Waving While Hooked. Whats It Mean?



  • Brisingr
    Brisingr Member Posts: 104

    I commented this as well after you, but yeah I believe you hit the nail on the head

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Because it never meant come get me. New people have the meaning flipped.

  • Jacked
    Jacked Member Posts: 2

    Man... I always waved to signal hurry up fools why you waiting...

    Cos they'd be people Not coming to rescue and letting me die otherwise.

  • Ancille
    Ancille Member Posts: 37

    Quick flaps mean "dont come/being camped/insidious/undetectable/etc".

    Full blown the bar is at 90% attempt animation is "none of you are coming, someone come before I try it myself".

    Then they buffed kindred to useablity, and it became less of a concern, but tldr; flaps=leave me. No flaps=safe.

    That being said when I solo queue (which is pretty often) I always run bond or kindred and if I'm close-ish I take it upon myself to get them. Two people getting to a hook wasting a bit of time is better than one person going into second state, not even just for technical reasons, but also for morale.

  • SpookyJeff
    SpookyJeff Member Posts: 108

    I do it to the heartbeat and increase to the full motion when the killer is right by me versus a little arm twitch when I'm on the edge of the TR. Hook gymnastics to my knowledge are supposed to universally signal a camping killer.

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    I remain motionless on the hook until I see someone coming to me. If there is something they need to be cautious about I start waving my arms, such as the killer is nearby or they are walking toward a trap.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It's kinda funny how the meaning has completly flipped around somehow

    It used to be to tell i a kiler was camping, now some people see it as hurry up

    And seeing how both of these have 2 completly different responses, 1 is stay away the other is come get me asap

    The confusion it spreads is hilarious sometimes

    I've seen survivors abandoning a completly safe save because the one on the hook started flailing their arms for them to hurry up

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Hooked teammate: *waves arms franticly*

    Me- Your being camped? way to hang in there so the rest of us can just do gens

    Hooked teammate: *using arm flaps to spell out via morse code "come get me, the killer left awhile ago"

    Me- Your STILL being camped? Way to go on not just suiciding bud so the rest of us can just do gens and the killer gets 1 kill

    Moral of this story...If you flap your arms...Im not coming to rescue you

  • Krystress
    Krystress Member Posts: 52

    It's always been "I'm safe, come get me, quick."

    Waving with killer camping doesn't make sense to me.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    Which is the problem. How are new people going to yell at us we are doing it wrong?

    That's like me telling Billy Joel he's playing the piano wrong while i just started to learn.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    i take it to mean do the opposite of what you’re doing. If I’m coming in and you start waving I go back to a gen. If I’m doing a gen and you wave I come for the save. I run bond a lot so it fills in some info gaps. I try not to leave teammates on hooks as much as possible. These days people don’t need much of an excuse to leave a game early.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    For me, waving means the killer is camping, but for some people it's the opposite. From what I see, however, I think waving the arms is mostly recognized as the killer camping. I have a friend, who I play with, who waves the arms for people to save him. I already told him most people think the killer is camping and that is why they hesitate to save him.

    Did it work? Nope, he still does the same. Even when I'm running straight to him and I see him and he sees me, he still waves the arms anyway. Guess he thinks just sitting on the hook doing nothing is boring...

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    I've always done fast waves when the killers close or I shouldn't be saved and long waves when I want to be

  • jzinsky
    jzinsky Member Posts: 112

    I like the way the two accepted answers oppose each other. I'll go with it means f all

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Or the meaning has simply evolved, things change. It's whatever the community consensus is. It's just another reason why it's much better to play with friends.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Trying to change the meaning of something to the complete opposite is only going to get you left on the hook. If I start teaching non-english speakers that yes means no and vice versa, thats not the the english language evolving. Thats just having abunch of people become misinformed and probably teaching others the same misinformation.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    This isn't language, which is subject to strict rules and understanding. Don't obfuscate. There's clearly a lot of confusion about what this means and quoting a Wikipedia article isn't going to cement the meaning. And if everyone has a different understanding, it's very problematic. At the end of the day I don't care what it means, as long as there's consistency and a consensus. The fact that PC players from 2016 decided doesn't mean it can't change and that's the point I was making.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Thats just it though, it IS a language. Just because it doesnt have verbal words, doesnt mean its not. The player base took it upon themselves to use whatever actions and gestures they could to form meaning. If you look up the definition of the word language, you'll come across this.

    a system of communication used by a particular country or community.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited December 2019

    I'm referring to the fact that it's in game lingo, not official terminology. There is a difference. Community invented language is subject to change based on the community. If enough people want waving to mean come get me, then that will control. You're unnecessarily obfuscating the discussion. Carry on.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    In what way am I confusing the discussion by stating that people using a gesture for the exact opposite of its original meaning without any agreed upon change to said meaning will find themselves misunderstood to their own misfortune. Please state where I had ANY confusion or are you simply trying to use a dollar word you recently learned.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I just wave randomly, whether you interpret that as "the Killer is camping" or "hurry up and save me" is entirely subjective and up to anyone you're teamed with.

