what do you think dead by daylights biggest problem is right now?

I've been thinking about this for a good bit

Now as it goes for my understanding the current game is a lot better than the past version of the game. But how can we make it better?


I do believe that maps right now are the biggest issue. Loops that spawn right next to each other and some maps that have no loops at all or dead zones. along with spawns for totems but this is mainly older maps. God windows are also a need of fix IMO, just a doorway would be nice. The loop can be strong but some counterplay would be fun.


A lot of underused perks along with very very strong perks on both sides. I'm sure that both sides hate having to see the same thing over and over. I understand there is a meta but I think we should have different builds or perks that combo really well It would be bit fresh air in this game, instead getting a new skin. We could see what perks that don't get used and buff them a bit.

Killer powers.

I do believe that over time we have gotten better killers. so many amazing ideas and killer powers have come from the devs but looking back on a lot of killers like wraith, clown, trapper or pig and watching them get outshined by better killers like hillbilly, oni, nurse and so on. I'm not saying buff them out there skull but its been a good bit now. some of these killers have been cut and dry. Let's shake things up a bit.

Survivor objectives

It would something new or amazing to bring into dbd with something still pushing to there end goal of escaping the game.

Like gens that need parts/gas that is on the map or different type of exit gate.


there should changes and we could test them on the ptb with the servers and the feedback we can see what's fair and unfair. or try buffed killers or perks or different ob

Or have community ideas or input with the game.



  • Ajritoka
    Ajritoka Member Posts: 594
    edited December 2019

    I think the game needs a competitive mode with no trading for teachable perks and static maps (not randomized).

    Almost every multiplayer game has fixed maps that can be memorized so players can learn to play on them optimally. Teachable perks offer too much of a gamble, they’re variable because you never know which character is using who’s perks. Teachable perks should be locked onto their characters so predictions and counter play can be made. Obviously some luck based Killers may need to be reworked first, like The Trapper and The Pig.

    Competitive games need predictability, and all the salty players constantly complaining about balance seem quite competitive.

    Post edited by Ajritoka on
  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    What dbd needs: perk balance, map balance, new survivor objective fixing fusebox or finding parts anything really, killer power balance.

    What dbd gets: unbalanced maps and killers, bugs, unbalanced perks, cosmetics.

    Did I mention we get cosmetics?

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    Matchmaking pairing you with people 10-ish rank levels outside of your zone every single match, insane viability gap between solo survivor and SWF, or map design balances... hard to pick.

    For sure, they're all FUBAR'ed and untouched at the moment.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    The disconnect between what the devs think is good for the game and what the community overall thinks..the devs make off decisions that just lessen the experiance a lot lately

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited December 2019
  • Megatome
    Megatome Member Posts: 34

    In the words of one Mr. Scott Jund: The biggest problem with Dead by Daylight is map design-- maps like fractured cowshed's massive links of jungle gyms and those really long safe pallets, disturbed ward's entire central building (the main offender), wretched shop's... shop, the god window on suffocation pit... yeah.

    but also, hey, maybe make a handful more viable killer perks, yeah? I'm so tired of the same stale killer meta.

  • Megatome
    Megatome Member Posts: 34

    I made this sound like map design is only bad in the FAVOR of survivors, but it can generate in MASSIVE detriment to survivors as well. it's just ######### in general.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    TBH there are a lot of things that need change; totems are almost useless,keys,moris, luck is literally a waste of an offering,letherface is so bad that you can be affective at high ranks only by camping in the basement and you will still get gen rushed and lose

  • DomnulCioco
    DomnulCioco Member Posts: 2

    Straight up tunneling and camping, ruining the game fun. At low level games, you either run like a pro or get caught and stay facecamped to death. It honestly ruined my last 2 weeks of play.

  • Megatome
    Megatome Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2019

    If tunneling and camping is ruining your time you're playing the game incorrectly.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • DomnulCioco
    DomnulCioco Member Posts: 2

    The game should allow you to have a fighting chance against tunneling and campingl. Not all of us are pros. And in lower ranks this happens every game. I cant progress if i die instantly. Also not fun at all, makes me wanna delete the game :D

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Long matchmaking wait, bad map design (good windows), gen rush.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Disconnects are the big one. But not because of players acting bad. It is player response to drastic reduction of survivor abilities in game.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Disconnects and the power role sWF's have over the game. A good, not great team can dictate a match. A great team can dictate a match before it ever even begins, giving the killer almost zero chance.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    Imma flag this for trolling because you failed to even be on topic.

