Survivor Perk: Diversion (complete rework)

KigeAno Member Posts: 18
edited December 2019 in Creations


"Take the long way - I'll see you there"

Become the obsession. Every stun and chase escape from the killer confers a stack of Diversion, up to a maximum of 4. Lose 1 stack upon being hooked. Cannot gain stacks within 10 seconds of gaining a previous stack, or for 10 seconds after being hit.

Upon performing a heal, sabotage or repair action, a special skill check occurs. Succeeding this consumes all stacks of Diversion. Failing the check consumes a single stack.

Each stack, when consumed, confers up to 20% progress for sabotage and healing actions, and up to 10% for repairs.


Wanted to make a perk for a more aggressive survivor playstyle (actively seeking to be chased). For those wondering what "up to x%" means, I'd suggest having half of the stack's progress be guaranteed, then the rest be proportional to how much progress is left.

e.g. for repairs a guaranteed 5% per stack, plus the more of the gen there is left, the closer to another 5% per stack. So each stack would be worth 10% on an unworked gen, but only 7.5% on one that has 50% progress already, so we don't get survivors bringing gens from 60% to done instantly.

The other restrictions are to encourage survivors to be using their stacks.

Post edited by KigeAno on


  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Decent idea for a new perk, but I like the current Diversion more.

  • KigeAno
    KigeAno Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2019

    NGL, I totally forgot that there was already a perk called diversion. Can you blame me.