Another day in the fog I guess...

A good session of dbd isn't complete until someone compares me to tru3ta1ent and starts talking #########.
Why do people call me a tru3 fanboy or tru3 clone when I use slowdown perks?
I'm playing legion with dying light and I'm some fanboy?
Someone please explain. Cause it was funny at first, but it happens so often I'm getting confused lmao
I would feel that if you were a stealth killer using his hitnrun build/tactics but I haven't heard about him using dying light yet?
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Right? That's what I'm saying. I'm not even using sloppy lmao
I'm super lost. I even went and watched some tru3 vids thinking that maybe he's playing a lot of legion or something, but no. He's just doin his thing. Idk.
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Because apparently No one used slow down perks until tru3. And I think I read somewhere that tru3 actually created those perks and bhvr actually pay him royalties to use them.
He's a boring but knowledgeable streamer and his builds are effective. So obviously he's trash. And anyone who uses his perks are also trash. Just dbd player mentality.
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But it happens EVERY SINGLE DAY. Without fail.
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I'm guessing people think tru3 is the reason why slowdown perks are being used more and assumed your a fanboy for using slowdown perks
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This didn't start happening until about a month or 2 ago. And I havent really changed up my build, killer, or playstyle in that time, so it's getting frustrating
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People like to crap on tru3 for someone reason. Not trying to start drama it's just a fact and it's kinda weird. His wraith and ghostface builds are strong and people are recognising that. Don't know how legion and dying light correlates to him, though. Probably just survivors being salty as usual.
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That's so silly an misguided imo
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You're probably right. Just wanted to get others opinions on here, cause I was super confused lol
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That's so weird! I never had that happen to me when I was running my tryhard builds. They're probably just salty that they lost lol
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So he's the one who created forever freddy! get the pitchforks and torches!
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I even asked "does tru3 play legion or something?" And they were like "are you serious"
Like yeah, ######### is happening right now lmao
I'm not kidding that it happens at least once a day.
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Oh jesus lol
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Are you running the Nemesis, PWYF, Ruin, ??? build? That's his current legion build (I think) and could explain why people think you're a "fanboy" or whatever
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Nope. My tryhard build is : ruin, pgtw, thana, dying light. Lol
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It's good cause ruin slows the gen progress in the early game to allow you to get all your hits in, thana kicks in, you get a down that feeds dying light, and activates pop.
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That's not even a Tru3 build! Those guys really are just salty
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I'm glad I'm not crazy lol
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There just jeeeeeaaalous. I run tru3's builds too. He knows his stuff and has some quite nice builds. What? Wanna fight about it? ๐๐
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I play a lot of Legion myself (they're my 2nd main!), so I'll try that out. I've been having a lot of fun running Blood Echo with Thana though, which could replace Dying Light in your build if you want a decent chase perk. Not having to worry about people using Dead Hard is pretty great
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I agree. I dont run his builds, but that's cause I like to theory craft and put a lot of thought into my own builds
Before I bought the game, I watched tru3 and monto religiously cause they're so skilled. Watching them made me a really decent player when I finally got the game for myself. Idk why people poop on tru3. He's a nice enough guy.
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Yeah it's funny how people say he sucks but he lives in red ranks and demolishes almost everyone he plays. I've seen him 4k great teams at rank 1 w clown, legion, and Bubba. How many others can do that?
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Well, I can with legion lol
But only cause I have like 1k hours in just him.... but I get you 100%
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That Was about the time tru3 started show down ghostface I think.
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"Wow this Legion is using a slowdown build that works great on Legion, he must be a tru copycat, nvm my copy+paste meta build with Deadhard, adrenaline, Borrowed time, and decisive."
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Tru3's builds are effective for him and his playstyle. I find most of them just boring for me. I like to change my build and experiment with different playstyles, but that's just me. I used to play his Ghostface build, then giving some time to learn how to stalk effectively, which is 100% more effective when done right.