Swf needs to be changed

A hot topic nowadays is the swf nightmare that consoles killers face. If you didn't know,like me,in PlayStation platforms and Xbox killers are faced with swf almost 100% of the time.

The raw ability of communication is powerful. In addition to this, most swf have a red rank survivor that knows how to loop some purple and 20% of the time green. And I'm talking whenever you play in the GREEN ranks as killer.

So what can be done to make the game a bit more balanced, without damaging the random survivor experience? I suggest to either make it so A.the killer gets some kind of rewards (extra pb,protection against loss of add-ons ),make swf to have only 2 players or just delete swf and make it available only in costum games.

What do you guys think. Let me know down below.



  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    On console in green ranks and better it's 90% SWF groups. On PC, there are more solo players. Unfortunately both versions of the game are balanced the same way.

    Basically you have a much harder time as a killer on console.. devs won't change it.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    If nobody plays killer, there is no game. Survivor queues are already very long while killer queues are instant, due to a lack of killers.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906
    edited December 2019

    That's never going to be the case. We've been listening to complaints about swf since it was introduced but people keep playing killer regardless.

    Like most complaints in this game people will complain but still keep on playing.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    According to survivors, it's just the servers. There's plenty of us killers ready and willing to get bullied, t-bagged, 💩💩💩 on, and clicky-clicky'd to death, while they rage quit once we finally catch them and make them pay... 🤷‍♂️

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    I don't think you caught the memo that less and less killers are playing. Hence the 5-15 min queue time for survivors and NO queue time for killers. Consistently. There are like 6-8 survivors for every killer.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    Buy a console and see for yourself. The lobby fills up with 4 survivors immediately and it's obvious they coordinate with voice chat.

    You do realize consoles come with built-in party and voice chat functionality, right? And literally every console player has a headset. Whereas on PC you have to install a bunch of stuff and buy a headset to set it up.

    April is 7 months ago, besides, it's not very obvious what that graph is showing.Those seem to be global attendancy rates.

    Post edited by Tr0g on
    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I didn't know that thanks for sharing it with me. I just have some friends that complain to me about the PS4 version of the game and got me wondered.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    I caught the "memo". Doesn't alter what I said in the least.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    If you can provide me with competent team mates at red ranks, then I'll consider not only playing in a swf

  • ViolentSh4de
    ViolentSh4de Member Posts: 71

    The information gap between solo queue and swf just needs to be bridged and the mechanics of the game havnt exactly aged well from before SWF was introduced. I personally dont think SWF is that strong on PC, very rarely do I lose because the survivors knew where I was or what perks I have

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Average opera attendance?? I think you pasted a meme by accident 😀

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Can you dodge lobbies in console? This is what pc killers do. I don't blame anyone who wants to dodge 4 man swf group with toolboxes. Killer lobbies are also instant for me so why not..

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    Yes you can and yes, with instant queues I also dodge lobbies when it's an obvious 4-man SWF group.

    Problem is the entire team is also always 5+ ranks better than me due to the messed up rank system and lack of killers at their own rank, so I just get bullied by people with thousands of hours in the game. It's not fun and I refuse to play like that.

    This is 90% of all games on PS4 as a green killer, either 3 or 4-man SWF much better ranked, if you don't believe it try it yourself:

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    I heard that according to dev stats "only" 4% of dbd playerbase are 4-man group. But from my personal experience this cannot be true. This means roughly every 20th group you run into should be 4-man. But i've had many situations where i had 4-man group pop into my lobby 4-5 times straight. Not biggie, since my lobbies are instant, but i doubt these stats are honest

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    Perhaps the devs should share the raw data so we can analyze it, because 4% is complete nonsense. It's either 3 or 4 man, almost every god damn game, on console. You will start noticing it when you reach green ranks as a killer.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    You do know the matchmaking was changed a while ago for all platforms.

    Survivors should always join the lobby at the same time as it finds players before actually creating the lobby regardless if they are SWF or solo. This was complained about at the time by those who would dodge when they all joined together.

