Can someone explain why gens are allowed to be done so fast?

Allow me to add some context i am not a killer main i play both sides of the board and even so i know people have talked about this issue a lot but i want to talk about this. Generally when i play killer 8 out of 10 times i will get a swf i play in the rank 10 to rank 2'ish area in case you wanted to know but im sick and tired of playing killer gens get done way to f*cking fast even with ruin and corrupt intervention as well as me playing very well with good map pressure i will rarely have a game where 1 or 2 gens are not done in the first 3-4 mins and thats while getting hooks gen rushing is such a problem for so many people that when i dont run ruin, Corrupt intervention , Pop goes the weasel ext i will almost never get a game were i have survivors even considerably pressured if i have this gen almost done i kick and there right back on it if i try to pressure that gen another gen gets almost done its come to the point where im more afraid of survivors running 4 man toolboxes then flashlights please if your reading this share your opinion cause at this rate im probably never going to pick up killer again



  • AngelicLaw
    AngelicLaw Member Posts: 9

    Everything you say is true let me clarify i am a console player used to be pc but i feel i shouldn't need to dodge swf's and 4 man toolboxes its in the game right i just wish the devs would take a community suggestion or find a way them self to nerf gen progress somehow

  • AngelicLaw
    AngelicLaw Member Posts: 9

    Ya are you counting toolboxes, perks, how many people on gens, swf yes or no the list goes on

  • AngelicLaw
    AngelicLaw Member Posts: 9

    Thank you for clarifying for him i wasn't sure on the exact numbers

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    And if you increase gen times, guess what. Everyone will have to bring a tool box. You've then created this problem on wider scale.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    This is why I enjoy trap killers. In the beginning of the match, trap the crap out of three gens, and leave a few where you know players will go.

    If they’re a well coordinated SWF, I’ll play as sweaty, campy, and tunnely as much as I have to. I also love not chasing the baiter. You know the one, wearing the flashy cosmetics that’s tbagging and flashlight clicking at me to chase them. I’ll act like I’m coming and make an about face. I ain’t got no time to be looped while your friends rescue. I need to be there to welcome them and protect my three gens!

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    What killer are you playing? If I see more than one toolbox or flashlight, Franklins Demise goes on. Best advice is to apply as much pressure as possible. If you can show that you're competent, when you injure multiple people, they will start respecting you and stop to heal. Don't be afraid to slug people either.

    If you're sick of getting rushed, get a high mobility killer like Billy or Wraith.

  • AngelicLaw
    AngelicLaw Member Posts: 9

    I main Trapper and Michael i used to play pc but switched to console do to reasons but i do just as well its just why do i have to run franklins to just get by? I should be able to run whatever perks i want without fear of the game ending in 5 mins you feel me?

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Wraith with the speed while cloaked and see through walls is a force to be reckoned with.

    Silent bell is fun for the grabs.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    There's your problem. Both of those characters really have no early pressure, it's all about the midgame with Michael and late game with the Trapper. I always wind up getting gen rushed with them. With trapper, trap your totems and lurk close enough to defend it early. With Mikey, it's all about learning to 99% stalk, then pop it with multiple people around. That or use something like Fragrant Tuft of hair and concede the early gens, then wreck them in the late game.

    Yes he is. He's my new main, I really enjoy him. I don't feel like I'm under constant pressure, so I am far more relaxed.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Gen boosts are allowed af, but gen slow is op. Lel.

    No really a toolbox and prove is more than slowdown freddy could compensate.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117
    edited December 2019

    First, you probably not get 8 out of 10 Games SWF. Second, SWF doesnt means thyre that good. Third, I already destroyed 4man Squads with Trapper, whos rated as trash-tier on forums, on your level. so theyre not that had to deal with like you generalize. Fourth, if they get 1 or 2 gens done in 4 minutes, thats quite slow if they would fasten gens as you said. So to come to a conclusion, youre just not that good as you think you are. And I tell you guys again: gen speeds are fine.

