The Gates are opened, the Killer is camping you...

...what do you want from your teammates?
The Gates are opened, the Killer is camping you... 39 votes
It's not really what I expect from others, but if we don't get down from one shot, I usually try to save the hooked one.
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SAVE ME! ...but please don't kill yourselves saving me.
If it's not a Bubba...
1 -
Leave me! "This is war, Survival is your responsibility."
@AhoyWolf Or an Oni with Blood Fury ready?
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SAVE ME! ...but please don't kill yourselves saving me.
Or any other Killer that can instadown you, Ghostface, Myers with tier 3 ready and any other killer with noed...
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SAVE ME! ...sure, some of you may die. But that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Well, I generally try to do the save, even with NOED. Of course, if the killer is proxy camping with NOED, that's something I highly will doubt to do. Also if you're one of the Claudettes that do nothing and is crouching the whole game with Urban Evasion. No, I am not going to save you.
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SAVE ME! ...but please don't kill yourselves saving me.
I usually run DS, but if I'm not, don't.
If you have a chance of dying, leave.
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SAVE ME! ...but please don't kill yourselves saving me.
Depends on the killer. I like to see an attempt but if it's an instadown killer or they have noed then please don't go for the save. I just feel bad watching people die in vain trying to save me, especially if they carried the game.
1 -
Leave me! "This is war, Survival is your responsibility."
@Saitamfed So, correct me if I'm wrong, you want the save at any costs because you'd do the same for others?
That's not an unreasonable line of thinking.
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Leave me! "This is war, Survival is your responsibility."
@bobcat946732 I totally get this.
I even feel bad while playing Killer when I down someone who was good at chases because they were trying to get a risky EGC save.
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SAVE ME! ...sure, some of you may die. But that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
My apologies, I thought the poll was the other way around hahaha 😅
I'ld rather people let me die then, but if they manage to rescue me, I will use it to take a hit or save another survivors.
1 -
Leave me! "This is war, Survival is your responsibility."
Oh you're fine lol. I suppose it could have been a bit clearer.
There really should be an option to change your vote IMO.
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SAVE ME! ...but please don't kill yourselves saving me.
Depends how badly I want to survive. If I have a great item, or a challenge I'm trying to complete, or some other reason why I really want to escape, I'm more than willing to let other people sacrifice themselves to save me. Most of the time, though, I wouldn't expect it. I'll spend that time struggling to keep the killer on me and buy my team time, and if they make moves like they want to save me I'll just let go.
1 -
Leave me! "This is war, Survival is your responsibility."
Please...just go.
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Leave me! "This is war, Survival is your responsibility."
When the gates are open as long as my teammates are safe I am safe. Though I will also always attempt an unhook if there is a chance of escape for my ally.
"Survivors, prepare for glory!"