    Steam has voice chat built in also you can create a party and just talk. You can use any mix you wish even the free ones with some phones on pc.

    To think it's changed in the time it was posted to always be an swf is again just seeing what you want to believe.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Oops well spotted 🤣😂 I did post the wrong pic. Thanks for noticing and letting me know. I've edited it now 😉.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    That's not true. It also happens that I get a lobby with only 1, 2 or 3 survivors. But usually it's 4 at once and they're a coordinated SWF group with perks that complement each other.

    SWF with voice comms are also pretty easy to spot when you see the way they play and their perks.

    You edited your picture. I have 3 problems with the graph:

    1. It still states 50% of survivors play with at least 1 friend
    2. Does it count killers as well? I wouldn't be surprised if the data analysis is wrong
    3. They should filter the data to show the party stats between ranks 1 and 10. I'll bet the average party size suddenly goes up significantly. It's at the red and purple ranks that you only run into SWF groups, the other ranks are okay. Global stats don't mean much when the problem persists in the better ranks.
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    When it loads with 1, 2 or 3 its actually not working as intended.

    If you truly think you can tell and swf due to how they play and its 90% of the time I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.

    A good group of solo can and will act coordinated. The issue here isn't that its always see but that you are being matched with players well above your rank which you aren't ready to verse.

    The screens you posted show the matchmaking but as in the first at rank 11 you should no be matched with a rank 4 as it should be 6 max from your own. Keep in mind the matchmaking was changed for see so it takes the highest ranked player now instead of the old lowest and then average.

    It could also be a lack of killer in the red so its pushing more form the green and purple range to verse them.

    Nothing in your screens show an swf just that the match making is working for those survivors as they are more similar ranked which is how it should be.

    This matchmaking is being worked on as I said its bugged atm but it won't be sorted until they get back from the holiday break.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    There is the link to the matchmaking update from November 2018. Notice down the page where it states.

    I am playing as a killer. What changes will I notice with the new matchmaking system?

    As a killer, the noticeable difference is that you will see all four survivors appear almost simultaneously in the online lobby.

    I am playing as a survivor. What changes will I notice with the new matchmaking system?

    As a survivor, the main difference is that you will wait in the offline lobby instead of the online lobby until you get matched. Once matched, you will join the online lobby at the same time as the other survivors you have been paired with.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    Quite a coincidence their perks complement each other then, eh?

    And yes, you can tell when SWF are using voice and when they're not. They know my location and my every move despite not seeing me themselves.

    About the matchmaking, also take note of how ALL my opponents were significantly better ranked than I was.

    I have around 20 more of these screenshots btw, 4 better ranked players every game, when I'm lucky 1 green survivor is thrown in. But I solved the problem by deranking to rank 16, now I face green rank survivor groups of my skill level and we all have fun games.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    no tr0g, @twistedmonkey is right, the correct behaviour is for all survivors to join at the same time, or very close one to the other. Lobby dodging is meaningless at this point - in fact I always play solo and I see a lot of killers dodging the lobby, maybe that was you ;)?

    This being said, it's absolutely true that the vast majority of games I play (PS4, rank 1) is against swf teams (usually 2-3 players though, 4 players are somehow rarer).

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    Sorry but those screen don't show perks which compliment each other.

    DS is mostly used even with solo atm. No see I have each one running self care as its never needed.

    A full set compliment is generally mixed with adrenaline, DH, DS, resilience, BT or head on. At the most tour screen show possibly a 2 man swf which isn't an issue in this game as its 1 other person knowing.

    It's really not hard to know where a killer is as solo, as oon as a hit comes in for any player and you don't hear a terror radius you know it's safe. You hear a terror radius you know your in a position to help. Not to mention you eyes can see the killer form a distance.

    As I said you are seeing what you want to see with this. The strong 4 man swf simply isn't as common as you think the iasue is tou are being matched with just better players than yourself but I doubt that will change your mind as no one likes to think that in this game.

