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Underused/Underpowered Perk Buffs

Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

Hello! I came up with a list of buffs to some perks that we rarely see used, and when used, normally aren't useful.


Saboteur - Increase sabotage speed without a toolbox from 50% to 75%

Streetwise - Additional Effect: Used up items don't disappear. Instead, they remain unusable in your hand. Item breaks if dropped.

Open Handed - Allow this perk to affect Boil Over and Maps.

Technician - Failed skill checks have a 50/75/100% chance to not explode.

No Mither - Decrease the grunts of pain while not downed by an additional 50% (totaling 100%).

Wake Up! - You open exit gates 15/20/25% faster. Additional Effect: Your aura can not be read by the killer while the exit gates are powered.

Vigil - You and nearby allies recover from Haemorrhage, Mangled, Hindered, and Blindness 30/40/50% faster. You and your allies can recover from Exhaustion while sprinting at 15/20/25% normal recovery speed.

Windows of Opportunity - Remove the cooldown.

Flip Flop - Your recovery progression is converted into wiggle progression up to 40/45/50%.

Buckle Up - Additional Effect: Healing a downed survivor grants them Endurance for 10 seconds.

Fixated - Remove uninjured requirement.


Agitation - Additional Effect: Increase the speed of picking up and dropping a survivor by 15%.

Dying Light - Remove obsession's altruistic speed buff.

Hex: Devour Hope - Totem does not become lit until 1 token is acquired.

Hex: Huntress Lullaby - Totem does not become lit until 1 token is acquired.

Territorial Imperative - Remove distance requirement.

Fire Up - For each generator completed, gain a 3/4/5% stack-able buff to picking up, dropping, pallet breaking, generator breaking, and vaulting.

Furtive Chase - Each token decreases your terror radius by 8 meters while in a chase.

Surge - Downing a survivor by any means causes all generators within a 32 meter radius to instantly explode and regress.

Cruel Limits - Each time a generator is repaired, all windows within 32 meters from the completed generator are blocked for all survivors for 20/25/30 seconds.

Mindbreaker - Remove below 50% repair progression requirement.

Zanshin Tactics - This perk never deactivates.

Blood Echo - Instead of suffering from Haemorrhage, survivors suffer from Mangled.

Monstrous Shrine - Survivors unhooked from the basement suffer from Broken and Exhausted for 40/50/60 seconds.

Unrelenting - Decrease the cooldown of missed attacks by 30/40/50% (I don't have the exact numbers, but enough so that there's only a very slight loss of distance with a missed attack).

Please feel free to share your feedback on these changes, and don't be afraid to ask me for my reasoning for any specific perk!


  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Open handed should be buffed to 16 meters but it shouldn't be stackable.

  • ThisLadyRightHere
    ThisLadyRightHere Member Posts: 195

    Honestly I’m fine with this >_>

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    That would be a great buff too, especially if it also affected Boil Over and Maps.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Hmm..ok so..streetwise..exhaustion should never be tampered with in chase..its just asking for trouble..monstrous shrine encourages tunneling and honestly is pretty meh..I'd recommend a penalty for the unhooker on a cooldown or a buff for the killer of some kind ..not sure what though..but itd be more interactive..

    Wake up seems like a tad much...especially the aura blocking..that should be avoided as it's already been hit very hard..and nice as it would be it rewards failure and such perks should be avoided

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Exhaustion is dangerous to have recover mid-chase, which is why I made the number so low. It would take 3 minutes to recover from exhaustion if you're running, so I don't think that would be too broken. A different buff that would be good is having exhaustion recover at 100% speed while running, but only outside of a chase.

    Monstrous Shrine is a poorly designed perk that is practically useless. It needs something added to it that actually impacts the survivor, and giving them broken and exhaustion definitely makes it rewarding to hook people in the basement. If you're worried about it promoting tunneling, a different proposal would be giving the survivor Broken and decreasing their gen repair speed by 20% for 40 seconds, but that doesn't seem like a perk worth running.

    Wake Up is trash right now, but the speed increase and aura blocking would make it safer to open the exit gates. Although, the only aura reading you'll be blocking would be BBQ's, so it wouldn't come into play that often anyway.

    Finally, Technician doesn't reward failure. It just makes sure that the killer doesn't know that you blew up a gen. It still regresses 5% (or more with Ruin/Lullaby) like normal, it just doesn't audibly explode. It would become a useful stealth repairing/great skillcheck training perk that I might even use myself.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Maybe..I still dont think removing killer tracking of any sort outside wounding with no counter is wise...

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Gj on survivor perks. I don't know how to balance this many killer perks so I won't even try. Buckle Up looks like it could be meta but that's fine. Overall very insightful and inspired suggestions.

  • Absolute_Zero
    Absolute_Zero Member Posts: 56

    I like the changes. Both killer and survivor perks look good and quite balanced. Good job!

    But i STILL want a perk for killers that increase Brutality like distressing does, so I can go full BP mode :D

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Unrelenting would be a perfect candidate for a Brutality perk!