    You are literally the problem with the current killer meta. Enjoy those increasing wait times because people get tired of getting camped and/or tunneled. You get way more points for hooking everyone over and over. Don't like it, don't play. You tunnel or camp? I'll DC/suicide and move on to the next game. Don't care if i get banned either, because BHVR lacks any and all principles when it comes to coding the game in any way shape or form of having fun. Their spewing out DLC and Cosmetics with a broken game with more bugs than a dirty bed.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Easy, balancing.

    Solo/SWF Vs SWF on comms

    Lobbies where going above rank 11 killer changes survivors 20 to 12 to red ranks.

    Muddied red ranks with it being far too easy to rank up

  • Megatome
    Megatome Member Posts: 34

    The topic is irrelevant in this specific instance-- if you're being tunneled, it's because whoever unhooked you didn't peel for you. Even the nicest killer will tunnel if you're the only person they can find. If you're being camped, congratulations-- the duration of one survivor's hook is enough for three survivors to finish practically every gen on the map. The killer doesn't win by camping the same way survivors don't win by running in circles.

    So again, I say, Next!

  • MrVecetti
    MrVecetti Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2019

    1st biggest issue: The game is made so that SWF vs non-SWF will NEVER EVER be balanced.

    2nd biggest issue but they are working on it. Disconnects in over 75% of solo queue survivor matches (based on solo queuing rank 4-5)

  • FJSJ_Lunar
    FJSJ_Lunar Member Posts: 230

    Maps and map tiles.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    A failed anti cheat system that never gets updated and has been proven easy to bypass.

    Legal cheats (voip) that the devs can't do anything about so they white listed it.

    Solo players being left in the dirt, even tho it is extremely easy to buff them to swf level, but the dev's know that will decimate the game because they are aware that swf is unbalanced and gives to much information, so they refuse to do it.

    Killers being balanced around rank 10 because of "FUN" for the highest paying customer (survivor cosmetics)

    The engine.ini being available to edit to your hearts desire giving advantages to survivors as can be seen from many streamers (bight and LARGE killer light) because people want to customize their perk emblems.

    Failed map design that is unfair and frustrating with no counter, every loop has a safe spot where you can see and counter anything the killer does.

    most loops have giant holes in them to see what the killer is doing to eliminate mind games.

    Strong loops that lead into more strong loops that lead into more strong loops...

    Perks designed to give extra lives in a game where the base lives are already to many.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    The biggest issue are the people trying to complete their challenges before the rift closes causing horrible game play for everyone.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,292

    Killer scoring system regarding Instant downs and 4 kill depips/draws could use an improvement. You just have to play Plague at red ranks to see faults in scoring system. Killers like Myers,Billy and Leatherface also get punished for using their power. I believe 4th category(Chaser) should award emblem points any time a survivor loses a health state and if they lose 2 health states, than you get rewarded twice. I do think the entire emblem system needs changes as a whole to better determine a single victor and the loser/draw in a match but If they do intended to keep emblem system as it is right now. it needs some slightly adjustments on killer side. Survivor ranking system seems in an ok spot where if your good as survivor, you'll be at the top and if your bad, you'll be placed lower. Perhaps we'll see changes when they do rank rewards.

    Key and Mori: The principal of keys and mori are to shortcut the win condition of the game which is to land 3 hooks on a survivor(without slugging) and to complete 5 generator for survivor. Keys are overall not very fun to face because they steal the win from the killer even if the survivor played badly entire game. They are in a true sense a free escape for playing badly. Veteran players play a ton of the game and by this point, you can memorize common hatch spawn locations and because of this, Key is practically free escape for up to 3 survivors if 4 generator are done. I would say it is most single player-oriented mechanic in the game. In some regards, there isn't even counter-play to this mechanic, like if you get to trap door first with a key, the killer can't do much. I'd propose that opening hatch only works for key holder and they should need to pick-lock so that killer can prevent somewhat prevent a key hatch escape. As for Mori, they reduce another number of hook states for survivor to 2. I think mori should just be cool death animations that don't really affect gameplay. If your good at killer now, Using mori is like cheap instant win and it's probably most toxic item to play against. Half the time, survivors just disconnect if you use a hidden offering. It's not to say that survivors can't win against it if they're good, but the way you win with it is purely artificial cheese. I'd suggest making mori only work on 3rd hook for Ebony Mori and Ivory Mori. I think weakening mori and keys would be healthy change to the game as it would reduce toxic/dc behavior.