    I stated that the matchmaking is broken and why you are seeing higher ranks than you should. They put out a small fix for the queues but not the rank issue as yet which will be done once they come back. It also can be down to not as many red rank killers so they could wait a while your queues are instant as their searched widened. It needs fixed but it doesn't mean they are swf.

  • Idk about on PS4 but on Xbox you can check the people in your lobby and see if they’re SWF. I get four stacks way more than the 5% or whatever the graph says. Three stacks even higher than that. At least for the Xbox side that chart is either old and irrelevant or completely false.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    so having to wait 10 or 15 mins as survivor doesnt tell u nothing when used to be 10 seconds?

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    Certain ranks you will see more but it doesn't change that its not 90% of games.

    It may be 25% are 3 stacks at red ranks but it's still a far cry from what some wish to believe. You can check in steam also to see if players are in an swf and its generally 2 stack for the majority of the time and very rarely a 3 or 4 man.

    I'd bet if you kept track over a couple of days in the lobbies you would be surprised at the results.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    These are just 2 out of 20 screenshots and in both cases it was easy to tell they were using voice comms. I was playing Doctor with a 3-gen strategy and they were extremely well coordinated, something you don't see vs solo players.

    Give me the % of players in a party in the red and purple ranks, then we'll talk. I solved the problem by deranking and playing against players of my own skill level (yellow killers get matched against full green teams). The red/purple SWF tryhards can enjoy waiting for some other killer to bully for all I care.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    If you think good players can only coordinate a 3 gen scenario in swf again I've got some bad news for you.

    A good group of players regardless if solo or swf will negate the strat. All it takes is for them to see a survivor trying one gen and go to another. It's not rocket science and just smart play.

    The you see multiple always going for one gen it just shows bad players not solo.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Maybe they aren't dodging maybe they want better ping I do it sometimes 😉

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    on ps4 there's no dedicated servers, they have always 0 ping by definition - and we always are green/yellow ping anyway...

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    And another unlogical rant about SWF.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    Just for you, I looked up the blanked out names from my screenshots.

    1 screenshot, all 4 of them were friends on the Playstation Network. The other screenshot, 3 of them were friends and the one that DC'd was a loner.

    Seems like an awful coincidence if they weren't playing SWF, don't you think?

    You seem to claim SWF play the same way as solo survivors. Or, if you don't, you seem to claim a killer can't tell the difference between solo's and SWF with voice. Either way it's bollocks.

    Show the me stats for red/purple ranks and what % of those are playing SWF. Global stats mean nothing, but even the global stats say 50% play SWF, which I consider to be quite high.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    I didn't say it doesn't happen just its not as much as you wish to think.

    You assumed without proof that is what inward saying. Each game you play if they do well or play smart you assume it's swf.

    Just like these screens you assumed they were both 4 man swf. Even if they are friends that doesn't mean to say they are in a party together at once. I know this as I play ps4 also and can be in a party with all memebers playing differnet games or the same one but not always together.

    I can't take what you say to be true as at this point you are pushing an agenda and without showing proof it has to be taken with a pinch of salt.

    The global stats show arounf 18% are 3 and 4 man while 28% are 2 man.

    The only issue on swf is with a good 4 man or a great 3 man which Isn't a high number. You can deny all you wish as it doesn't fit your own narrative but the only way you will really know is to track games and see for yourself. I don't have stats and don't have access to them but you do.

    Even swf aren't inffaliable and a good solo group can and will do just as well or better as its down to the individual players.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Keep in mind this doesn't show the percentiles at different ranks which I think would be quite different.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I touched upon that and the point i stated was it may well be higher but I highly doubt knowing what we know every match played has 3 or 4 man swf in it at red ranks which is what some claim as to be in around 90% of matches.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    Sounds like an assumption without proof. Empirical evidence suggests otherwise. I can look up the names on the 20 screenshots of red/purple teams that I have and check for sure if they are SWF but there's no need, the difference in playstyle is obvious. When it's a 3-man SWF squad you can always tell the which one is the solo survivor too.

