As killer, am I supposed to show mercy?

I'm relentless. for example, I hooked someone right next to a gen which was almost done, so I camped there. someone saved them when i was right there and I got the person again and got the kill.

Now this person is messaging me trying to tell me that I'm a bad player but in my eyes I'm a good killer.

so what am i supposed to do now? let them escape? I'm a little annoyed about this to say the least...



  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328
    edited December 2019

    The one thing you should do is show some empathy towards the 3 survivors when 1 rage quitted very early. Doesn't mean to let all escape, but just dont sweat your balls off, don't be a dick and camp or tunnel in that situation. And when you feel they did a good job only as 3 survivors you can consider giving one the hatch.

  • betelgeuseyes
    betelgeuseyes Member Posts: 268

    I dont camp usually but there is definitely situations where camping is a wise move, like when theres a 99% repaired gen with a hook and an injured survivor running around me. and if someone wants to save him while im standing there, then i will down the same person again to get that quick kill and the upper hand as opposed to potentially throwing the game for them to win and teabag me for it.

    the game is designed this way and i shouldnt be castigated for that.

    If i were killing my friends then thats another story, but i dont like losing as killer in this game against randoms.

    I have nothing against anyone in this community, except people who troll me and that gets my back up, but i dont message them with nonsense. I just play my game and get better at it.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    depends how the games going, have to remember the game is in survivors favor, especially on some maps and even worse with some add-ons, if youre doing really well kick back and just have some fun same as if someone DCs or something, you dont need to let one go thats up to you. but personally i wont double hook someone or stay near the hook unless im chasing someone there and if i see them save ill get the person who got the save. obviously if theyre being toxic or doing really well i will play how i have to if that means slugging so be it, gens are easy to do, even more so with toolboxes and huge map designs

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    First, unless that was the last generator it was a bad play since you risked loosing many generators in the mean time. Even if that was the last gen, camping it is risky too. It would be better to include the hook in the patrol route, especially if gens are near, to give pressure.

    Second, you don't have to let them escape, but remember that you're playing with other human beings. Instead of killing them right off the bat and ruining their game experience for good, slug them and go for the saver. You give someone another chance and at the same time you pressure many survivors at once.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    You're not supposed to do anything you don't want to. You play to get kills and that's what you find fun. Nothing wrong with that!

    However, when playing like this you will get messaged a lot, because other people in your games won't enjoy it. The poor sap who got hooked next to the gen just spent the whole match on the hook, so it's normal for them to be upset. If you don't care if survivors have fun in your games, then you shouldn't have an issue with getting some salt from them. It's just how humans are.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Come on.. it's not that bad. You do get people that bite the hand that feeds them and say nasty stuff even if they only escaped because you've been nice to them, but that's really not that common. Most of the time when I've been nice the survivors will either escape as quickly as possible (so they won't waste my time) and move on to the next game, or just start memeing around. A decent amount of times I've had people refuse to leave the match and die to the endgame collapse, because they didn't think they deserved to escape or didn't want to deprive me of my BPs.

    There are soo many nice people playing this game - we just tend to remember the nasty ones more

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    It's all situational. If you FEEL like you can afford being merciful - go for it, otherwise it's always advised to be brutal to survivors until you take dominating control over the game. If you don't want to give freebies - survivors should take it as grunted. Result of the trial will show if it was worth it or not.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    No, you don't have to.

    That being said, it's just nice. It's nice to let everybody have a turn at playing the game they spent way too long queuing for. It's nice to have a fun time. It's nice to be a nice person.

    Plus, what shows more skill? Constantly going after one, injured survivor until they're dead, or masterfully juggling targets and playing around the 4v1, applying pressure and getting downs and hooks even when survivors have the chance to heal up and do something in the game. To me, the second one, hence I always try and play by some strict set of rules. Since I play both sides equally, then I know what is fun for me as a killer to face, and what is fun as survivor to face, and try to limit myself to doing this. Because if I can make sure people have fun, even if I lose by game standards, that's a win for me.

    So no, you don't have to show mercy. Yes, it would be nice to, especially if you're already almost winning the game.

  • iamscumqueen101
    iamscumqueen101 Member Posts: 101

    We must be playing different games because 90% of my matches I get hurtful messages to the point where I don't see the point in playing nice anymore when all I get is disgusting harassment win or lose

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    I'm sorry to hear that.. Honestly, my experience is quite different, but it could be a bit biased, because I tend to play late at night, when you'll usually encounter more mature/older people. For the most part children just don't know any better, I guess.