    Sometimes I do it to signal "hurry up and save me." but for the most part I just do it to give me something to do...

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I simply stated that the meaning can easily change, much easier than reversing yes and no in English. That's what I was referring to. Now you're trying to insult and attack me, that's my signal that you're incapable of having any discussion. Bye Felicia!

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,685

    Please keep the discussion civil, you are expressing your opinion, no need to attack one another.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    No one comes for you because you wave, which means "killer is nearby".

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    I came here to finally learn the truth, but it turns out the truth would drive me further into madness lol.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    If I'm constantly waving as soon as I'm hooked, I'm trying to say I'm being camped. If I sit there for a bit and then wave a couple of times it means help, nobody is coming.

  • smokeauthor4556
    smokeauthor4556 Member Posts: 1

    It should be for letting you know killer is gone can be saved for a couple reason, 1: why would people signal in front of the killer and 2 there's only 1 reason you would run into a killer camping and if it's that you should just ######### if you see someone coming for save

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    We’re just bored and swing our arms just cause.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited December 2019

    Consistent short bursts of waving = Killer is camping.

    Long bursts of waving = Killer is camping

    Literally any kind of waving = Killer is camping.

    It's been this way since the start of the game! If you're waving on the hook and I'm across the map I will most likely prioritize the gen I'm on.

    Btw if a killer is camping, waving on the hook can sometimes deter them. I know if I hear a survivor spamming it, all other survivors could be rushing gens and so I should probably put pressure on them.

  • Black_Fence
    Black_Fence Member Posts: 308

    My general rule of thumb (been playing since early 2017) is:

    Spam waving= killer is camping/I'm still in terror radius

    1 Long wave(nearly attempt to escape)= no one is coming to get me so I am gunna try to Kobe soon.

    Stillness/no pressing anything= it is safe to come get me now.

    Hope this helps. If you are spam waving I am not coming to get you, it either means you are being camped and don't want saving or you are being impatient. Wait until I have finished what I am doing because I have deemed it more important (such as the last 5% of a gen, or a heal on someone that really needs it)

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684

    I seriously can't tell when i playing solo survivor unless bringing kindered

    Sometime, they're waving to tell us "Unhook me quick. Can't you see i'm so frustrated i'm spamming my M1?" or something (My kindred already tell me no camper so i'm not mistaken)

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Well, if we were to ever get in the same game, you deeming that 5% more of a gen over me going into struggle would then get you a lost teammate when you finally decided to come get me. I don't let people unhook who prioritize 5% of a gen over getting me into stage 2 when they're 10 miles away and you have to account for travel time. I don't wave unless this is the case and everyone is on a gen far off into the corners of the map away from me and my struggle bar is going down to the point where they might not be able to unhook me before stage 2 in time, but if I go into stage 2 and they finally come get me, I suicide right in front of their faces because they don't deserve those altruism points. I really think everyone who isn't on the hook should lose altruism points when someone goes into struggle from stage one. Maybe they'd feel it a bit more.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    It takes you one full minute to go into struggle stage, his 5% of the gen will take less than 10 seconds leaving plenty of time for him to get you even across the map.

    Leaving a gen at 95% opens up the killer to kicking it, even Popping it with PGTW and is much worse than letting you dangle for 30 seconds.

    I always seem to end up in teams with 3 people like you who as soon as someone goes down they run into position and crouch until the killer goes away to make the unhook. This ends up costing us 20+ seconds of them doing another action, toss in the other survivor that is hovering with them and that’s half a gen worth of wasted time. These are the types of teams that never seem to make progress.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited December 2019

    I wouldn't be waving my arms until I started being near going into struggle though, so his gen wouldn't be at 5% until it was already too late.

    Also you know nothing about me. I don't even unhook people most of the time as others generally are running to the hook while I'm on a gen(unless the killer is chasing someone, as I have Empathy generally), so nice try. You should have read the rest of my post instead of assuming things, as I mentioned multiple times "prioritizing that 95% of a gen over me going into struggle".

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    You openly admitted that you would let yourself die right in front of a teammate, that tells me all I need to know. Even IF you went to second stage before getting unhooked it’s at least a second chance.

    But by all means take your ball and go home to pout when people don’t play your way.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited December 2019

    If they kill off one of my lives for a gen, they're not my teammates. Of course it depends on the context, like if it was the last gen then I'll play it out, but if they're going to prioritize a gen over one of my lives when there are 4 other gens left, they're not my teammates. They're basically a killer who just hooked me again. It's just as bad as farming a teammate off the hook, if not worse.