    Don't forget SWF makes the game easier, therefore players who play SWF a lot will end up in the red/purple ranks more often. I want to see SWF stats of those ranks, global stats paint a skewed picture.

    Maybe play killer more often? Idk.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    Not really as tour original evidence was already debunked. You assumed they were swf from the start due to all joining at once which I showed is how matchmaking starts and how they played which I showed also its not evidence.

    It was only after everything else was shown to not prove they were swf did you say you just checked the names. It seems you want iflt to be true hence why everything you stated when proved to not be evidence you moved into something else.

    I have hundreds of hours into killer thank you as I've played since 2016. It's probably why I dont see as much as an issue as yourself as time and knowledge of the game make for a better player.

    It is clear you are relatively new to the game. I'd suggest playing more and not expecting to be able to best those who have played for a lot longer immediately. I see no other game where players expect this.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    And yet I was right about them being SWF. Funny how that works. What do I get for posting all 20 screenshots, names and all, and if at least 18 of them turn out to be against a 3 or 4-man SWF group? Want to take that bet?

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Not true. I currently play survivors, and I agree that voice chat would be overpowering. The game was designed around the survivors not being able to communicate, so voice chat is unbalancing. The problem is finding a way to balance that without negatively impacting those that don't swf.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited December 2019

    We only have your word on that and no proof.

    Sorry but without proof we can only go on your past comments and since most of your posts here are complaining about swf and your only reason for all of those past posts were that you "thought" they were then it was all speculation which means very little.

    I could cherry pick 20 screen out of many games and show them as SWF also it doesn't show anything to be true just what I want it too.

    The only proof can come from the devs but if fear no matter what they posted it would not be true for some and they would still argue their point.

  • Nah it’s higher than that on Xbox.

    It also depends on when you play. Later in the night or very early AM it’s extremely higher rate of four stacks. Either way that graph shows 5%, that’s wildly inaccurate. Is this info from BHVR themselves? They are certainly under no obligation to showcase stats that highlight broken elements of their game.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    There is no benefit to them lying about stats and why I think they should just not anymore as each time some players simply don't believe it.

    While your experience is that it is higher at certain times that could make sense but 90% of games? It could also be region dependant. It would mean checking each and every game and not just the ones you think may be swf which some do negating the others.

    The issue is the playerbase on all platforms complained swf was what they always played versus for over two years. I play solo always and the amount of times in the end game chat I was accused of being swf is astounding.

    This is why BHVR released the stats but as soon as they did they were ridiculed for doing so and of course there had to be something wrong with them.

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    If there isn't survivor, there isn't game.

    And sorry? my killer queues are 15/10 min, my survs queue are instant (rank 2)

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    "make swf to have only 2 players or just delete swf and make it available only in costum games."

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    The game is based around being a 1v4, what sense would it make to limit your party to 2 people? You want the game to die? A lot of the population consists of kids from my experience on Xbox since it’s part of GP. Kids like to play with their friends. It is honestly not that difficult to handle a 4-man.

  • SambaSaw
    SambaSaw Member Posts: 137

    There is a very simple solution for this.

    For every swf in a team -5% gen progress. For example 2 swf and 2 solo = -10% gen progress for everyone, which could of course be countered with perks like resilience.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529
    edited December 2019

    Maybe in consoles you cannot tell for fact if they are in SWF or not, but in PC you actually CAN. I just check their profiles if they are friends and 3-4 man swf groups are extremely common in red and purple ranks.

    So dev statistic abaut "only" 4% of lobbies being 4-man SWF is not factual, at least not in my games. I should come across to 4 man-swf groups every 20 games then. Sometimes their profiles could be private, but then the clothes match completely when i get 4 pizza dwights, it's instant dodge for me