  • iamscumqueen101
    iamscumqueen101 Member Posts: 101

    I have had middle aged men literal husbands/dedicate boyfriends send hate mail. If I lose I'm trash, if I win you guessed it still trash well it's usually more vulgar hate

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Oh, now that's some psychology here. I always feel bad for people that get hurt when they try to be nice and feel that they will never be nice again. It shows that people actually seek recognition, not just feel good when they do nice things. Why're you trying to be nice if you don't enjoy it for itself, only because people expect you to? If it's "feedback" you should at least expect that not gonna get it "every time". Well, that's all questions that you have to ask to yourself.

  • iamscumqueen101
    iamscumqueen101 Member Posts: 101

    I checked reviews for this game and most made reference to hate when playing killer. I have played rocky league, gta online even call of duty and none of those games have communities that compare to this one hate wise.

    I have only had like 3 or 4 friendly people message me after a match with gg or anything like that and this is in like 2k plus matches

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Yeah, it happens, but it's a lot less frequent in this age bracket (i think). I also get hate mail, but it's only about once every 20 or so games. I really can't see any other reason why our experience would differ so greatly, apart from demographics, time of play and things like that.

    I do hope things get better for you eventually.

  • iamscumqueen101
    iamscumqueen101 Member Posts: 101

    I'm not playing for 'recognition' so don't make assumptions, I would actually prefer it if I didn't get messages period you know LIKE EVERY OTHER GAME WITH NORMAL PEOPLE if you send hate mail because I beat you in a video game you need help.

    There's only so much hate people can take, I camp because of this and now I actually have fun and aren't getting hate for no reason. If I'm gonna get hate for playing optimally and fairly then I'm just gonna switch my play to that of a face camper and that is what I have done. No need to try shame me good for you that you can handle random hate all the time and not resort to camping to have a relaxing enjoyable game, maybe you are a stronger person than me good for you now but yourself some celebratory cake.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Depends on how the whole situation looked like. Could be okay or just being an ######### move.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ My message wasn't that you should be nice even when people being rude to you. If anything, I tried to tell that you shouldn't let peoples words ruin your "vibe", and don't do what you don't want to do. Only thing I would adice is you need to avoid being an extra dick to people when you feel bad.

  • iamscumqueen101
    iamscumqueen101 Member Posts: 101

    You must just be lucky and get the normal people. Now if you had the amount I had you would probably quit playing altogether, I expect hate now because I'm now a dedicated camper, if I'm playing fairly and get hate win or loss I'm resorting to camping it's just that simple. Too many people in this 'community' demonise camping but fail to understand many campers wouldn't exist if other players had empathy and were functioning properly. I'm not gonna give worthwhile matches to horrible people.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Ask yourself this before listening to anyone on here: Do survivors ever show the killer mercy? I think you have your answer now.

  • Tokkern
    Tokkern Member Posts: 74

    He is just salty because he lost and easiest excuse is you being bad . Because you beat him... Makes sense right?

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Do anything you like. Its just a game.

    NEVELEVEN11 Member Posts: 141

    I guess we shouldask ourselves, What would Michael Myers and Freddy do? Would they camp? Wouldthey make it harder on themselves to win?

  • picigu9
    picigu9 Member Posts: 50

    You're not expected to, but I usually do if someone lets me do challenges, or I find a game of friendlies. (You can whack them for points, and mess with them, they will understand) I think in your case though, camping was not the best solution anyway, and you could have been much more of an ass, so you had every right to be a normal killer.

  • bumbewildered
    bumbewildered Member Posts: 16

    I swear some killer mains are actually psychotic. There's a time and a place for mercy. One of those times is after DCs. Another reason to show some mercy is because the entity wants you to play with your food. If you're a god nurse and slug everyone in the first minute of the game, the entity will be displeased even if you get all those kills. Killing doesn't matter. Farming hope matters. So if you need to show mercy to give the Entity her hope then you've pleased the Entity. This isn't a game where you get to kill people and take out your real world fantasies.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Ain't no Geneva Convention or Hauge in the Realm.

    Kill em all. Every last one.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Play how you want within the confines of the Killer Rule Book.

  • Initbritish
    Initbritish Member Posts: 7

    Don't base your gameplay on whether others will approve of it. All survivors care about is surviving. Try to be as efficient as possible. For example, hooking as many survivors as many times as possible. Winning chases, committing to your perk build and not bming.

