many ppl could get away if they didnt throw themselves at a hook
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You mistakenly seem to think Killers have to justify their play to survivors.
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I honestly see about 50/50 as far as salt goes. Survivors complain about killers and their perks. Killers complain about survivors and their perks. Its almost like people forget this is a game and take it too seriously.
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Well the camera angles and scratches are inconsistent in this game sometimes. If I turn around quickly and see someone head duck 😂 I'm gonna stick around sorry. I also will stay close by if I see scratches fading, I understand what camping is but don't rush save.
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It's not just you, could easily be other survivors leaving scratches within view and tipping off the killer that someone else is coming. Another thing is when you hook someone and don't see anyone with bbq, tipping you off that everyone and their mother is trying to go for a save. There's a lot of potential reasons to not leave a hook if you know someone's going to unhook the second you walk away and then you just turn back around with the rescuer(or rescuee if that's your thing, whatever,) having a solid headstart. Scratch marks are definitely the most common thing that make me stay and search around the hook though.
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Exactly ^^
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Remember that you're not the only survivor, nor the only one who saves. I play both sides, but technically main killer, and when someone accuses me of camping, its hard to figure out which of the 8 or so hooks they're speaking of, especially when the whole team is pretty altruistic.
That being said, I don't doubt some people use this as an excuse to camp, but it's probably people in a <1% minority and their behavior likely can't be changed.
Let's talk about the survivors that yell at you for camping end game, that makes you go from a 1K to a 2K+, just because they wanted to be altruistic and act like tough #########. The survivor that then tells you you're bad, despite their death/teammates being that players own fault. Once again, likely a <1% minority. (They may be seen more due to the 4 vs. 1 nature of the game)
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Exactly, haha. Maybe I saw some marks, maybe it was a hunch. Either way, see you in the next game.
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Why do SWF's groups lie and say they are all solo??
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I'm very impersonal as a killer. I get in, kill, then immediately leave after the match. No chatting, nothing.
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If I camp, it's either:
A: I know someone's nearby, so I'm staying close (not facecamping though, more of a tight patrol)
B: I'm already losing, going for at least a kill
C: The person's been a problem during the match, I NEED them gone
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You know one of the big reason a killer will camp hooks because survivors gen rush. Killer are against time unlike survivors. Some times 30sec to a 1min chase can cost you 3 gens. Then you have to take in a count we have to waste time looking for yous. Killers have way more pressure to deal with then a Killer can actually put on map without playing so called dirty.. I'm a red rank killer by the way. I think if killers had more time you wouldn't see so much camping.. I understand doing gens is what Survivors supposed to just like killers are suppose to kill but most survivors than understand what killers have to put up..
Bags and Bags of Salt
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Marks in trees, rocks, and walls are pretty big giveway but if I have BBQ on, hook someone, and don't see anyone when I do my spin check I know you're near by and of course I'm going to do a quick check. I'd be stupid not to ignore that hint
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It doesn't matter. I am not asking the opinion of the executioners. I listen to the victims.
And the camped survivor sees everything, he sees if another survivor is near, if he runs, and if the killer does not move without any explanation. He knows.
Besides, if the killer sees scratchmarks or a survivor directly, this justifies even more that the killer searches or hunts. Not that he does not go away
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I agree. Especially if the killer is running bbqac. If he doesn’t see an aura ( especially if he isn’t cannibal or billy) he pretty much knows if you aren’t in a locker you are close by. I think most assume cannibal & billy run this religiously. It all depends on perk build and add ons.
the trouble is within the survivor main community, you can be 50 meters from the hook and they still consider it camping. Only if you run to the far corner of the map, kick a gen, wait for the unhook and full heal is it not camping. I’ve been accused of being a noob for killing 4 survivors too quickly. Told “that’s not how you play” and “we have to do the gens”. If 4 players with add ons, perks, offerings can’t manage to get 1 teammate out alive it isn’t the killers fault. It’s theirs.
Face camping is rare. Provided as a survivor you don’t play like an #########. I have never encountered it at red rank, rarely purple & seldom green. It’s more of a yellow brown thing. Of course I also play with respect. I don’t tea bag and I never DC.
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Because Even if you’re right, they don’t want to admit that they are camping. No other reason.
They will never admit it because in their eyes they did what they needed to do to win. So you should just be satisfied knowing that.
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This exactly. I don't get face camped much, but if your toxic you deserve it.
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It's gotten to the point where I have to run Barrowed Time and Babysitter together to secure a safe hook rescue. I've had a camping Doctor and it ruined his day because not only could he not tunnel the survivor but no pools of blood or scratch marks were left for 8 seconds as well! 😂🤣 So he was searching lockers to try and find someone.
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Some killers will lie, but most either just saw the survivor themselves, a lack of a 3rd BBQ aura, or heard them around (because most killers can hear grass moving or survivors breathing. I can without stridor).
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If a killer decides to camp they can end of and you shouldn't even need to ask them why they are camping and at the same time they shouldn't say I saw marks (if they didn't) camping is good and bad for example I'm a survivor main and I love to save hooked survivors even if there stupid but if I see them being camped well then good bye and I do a gen point is you can either do a gen or save them camping = free gens so even if they do lie I don't see the problem?
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Survivor main that plays killer occasionally here! I have never heard nor used said excuse. I never sweep the area unless i see survivors near or see scratch marks, then after a few seconds of looking i leave. I know the pain of being camped and tunneled so I avoid that at all costs to make the game fun for both parties.
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Scratch marks pop up about a second or so after you stop running so your still leaving some marks behind. Also if a killers not new and they happen to see the last moment of a scratch mark or new ones they will understand that you are around.
Also if you think a killer is legit looking present yourself for chase. You'll understand if they are camping or legitimately looking very quickly. Even if they chase you someone else can grab the hooked person.
Not defending campers. Just pointing out my experiences from using Fixated and as Killer.
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Just because you can't see people with bbq doesn't mean they are at the hook. You can position yourself against a gen if you pay attention to where hooks are compared to where the downed survivor is or just get in a locker. I tend to use the gen to hind my arua and if I can't I usually just let it happen. I swear sometimes I question if any one understands the game mechanics.
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Like it or hate it camping is a strategy killers will use, maybe come into the match prepared for that situation with bt or some team coordination instead of crying about killers camping on the forums
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Like others said, challenge him for a chase and you'll see if he's really camping or just looking for someone he thinks is nearby.
But if the killer says that he thought someone was there and you actually were. Does it really matter why he though it?
Post edited by RottingAlien on1 -
I wish survivors that never played killer would play with the perk fixated for 20 games or so
So they can see themself how obvious they often make it that they are near
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Clearly people didn't read my comment. I'm not sprinting. I'm walking. And I stay a safe distance from the hook so it's impossible for me to leave scratchmarks near the hook.
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I think if they lie about it it is either not a lie and the scratch marks were in a stupid place like someone ran for a second, they are actually lying or they have past experience with survivors and know some might not take "I saw you behind a tree" because there is no way they could have been seen
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I play both. You have to give me a reason not to camp you. When I play killer I leave extremely fast if I start losing gens...or ruin. (You lose pretty quickly if you camp) But on the other hand as survivor now I understand just how killers know where I'm at. Without checking the perks at the end of the game you can't learn to counter what they're doing. Maybe they saw 2 ppl with bbq from across the map. Even without perks you can hear people breathing and footsteps and stuff. We know you're there.