  • picigu9
    picigu9 Member Posts: 50

    Because bigtards won't do anything in the lower ranks. I came back to console, Literally was not used to playing with the low sensitivity, and missed alot, and kept accidentally placing portals in the middle of chases. Would have been a 4k if Bill did not have door perks. Not a single gen was done.

  • No because the game is being tailored to sell $10 skins to SWF groups, not be balanced for killers.

  • UncannyLuck
    UncannyLuck Member Posts: 210

    Well, there are people with fewer hours than you that haven't been playing as long as you that manage without both corrupt and ruin.

    Also, if you've been playing that long you'd remember gens use to be even faster, not counting things like original BNP.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    Invalidating someone's question cause you think it's complaining is stupid as hell.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    Ask me if I care about another killer complaining or your opinion. The gens are fine and this guy can't apply pressure. It's always someone else's fault huh...

  • ButcherSnake
    ButcherSnake Member Posts: 6

    you cant just put on ruin, corrupt or pop and expect to win. you have to actually apply gen pressure and play smart if you dont want gens to be done against competent players

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    I’m sorry but if you have zero interaction with the killer there is something wrong. In fact that in itself explains why you might be getting “gen rushed”.

    Gens speed cannot be changed because there are already tools that slow them down. In fact in many cases it’s already too much to a point where the killer is benefiting too much from the slower speed.

    Sometimes the scales are either tipped for or against you. You can’t win every match.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    Lmao your useless

    I don't care if you care! Just shut it so nobody has to read such pointless posts and waste any part of their life with your toxicity. The forums exist for people to talk about whatever they want. Instead of being constructive you are being garbage.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    His scoops aren't anywhere near plump enough. If you want my attention, play a shirtless David.

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    Yep. On older maps, if you have immersed survivors you run risk of losing early game (Yamoka estate). Plus, if you have a survivor run tiles in optional fashion, sometimes it can be up to 40-50 seconds of time sink until neighboring tiles are not safe. Long walls are a huge time sink.

    If you commit to that, you lose. They end up saving that gen for last and it's a free generator due to how safe it is depending on killer choice.

    Maps tend also to be too big.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    The gens need to be done fast because there is ruin to ruin out party

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    They've stated they realize survivors don't want to be bored by having to hold M1 longer than they feel they should have to, so unfortunately don't expect anything to be done about it. All I can offer up is pressure gens hard and good luck. Given the RNG nature, especially on some maps, and the viability of some killers, that's not always great advice but it's the best one can do for the time being.

  • MAV
    MAV Member Posts: 52

    It's called map presence, don't tunnel and patrol gens and you won't be rushed... Run a perk like ruin to slow the game... It's common sense... The goal of survivors is to complete gens as fast as possible without being seen...

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    Look who's talking. You don't have to read anything you moron. You saw my comment and got triggered by it for now reason. Grow up.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Because m1 simulator is boring and not exciting.

    If the survivors would have some interactive and exiting (not another hold m1 and watch the bar fill up) task, like collecting repair parts etc. the game would slow down naturally.

    But as it is now, how long should a survivor hold m1 with the optional skillchecks, to complete a gen?

  • Timmylaw
    Timmylaw Member Posts: 227

    People always complain about gen speeds but killers avg a 3k, do you want a 4k average?

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Ah you're using Trapper. Once again, your ability to pressure, especially with that particular killer, is doo doo due to his early game set up.

  • Mikebrix
    Mikebrix Member Posts: 14

    Try running ruin, pop goes the weasel, tinkerer, surveillance, monitor, bitter murmur, rancor.. Then you could hump the three together gens. As a killer I have relatively little experience and 4k the 3 swf teams without camping or tunnelling as spirit. If they're not swf I don't even phase. I play trapper and still get 4k but swf will carve you up if your not boosted.. it's really no fun if the game is lopsided, and I don't need to be sweaty, if a survivor or 2 escapes hats off it was fun and prolly saw some smart moves.. STFU about getting burned. Survivors have to deal with more toxic killers, that use the adv of not SWF, than SWF because you got to the red ranks by camping and tunnelling.. I know alot of killers don't camp and tunnel, until the last survivor... They gens are hard to miss as killer, do some work... PLAY LIKE A CHAMP NOT A CHUMP!!