  • EJmurdermain
    EJmurdermain Member Posts: 109

    The power is in your hands, do what feels good. Ignoring the spam toxic messages and Tunnel Mori or Spare them with Gg in the chat running away from survivors. It's up to you, those examples are extreme contrast btw.

  • RandomHyperBeast
    RandomHyperBeast Member Posts: 35

    Haha I like how you think but no play style for survivors or killer is toxic except for purposeful tunneling and abusing infinites(just find a different loop after running the killer on the infinite for a little it really is toxic and no point in ruining the killers fun) anything else besides exploits and hacks is not toxic. Ya sometimes I get mad at a flashlight abuser and decide to face camp them but it's not toxic.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    No mercy. Survivors are toxic ######### that will frequently belittle you, complain about your playstyle or send you death threats, they don't deserve any.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    As the killer you kill in any means you wish.

    If you want to play "fair" and try to make the game enjoyable for all while trying to kill, go for it!

    If you want to facecamp or hard tunnel someone simply because you feel its the fastest way to kill them, go for it!

    As a killer YOU are the team and YOU can achieve your goals how you see fit.

    Expect hate mail regardless of how you play because some people will even hate on you even when they win/escape.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Cobra Kai

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Play like you want and take the hate (or love) like a mad(wo)man.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143

    Being killer is extremely easy, it is basically a game that allows you to play with hacks that come predetermined in-game, I feel sorry for the people who like to play as a survivor, but NEVER mercy for them 🤣

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838
    edited December 2019

    Man, killer powers should only be able to be used every 360 seconds and BHVR should make it illegal in 69 different states to m1.

    Actually responding with how I play when I play killer, I usually go for the farmer, then the unhooked. I feel it's a bit scummy to tunnel like that.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Good killer - poor sportsman.

    I don't know why you are asking a question when you already have the answer.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    This game is situational. Most of the time, I play fair. No camping, no tunneling, not sweating too hard, etc.

    Now, if someone gets hooked and I know his buddy is around, I am sure not going to leave the area, if you want to play stupid, it's not my fault. If I have a strong suspicion they're using DS, I will tunnel them just to get rid of it so it doesn't bite me at the EGC. That's not my fault, it's BHVR's for making DS so dang OP once the doors are open.

    If you're being toxic, running god loops constantly, teabagging, flashlight clicking, chain blinding, etc; I won't chase you, but I will catch you eventually and you're going to die when I do.

    Last night, I needed grabs for the challenge, so I used scratched mirror meyers on Lery's. Team of solid reds vs my rank 9. Two of them rage quit once they realized I had scratched mirror. There was zero chance of me getting ruthless, and the two remaining players asked for mercy, so we all farmed. They apologized to ME for the two dc's ruining the fun of scratched mirror

    If someone played well, but their team cost them, I will give hatch or the door nearly every time.

    Now, in your case, I wouldn't have played it like that unless it was the last generator. I wouldn't call you a good killer, but not a bad one either.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Do what you want no one can stop you.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Mercy for the new players our lovely matchmaking system gives me. If I can tell they are new at least. Some of them watch too much YT before playing so they know some of the abuseable stuff in-game like the god loops. They get no mercy.

    Everyone else, it depends on how I feel. If I need sacrifices for a challenge, or emblems, I'll take em. Sometimes I just want to chase though. Then I'll go easy and mess around a bit instead of going for the kill.

    Of course, first person I catch after Devour Hope gets 5 tokens will get Mori'd. That's a guarantee since it doesn't happen very often.

  • DrM00se
    DrM00se Member Posts: 12

    Or it’s like they 3 gend themselves and you don’t have to leave because all gens are right there and you hooked someone.

    no I don’t have to leave. I can patrol these 3 gens and watch the hook. That’s not camping. That’s me still patrolling gens. Gens being stopped is the objective. If no gens are being worked on because they did it to themselves. Go for it camp away man. You got a logical reason. Stop a gen. Ez pz. You don’t have to leave if you see the survivors right there potateing

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476
  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    You don't need to show mercy, but it is nice when killers do, especially in situation like when other survivors DC early in the game. Your example, though, is not about showing mercy. Camping is a pretty cheap tactic and ruins the match for that person. If you want to camp a generator, that's fine, there are others to work on.

  • You are the killer. You should be able to play however the ######### you want

  • You must be referring to section page 1267 section 73 of the survivors rule book for killers. "Always obey the book"

  • You seem to have forgotten about the survivors rulebook for killers

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    The only mercy they should expect is a quick death. If they're toxic, hook 'em, camp 'em, and beat 'em like a pinata if the mood strikes you.