    Dedicate servers & Latency: Ever since dedicate servers came out, I personally feel that the overall gameplay for survivor and killer can sometimes feel unstable. In such cases, it provides a negative gameplay experience. I feel like the servers provide unnecessary delay for both sides. I would like to think that these server could be improved but I personally think that peer to peer offered a far superior gameplay experience for the game. I know this opinion might be subjective but I wish that we could go back to peer to peer. It feels bad when you get hit through window vaults/pallet drop as survivor and playing with delay with killer kinda sucks. They're not always bad but sometimes it feels like it could be better.

    This is just my personal opinion for what could be improved. Some of lesser used/useless perks could use some work but most of the time players won't use them in favor of superior options.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    The topic is the topic. Its called threadjacking when you intentionally lead it off topic with your own comments. You're obviously trolling. But i'll throw you a line because i'm bored and you lack a ######### ton of information about the game, obviously.

    as a survivor main, i respect targets of opportunity. If youre unhooked and just hang out in the area, then you're asking to get donked in the face. This is not what i'm talking about when it comes to tunneling. Bypassing 1, 2, even 3 survivors to go for the unhooked survivor. This is what people are ultimately frustrated with.

    Camping when all gens are done and you have 1 survivor hooked is no longer camping. Killer objective has gone from patrol to defend. This is not camping.

    Its BM when there's 3+ gens done and you're tunneling people off the hook and hard camping 40 feet around the hook while you're getting gen rushed then cry and complain about it. Survivors have nothing else to do than gens if you're going to sit by the survivor on the hook.

    You must be new here. Not just based on your post count. Looping gives survivors massive amounts of points if the killer is a dunce and commits to non-killer friendly loops. That is literally all survivors have to earn points outside of Gens. If the killer camps and tunnels, it cuts the points for BOTH sides in half. If not more. Survivors sneeze and pip, while killer's ultimately have to play super sweaty to double pip, even single pip in instances of good Solos/3-4man SWFs.

    What YOU call a Win and what the Dev defines a Win are apparently two totally different scenarios. Saying "Next" after every post makes you look like a child. Ask mommy for permission before you play the game, please!

  • Ni7rogen
    Ni7rogen Member Posts: 80

    The most important one is ranking and devotion has no reward to staying a red ranks, it's just a big middle finger.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Putting aside the laundry list of bugs?

    • The matchmaking pairing you up with teammates whose ranks are colorful enough to form a rainbow
    • As discussed above; The Maps and how many are inherently reliant on RNG (Cowshed and Thompson House are among the worst, back2back2back endless loops or nothing at all plagues maps)
    • Indoor Maps are boring for both sides with the exception of say T1 Myers
    • Haddonfield
    • Dedicated Servers feeling bad to play on (hits that you know should've/should not have hit for both sides, dead hard, etc.
    • Queue Times being abyssmal at both ends of the rank spectrum - see Tofu's video for a good theory on it
    • Solo Queue in general, even adding an indicator someone is being chased such as with the obsession, or a healing icon, etc would go a long way
    • Not seeing ranks -Post of mine from a seperate thread: Imagine if you are playing a game like Siege and you are Plat+ and you are on a team with all Coppers and Silvers. That is the state of this game's matchmaking, and instead of readjusting/reverting the system to looking for the average rank (which is arguably a better experience for everyone not only in game but also for Queues) they instead say "well you're red rank, but if you knew you got matched with rank 15s, you would just dodge the game, and we can't have that now can we" Also the other team are random ranks. Also everyone is Solo queue and confused.
    • The fact at the higher ends of both sides you see only around 7 perks, DS, DH, Adren, Ruin, Pop, BBQ etc - devs need to stop being scared of adding viable strong perks instead of ones that require you to sacrifice your family for a 5% bonus. The perks that sit at the top need more competition and reasons to be swapped out.
    • But don't worry guys, more cosmetics are always on the way! /s

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited January 2020

    Gens are boring and you don't get many points for working on them, so why bother? I only work on gens if I have to (ritual/challenge or killer refuses to kill me) when I play survivor. After having so many matches where I'd do the majority of the gens while watching the other survivors run around, acting like douches teabagging the killer, and then they'd walk out with more points than me... why the hell should I bother doing the ######### work? No, thanks. I'd rather have fun (searching chests, cleansing totems, going for daring saves, trying for the 4%) and die. I have friends who feel the same way, so it's not just me.