  • AThiccOni
    AThiccOni Member Posts: 61

    Gen rushing was already nerfed bud, there's no way they're going to keep nerfing it more... You already get penalties when multiple survivors are working on a gen

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694
    edited December 2019

    Because the gens arent scaled to skill level.

    The gens are fine for everyone involved when the survivors are new or have a moderate amount of experience. But survivors that have essentially mastered gens can rush through them.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Yes there is something wrong with that. Usually that's a perfect storm of maps the size of an astronomical unit, not playing top tier killers, immersed survivors, SWF red ranks, forever loops, and toolboxes. Unfortunately, that storm happens way too often for it to not be an issue especially on console with the current state of matchmaking. No you're not expected to win every game and it's not the survivor's job to get chased and caught. However since the emblem system forces interaction, the killer gets penalized a lot more when survivors get tunnel vision and that's not an outlier.

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    Nerf Ruins

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    TL;DR at bottom of post.

    Generators been a problem for a while, and the developers need to make some changes to the core objective system instead of using perks to balance things out. This is something I always disagreed with because then players are forced to take up perk slots to balance the game out, instead of them using a variety of builds.

    However, I don't want to get ahead of myself here, if we make changes to the core objective system, then we need to keep in mind that you're giving every killer a significant buff. If you throw in the current Ruin, Sloppy Butcher, Corrupt Intervention, No One Escapes Death, or Pop Goes The Weasel, games will be slowed to a crawl and survivors will likely make no meaningful progress at all at that point.

    Therefore, some killers, specifically the powerful ones, might need to be changed or survivors will need something else to compensate for the extra time killers are given. This wouldn't be too harsh, just enough to prevent things for getting haywire. The same also applies to certain perks that affected game speed. 🤗😁


    Generators are a problem and the entire survivor objective needs a huge over haul to solve this. However, we must keep in mind of the side effects in updating the old system because all killers are receiving a huge buff, as well as slow down perks — they might need a tweak, too.

  • Banrodus
    Banrodus Member Posts: 4

    I've been thinking that maybe the higher level the survivor is, the longer the gen should take, because it would actually help force the survivors who got to high ranks to play optimally, rather than mess around like they sometimes do, but not punish lower ranked survivors who don't know how to be optimal yet. And obviously, it would help slow down the already optimal survivors and SWF teams...

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    To play Devil's Advocate, wouldn't that encourage deranking? 🤔

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Think the biggest issue to this is just how much things can stack for either end of the extreme. Devs seemed VERY concerned with "Forever Freddy" slowing down gens by a large amount after slowly building up debuffs throughout the length of the game, but seem fine with the opposite effect of a perk/toolbox setup stacking together to pump out gens quickly. While I tend to be one that says to apply more pressure, its hard to do that equally well against a team whose members are getting the gens done in 80 seconds versus a team doing them in 50.

    Both ends of the extreme sucks. The devs took a step towards extreme slowdowns...just waiting for the opposite to come into play in which speed up times like THIS can be used at the very start of the game without any need to work towards them.

  • It's all relative to how you're playing, is what I've discovered. As a new player, playing Survivor, I feel like it takes a long time to get a Generator turned on. Playing as Killer, I feel like it's a decent amount of time. I never had an issue with patrolling Generators and applying map pressure.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Has anyone else gotten a situation where you cant chase anybody and just kinda have to camp your three generators? I am a bad killer so maybe its just me being a bady but, i had a match where i tried to patrol gens, saw survivors chased for avout 10 seconds and gens kept popping. I got down to three gens and couldnt leave the middle one because they would go in ine at a time, tap it, id smack it chase them away turn around and someone else is already on it. I ended the game at 1k ( which is cool by me, i got to do something) but it didnt feel like i had any real control in that match, i was just delaying the inevitable.