Swf needs to be changed



  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I think for the time being the devs could just implement some repair and healing speed penalties.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    Only if they don't hide their profiles.

    I play solo in those ranks in east NA and my experience is far from it being the norm and most swf are 2 man with myself and one other and 3 man being rare that I am matched with.

    Even ask killer its rarer to get a 4 man while 3 man is higher than the stats its still mostly 2 man.

    Even when I played in the UK it didn't change that much.

    This is why it could be region dependant along with time of day.

  • AThiccOni
    AThiccOni Member Posts: 61

    Problem is, they can still create a party and communicate man... SWF teams will never be removed and the devs have already said it, everyone has the right to play with their friends so they're not going to remove it.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Does it really matter? It's not nearly as stressful as you think once you learn to deal with the SwF. How do I know this you might ask. PS4 was one of the platforms I played on continuously. Most of them are honestly just normal friends playing that aren't very good it's just the communication that hurts. Normal friends won't be able to destroy you easily though since they dont go hardcore.

    Remember you need to force them off gens. Know when and where to slug, when and where to hook it significantly helps. Do you chase too long without a reward? Pallet or Hit? Outplayed at loops? How long until your first down? Everything matters from the second everyone can move. Do your perks give you the intended benefit and value every game or is it time to experiment and replace?

    Running a YT video build is cool and all, but does it cover your weaknesses? Learn what your weaknesses are and your killer's learn to push your strengths. Having a main killer you play helps here. Learn to play them and 4k without Ruin and get multiple wins. It really helps if you also don't use addons much either it's not a priority though.

    Just because a PC streamer says "this is the build for X killer" does not always mean it's good for a console killer or you or even other PC players. When you look at your killer ask yourself why do YOU run this perk? Do you look at the lobbies before hitting ready? What are they bringing? If you see 4 medkits a nice counter is Plague, Hag or a instadown killer. 4 flashlights do you bait the free hit or just stare at a wall?

    When you spawn in do you look at gens and plan for the late game or head straight to survivor spawn? Do you check on your totem? Seriously don't. If possible even drag survivors away from it by not noticing the hook and make sure you put yourself in a way that you dont see the hook so it's less obvious to them.

    While it sounds like a lot to process it's not like you need to be a perfect killer to win your matches. All you need to really win is make survivors waste effectively more time than you need at the most base level. It does not matter if it's 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Gens Remaining or even if the Gates themselves are powered you can still win.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    That percentage is global, and there are lots of new or casual players in ranks 10-20. It's below rank 10 where most people are teamed up and 4% is definitely not accurate.

    But even for global stats, 50% being not-solo is already quite a lot. However, you'll never win this argument against people who don't realize how drawing conclusions based on statistics works and what pitfalls exist.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    On PS4 it shows your PSN nickname, so any screenshots with names I post are searchable by everyone. That's why I blanked out the names, on most forums naming and shaming isn't allowed.

    No cherry picking needed, if you want I can easily post 5 date-stamped pics every day.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    What ranks and platform? On console, killer queue times are only "long" (1-2 mins max) at ranks 16-20. Below that there is no queue.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    There is a big skill gap that is creating a bigger problem than SWF.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    And about a million times before people have pointed out how worthless all these stats are. Of course SWF isn't a problem when player's don't even know how to play the game, we need to know what percentage of players are SWF in different ranks and you'll see how obviously overpowered it is. Now, in red/purple ranks (where most of them play) the game becomes absolutely unwinnable if survivors know what they're doing and they're not messing around.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Trying to talk about swf is like talking to a wall at this point, the devs themselves either don't care or are delusional about if swf affect the game or not.

  • NickelX
    NickelX Member Posts: 20

    Literally said this in a post yesterday and made a suggestion that it shows swf icon to let killers and solos know who is swf so you can expect a bad game lol

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    What would those 5 screenshots actually show? I could do the same without see in the lobby with a time stamp on them.

    The only way to prove it would be to make videos of your complete playtime and show each and every game with who was in it after a match.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    Yet many do win the majority of their games at those ranks even versus them.

    The swf debate has been around since the games first year yet a good killer still manage to win versus them.

    I do find it funny when both sides say any and all stats are worthless unless it fits what they want to believe. If the devs released more stats and they showed a differnet picture than tou wish them too i'd bet they would still disregarded.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    So Zubat, Otz, Aaronplays and tru3 are all bad killers then? Sure they win a lot but a very good portion of their games end up with 0-1k because a surv team didn't make any mistakes and their coordination was on point. Thus, proving winning is absolutely not dependent on a killer's skill but on the survivors' willingness to end the game quick, it's that easy.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    You like creating new discussions today don't you lol like 5 already today?