    Getting looped as killer is boring. Nothing fun about running in circles. I find myself often ditching chases. Mind gaming, using my power, surprising/scaring survivors, interesting kill animations: that's what's fun about playing killer. But looping is how survivors survive, so I can't blame them for doing it, but I'd rather wander around the map looking at the textures than run in circles. I've gotten angry messages from survivors that they had a boring match because I refused to let them loop me, but why should I do something I don't find fun just so they can have fun?

    So, to me, DbD's biggest problem is that its core gameplay isn't fun. Also, I am so tired of the sound being bugged. Sounds constantly get broken. And why is there still no husk mechanic for survivor disconnects?

    Post edited by TragicSolitude on
    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I didn't make a list,because I didn't need to like the others -_-. I would be satisfied with fixing hitboxes

  • Debridged
    Debridged Member Posts: 30

    Hitboxes & matchmaking are horrible. Also killers lunge is pretty bs sometimes. Last thing would be stability for console & better servers.

  • CrazyChicken_DK
    CrazyChicken_DK Member Posts: 48

    Maps with to few mindgames. And not just follow the leader

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    1)long lobby ques and matchmaking!!!

    2)maps!!! instead of having 3,4 or 5 styles of one map, maps be completely different to each other, at least another 5 new maps, please!

  • Yuyukoyay
    Yuyukoyay Member Posts: 50

    Lobbies too long which wasn't a problem until they artificially slowed down game lobby creation so bad connection players can play more often. Which totally screwed over everyone else.

    Keys and Mori's

    SWF's existing in the ranked mode. Should be custom games only.

    Bad Emblem system. Killer's being punished for 1 shotting even though they are likely to get dsed, borrowed timed, and possibly even deliverenced. Killer's being punished for camping when survivors swarm the hook and punished for camping on small maps when hooked in the middle. Also players leaving games completely garroting your score.

    No latency protection whatsoever. No ability for the killer to control lag by kicking survivors out of lobby. No ability for killer to kick swf's out of lobby.

    No individual character ranks. Especially for killers who are low level not playing even remotely close to each other. Also a problem due to grinding perks and addons being a thing. So you are likely to lose until you grinded a certain amount.

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    for the people that say swf! i have started to do this in the last few months and i always help the non friends. when swf don't help non friends they are probably the ones that don't help the team in solo anyway.

    maybe restrict swf to only two friends so it's fairer for the killer.

  • SekiShao
    SekiShao Member Posts: 1

    (English is not my mother language, so dont tease me for expression mistakes :) )

    I'd like to say that the biggest problem is a serious conflict rooted in our game's design.

    A tactic is now widely applied in the game, which is, that all survivors repair the generators as fast as they can. While they ensure their escape by doing this, it has also caused that, in order not to let down the evil in the world, killers must either take add-ons to slow down the speed of repairing, or choose those hateful ways to ensure the victory, such as slugging, though this still cant balance the killers' victory rate. To protect the expected game experience, as a result, the survivors are weaker and weaker in the latest versions, which actually aggravates the full-speed repairing tactic as there is not a better choice. Thus the killers can only continue their controversial behaviour. This is a vicious circle and is ruining players' game experience, while in fact, we just need to ban the max-speed repairing tactic to end it.

    (I am not saying that repairing as fast as possible is against the game while this is surely survivors' object, I just want to say that survivors are going too far with this.)

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103


    I'd just add a few more :

    • Killers' auto-aim on PC, either cucks you like a madman or remove survivors' ability to be slippery and go for jukes.
    • Bloodlust past tier 1. Ok I get it, when you're not a god at the game, looping is annoying for killers, but BL got introduced to compromise the BROKEN amount of pallets there were on maps back in the days, also entity block is a thing rn, so even windows ( Except for god windows, they're clearly unhealthy for the game ) are not broken anymore.
    • Killer nerfs that are just no targeted right at all. Spirit's one was decent, but still lacked a true touch of her gameplay. Also RIP Oni's flicks, he definitively needed some work but he's not as fun as he used to be.
    • Lobbies and pre/post-game setup that are still a pain in the a**. It's one thing to have bugs gameplay-wise but you're not even in the game and you already encounter bugs.
  • FunCat
    FunCat Member Posts: 27

    I think that right now there is 2 thinks who totally ruin the game.

    first : matchmaking totally broken

    i played against rank 4 to 6 or 20 to 18 as rank 10

    i almost all the time get unbalanced game and it really annoy me

    never saw that in 2000 h

    And second things are challenges

    lot of players are disconnecting once they know their challenge became impossible to do.

