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If This is What We Got For Christmas I Wonder If We'll Get Anything For New Year...

2019 is finally coming down to an end and we're only days away from Christmas and being confirmed that we're not getting a Christmas event is irritating enough...

But this is beginning to worry me about what's gonna happen for the new year in dbd...

If there is any news that I missed out on let me know, if not comment your opinion on this...


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  • Member Posts: 47

    They mentioned a blood hunt for early January dunno if they've said anything else. Considering all they have on their plate and them taking a break for the holidays I wouldn't expect anything more. Hopefully they'll be working on matchmaking when they come back.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    There will be a Blood Hunt in the new year, but DBD has never celebrated New Year's to my recollection and I wouldn't expect them to start now.

    They will most likely do something for the Lunar New Year, though, which is in late January. My guess would be a Blood Hunt, themed Rift cosmetics, and maybe the return of lunar generators and hooks if we're lucky, like they did for Halloween this year.

  • Member Posts: 98

    It looks like the rift is gonna end in 2 weeks or more so that's probably their main focus at the moment.

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