    Also swf shouldn't be nerfed until they fix ranks. Until the ranks are fixed so only good survivors can make red ranks then they can try and balance the swf teams a bit.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    They are all good killers yes.

    Do you think that once you get to a certain stage you should never lose? No mistakes are ever made?

    Should we use the same argument when Tru3 puts wraith at top tier since he won 49/50 games with them?

    Should the same be said for otz when he won 50 games in a row with the trapper? Is the trapper now top tier?

    I guess they never played any swf in those matches or any other matches where they win multiple over a period and its not at red ranks either.

    If say are always in red ranks which is what this is all about then they should never win any games by this definition.

    So then if we take games they all play with swf where they kill all 4 do we then conclude that swf is not strong?

    Should we conclude that when they end a game in under 3 mins that the killer they use is too strong?

    No we conclude that they were the better player. There is always the chance to verse better players in this game. And yes swf can be strong but they can also be beaten as they have shown. No one will ever win 100% of games and a few games will end in 0-1 kills no matter how good someone is.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920
    edited December 2019

    Didn't devs release stats that most people on PS4 are solo? I play solo on PS4.

    If you delete SWF, you're going to have a lot less people playing, period. It's not about bullying the killer, as you seem to think, it's about playing games with your friends. I've tried to introduce friends to this game and out of six or seven people, literally none have stuck with it. Why? Because the current matchmaking is a nightmare for SWF unless you're all at the same rank. Let's say I'm a 5, and my friends are 16, 16, 17. We get matched with a level 5 killer. We've played FOR HOURS several times and were unable to power the gates even once. They've stopped playing and I've gone back to solo where my teammates escape easily almost every game in red and purple ranks.

    And if you feel bullied as the killer, remember you're trying to kill us, and some of us actually like team work and helping each other. It's why I enjoy survivor over killer in the first place.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,312

    There's no real way to change it that the devs would ever even think of doing that isn't either changes to base survivors ("solos") and killers, or stuff like SWF indicators/incentives to face them.

    Removing it or trying to interfere with VOIP applications quite simply won't ever happen, and would be unfeasible anyway as people could just queue-dodge until they got eachother or call eachother on Discord on their phones if they really wanted to.

    Mechanical nerfs like action speed penalties doesn't seem to be something the devs want to do either. Considering that again people could just queue-dodge to get eachother as "solos", I don't disagree either.

    It's just gonna be there. Long-term projects like map reworks, perk changes and more can change the base balance of the game but people that feel like insisting hardcore on serious, hard-hitting mechanical changes/restrictions should probably just find another game to play. The game you desire is quite simply not the one BHVR is running, and it'd be better to quit than get frustrated over something that won't change in the way you want it to.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    And those are PC killers. Imagine them playing with a controller. Tru3 tried a game on PS4 as a rank 20 killer and struggled despite his experience with the game.

    Survivors with third person view and their objectives don't suffer nearly as much from controllers and low FPS as killers do with first-person view. I have never, ever seen a Nurse on PS4. Not once. Spirit.. rarely. Billy, only a few times, he's actually less common than Bubba! Why? Controllers.

    Meanwhile the survivor meta is pretty much the same on console as on PC.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    Literally 0 drawback or negative when playing SWF. I love the concept of being able to play with friends, I really do. However, they need to help killers combat strong SWF who are on voice coms, cuz its just annoying facing them every game. The devs once said they wanted to help, but never implemented a single thing since than.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    Because killer on PC is a lot easier and more fun to play than on console. Mouse & KB vs Controller in first person view.

    PC and console have completely different metas because of this, but sadly the game balance is the same.

    Post edited by Tr0g on
  • OhSkipper
    OhSkipper Member Posts: 17

    SWF doesnt need to be changed .. you just have to git gud.. stop being scared of swf, you win some you lose some but if you dodge and dont want to play against swf then youre gonna be stuck being green rank noed using trash. rank 1 killer and survivor and let me tell you getting to rank 1 as a killer has been super ez even when almost every match has been against a swf. i literally 4ked against a 4 man 4 key game. if youre good youre good, if youre trash youre trash, swf has nothing to do with it period. if you want to see me wreck the 4man 4 key swf check my IG or twitch @ toxicskipper for both.