    But i think that nothing can be done for that because now devs seems to think only about cosmetics and making money on that.

    I can understand it , but if a lot of players stop to play this game cos it became annoying and not fun at all they will not sell anything.

    I have lot of players of my friendlist who stop playing this game while they was everyday on it.

    And i'm sure it's for those reasons.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    long match making as killers. killers need to be the host again or they should just remove ranks,

  • bomb1720
    bomb1720 Member Posts: 428

    i don't like the fact that is no curser for the huntress to throw her hatchets. i haven't a clue how you do it without one. exact reason why i don't use her.

    there are so many good reasons to play this game and so many bad. i can play expert in most other games playing as killer in this game i suck?

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103

    You'd rather me to use the term aim assist ?

    If you really think there is nothing to "help" killers connecting to things, I don't know how I should consider you, I figured it out after maybe 4 or 5 games of killer.

  • Yuyukoyay
    Yuyukoyay Member Posts: 50

    Got a couple more after reading and I've mentioned these before but my list was already so long. xD

    Outfit balance is completely awful. Don't think I don't know why I see claudette in red or brown more than any other survivor. It's to a ratio of like 5 to 1. 5 being claudette and 1 being everyone else. Would like a survivor outline that at least makes them stick out a little more when they try to blend in to walls. Sometimes not even being possible to see them. This isn't the same as aura reading but it would not persist through walls. Only direct line of sight.

    POV for killer being too limited. It doesn't need to be the same as most shooters, but it needs to be big enough so juking isn't so op on console. It needs to be this way by base as well. Then shadowborne or MaA can give more to make you more aware of them sneaking around. Basically you shouldn't need a perk to counter a design flaw in the game. It's unbalanced.

    The aim assist is absolutely broken. It locks onto pallets through walls, and will turn me towards them from pretty much any degree angle I was facing. There have been times I turn completely around 180 degrees causing me to miss a survivor completely. Some even seem to abuse this design flaw at times and bring me to areas this happens more often. Basically need to disable it if survivors aren't in direct line of sight and disable it for anything but survivors. Also need to disable it if they are in line of sight but obstacles block the path anyway to hit them. Often the game will drive me to auto hit a wall completely out of my control.

    A lot of killers are made with complete disregard to how they would work on console. Some killers need to be changed so they work better on console without changing their overall playstyle or power. Example nurse would probably play pretty much the same if she moved hag speed but had a fixed distance teleport. Huntress would probably work better with an aimer because it's not possible to muscle memory on a controller. You often aren't even facing the same way each time you use your power like you are unconciously doing on a pc with a mouse. Oni is kind of a nightmare on a controller. The stick doesn't move as sensitively as a mouse so movements you can do on pc do not work on console. Alternatively I would not be opposed to being able to use a mouse and keyboard on console for this game. The consoles do support this control scheme. It's just a matter of programming it in.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    There is no aim assist either.

    When you attack, the game creates a cone in front of you. If you hit something with this cone the game locks onto it, but this only occurs AFTER the hit has registered and only occurs to make it look like you actually hit the survivor/object you swung at.

  • Sinner5Gonn4Sin
    Sinner5Gonn4Sin Member Posts: 103

    I'm not saying aim assist as if your camera will magicaly turn onto a certain hitbox, but you can sometimes witness weird things happening regardless of the role you are playing.

    As a killer I lunged at someone quickly turning a corner mid animation without me expecting it in the first place, and without flicking at said person, my weapon "followed" the guy trough the wall, connecting to it.

    As a survivor, the amount of time I baited juking on a side and finally committing to a 360° to the other and got struck by a hand following me despite the killer's character facing totally in another direction got me bored to even try.

    I was suspecting the delay and the way they animated lunges to be the reason of those weird hits, but after that thing occured as the killer I can't really say anymore beside calling for aim assist.

  • TheEntity03
    TheEntity03 Member Posts: 117

    The DBD biggest problem is the Nerfs 👹

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Survive with friends PQP

  • vux_intruder
    vux_intruder Member Posts: 175

    The fact that controllers don’t work properly on PS4 and stutter when you’re in chase because for some reason you can run slower or faster instead of just running when you push forward there’s a sensitivity....

  • Aztreonam78
    Aztreonam78 Member Posts: 1,131

    Poor mad design.

    I hate Ironworks of misery, Disturbed Ward, etc.

  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322

    Lobby queues and matchmaking I would say is on the top.