Dwight is S Tier, Change My Mind...

Me And my Cousin Had A Game With A Rank 14 Dwight and It Made Us Realise How Good Dwight Really Are...
Some Are Gens Rushers, Some Are Team Players And Some Try And Loop The Killer Around ( in Other Words Obsession)...
I Haven't Seen A Single Dwight Which Hasn't Contributed To The Team in Some Way, The Dwight's Are Always Doing Something, Even If It's Not Saving You Off A Hook They Are Always Doing Something...
The Dwight Make A Good Amount Of Decisions For The Team Which Does in fact Lead To What The Main Dwight Character Actually is, A Leader...
And If I'm Honest Sometimes I Am Being Told By Dwights To Go Do Gens And A Common To Go Unhook...
So Honestly I Think Dwight Has Deserved S Tier, If Not Top A Tier, What Do You Think...
Meanwhile my dwights are in lockers...
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True. I never see Dwights move around the outskirts of the map with urban evasion. They are much better than Megs or Claudettes.
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Why did you capitalize almost every first letter?
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His perks are awesome.
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Well; he definetely is S tier in the "worst survivors in the game" list.
No;in my experience they're useless and bad ,not as BAD as Claudettes,but still....
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Take that back you little ....
Dwight is love, Dwight is life.
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might of missed something...
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mmm okay green ranked kate
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oh yeah how could I forget how cute Dwight's are
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I would never try to change your mind about something that is the truth.
Dwights are the best.
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(So many caaaaaaaaaaps!)
Dwight imo would not be s tier from what I have seen, far too much I have seen. S tier only if they have elf Dwight on
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Capital letter at the start of every word... I love it.
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Im actually red ranked,like every season.
As long as I dont have you Dwights in my lobby,Im happy ;)
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Please leave that Caps key alone.
This was a message from the Caps key Defense Commitee.
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Feng would disagree with this, I believe.
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I wish they would delete that DISGUSTING ugly bald Dwight cosmetic. It's a disgrace to his cuteness
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I can't hear the jingles half of the time due to sound bug. 1/10, F tier
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I agree :) it doesn't matter of the dwight locker camp they are better then all and the face of good in the dark world of dbd
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I couldn't agree more :)
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Dwights are usually pretty good players, unless they're a default Dwight. Ace is SS tier, though .
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The majority of Dwights are really nice, in fact I used to main Dwight but my kindness got me killed (bc apparently nobody wants to save Dwights after they were the altruistic boss). I did however meet a mean Dwight that tried to make me seem like a jerk that did nothing but it backfired once I pointed out that he was basically talking about himself (he started a chat after he died with everyone).
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I hear all Dwights kick cats and tie the tails of dogs together
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You too!? I thought I was the only one who knew
But back to the topic David is better... He's like a superhero for his friends
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Most players I’ve seen that play Dwight are team players who fix gens and go for unhooks. Just depends on if they are a baby or not. Poor baby Dweets...I feel bad everytime I have to kill one.
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Jake Park is the only S tier survivor.
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Jake Parks Are Gonna Take Some Thoughts Before Ranking Him ( Sorry On Phone Caps Are Broke)
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Jake is a bum.