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About the Nurse NERF.

Why the heck would you over nerf nurse like that devs? You've lost 95% of the Red Rank Nurse Players since you reworked and nerfed her.

Of course she was OP at low ranks, but at red ranks against toxic coordinated swf groups, it's a must to have old nurse/Spirit.


  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    survivors don't want to learn how to play against nurse so the DC and force the devs to do it. This game is survivors side, don't get me wrong both side have BS but if the survivors say i want to win you can't do almost anything as killer. If you don't like want devs do to the killer simple don't play the game, you see if 400 survivors stop playing the game 100 will have a longer Q but if 400 killers stop playing then 1600 survivors will have longer Q.

    Killer stop playing the game = DC survivors .

  • TheCoolDBDGamer
    TheCoolDBDGamer Member Posts: 92

    Yes, but without the Killer's the survivors won't have a game to play. It'll just be hold m1 simulator to rush gens and get out without any hassle whatsoever.

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    That what i say if you want devs listen to the killer side just stop playing the game it the same as when survivors DC. If survivors can't find games then they will try to make killer side better.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,045

    First of all, the words "toxic" and "coordinated" do not have to be named one after another. A coordinated SWF is not toxic, just because the Killer might lose the game.

    And well, the good Nurses are still playing. But yeah, I dont see that guys anymore who only played Nurse with Omegablink or Three Blink with Range Add-On, this is correct. Basekit Nurse was not fine, there were Nurses which only equipped one or even no Perk and no Add On, how can this be fine, when every other Killer in the game (maybe with the exception of Spirit) has to struggle to find 4 Perks, which will help out the most?

    And even with new Nurse, I have seen two Nurse players who only used BBQ and were winning the game quite comfortable. Sure, maybe before not 4 Gens would have been done, but still. She is the best Killer.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,190

    Only 1 question. Are they having fun doing so? Are they enjoying playing new nurse?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,045

    I dont know. I asked them or wrote something like "Nurse is weak, btw.". One time I got a "Nah, still the best Killer" back, but I did not ask if they had fun. I would say, if they play her, they will most likely have fun, otherwise they would not pick her.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,045
    edited December 2019

    I dont face the same players all the time, so I dont know if they are playing them often. I see way less Nurses, this is correct. But I dont see that guy anymore who played with Franklins, Infectious, BBQ and Ruin, while always using Omegablink or Green Extra Blink + Green Range Add On, lol.

    And also some of the Nurses I faced were low Purple Rank Nurses, who were clearly new to playing her. This is not really representative because the Results would have been the same with old Nurse, I guess (one guy was in his first Nurse game...).

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,190

    I agree the changes for those broken add-ons makes people not to play her anymore

    However, many people that played her without add-ons also leave her too. That is the problem imo... i'm also one of them btw :)

    Currently i only play her with add-on that changes her into m1 killer lol

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    You mean those sulky 95% who behave like little children whom got stolen their lollipop? Those werent worth to play nurse at all. there was no over nerf, shes just got harder to handle, but still most powerful. Learn her and feel free to stomp anyone.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    I saw players winning with old Freddy at red ranks without perks or add-ons or with meme builds and they won this way multiple times. So your argument is flawed.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    BHVR just murdered nurse. She is not fun, even harder to master and can get looped around the map by holding W now.

    Like, why would anyone want to play her now? Not only she is unfun now but you CAN'T beat the sweatiest SWF groups anymore. Why would I want to play her anymore? She is dead.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Just remember worse than Legion nowadays. As pointed out by a Dev

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Or play Bubba and hold m2 at hooks. They hold m1, we hold m2, nobody is forced to do more.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,187
    edited December 2019

    Just remember, if you do consistently well with Trapper at red ranks, you're just a great Trapper, but Trapper is a C tier killer. If Nurse has a terrible kill rate at red ranks, everyone is bad at Nurse, but she's still the best killer in the game and nobody plays her for unknown reasons. So many people assume there is always a correct blink for Nurse to make and anyone in cooldown just didn't blink correctly. This ignores the reappearance change and every LOS break that forces you to make a predictive blink.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Of course she was OP at low ranks

    Unless a good Nurse deranked to bully low ranks survivors, she was not OP. It's the other way around, survivors bullied low rank Nurses.

    The number of Nurse players dropping is predictable. Too many were abusing Omega blink and multi blink addons artificial boosting her stats. That was her issue, the addons. If they kept her base the same they wouldn't of received as much backlash as they got.

    Why many aren't talking about it lately? Go through the threads talking about it and count the number of red profiles.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    I don't get this whole fun aspect of nurse. How does the cooldown make her not fun? I'd say that you guys are more than likely not having fun because you go into the game thinking that you aren't gonna have fun and considering that nurse is pretty boring to play, the little fun that you would have is swept under your negative mentality going, into the game.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    So many players claiming that nurse is still the same. They don't play her themselves. Her base power got nerfed by 50% in terms of map pressure. We also have stats to prove that she went from strongest killer to weakest and least picked killer also. If the noob killers stopped using her.. he kill rate shouldn't go down, but go up.. soo

  • FearedbytheGods
    FearedbytheGods Member Posts: 476

    Nurse is a broken killer and should NEVER have been released.

    Nerfing the nurse is one of the better decisions the devs have made.

    Everyone needs to build a bridge.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Let's all just turn into basement Bubbas from here on out. Maybe the Devs will see that nobody is playing Nurse anymore

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    I would agree if all the people that stopped playing Nurse didn't rely on the overpowered addons and mechanics

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    They killed Nurse

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Yes, the majority of red rank Nurses vanished because she's not freelo anymore. You actually need to be good with her to climb now, the way it's supposed to be.

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    With the new nurse you can't use your power to go for one side of the map to the other that's mean you need to walk at 95 % speed. So you are a survivors that walk. You can use your power to go to one side to then you can't chase survivors for about 4-5 sec, and even if you use only one blink you still can chase them and you need to wait the 3 sec cooldown.

    The reson that nurse is not fun and nobody want to play her is 1) You can't use your power to travel in the map and chase survivors at the sametime. 2) The 3 sec cooldown give the survivors the time they need to get out of your range and be safe.3) You now need way more practice in oder to be effective as before and yet you can lose to a survivor that just run in one direction.

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    If that true then the remind nurse main will make her killate go up but we see that nusre have the lowest at 44%. For comparison hag have the lowest pick rate in the game and yet she the 4 deadly killer in the game.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    It's a balancing rule in any pvp game ever that the hardest characters to play have the lowest win rates.

    At red ranks her kill rate goes to 65% which is absolutely an acceptable number for a killer as hard as her in comparison to the rest of the roster.

    What happened before was that she had a 78% kill rate which should NEVER happen for any character with a high skill cap because then it means even people who are new at her were doing well, so the mains were unstoppable no matter what. The good ones at least.

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    yes but actually no

    Here the thing in one normal PVP this make sense (like lol 5v5) because you want everybody to have equal change to win but here is DBD we have 1v4 team are not equal and they don;t even have equal skill level ( it's way harder to learn to play as killer as you go up in the rank that's for survivors).

    The 78% you say it's about 3 kills that's mean the nurse have an average at red rank 3 kills per game witch with the new ranking system is the minimum you need to stay and rank up. Your idea about 50% comes for the green ranks where you need about 2 kills per game to stay and rank up as killer.

    Pre-nurf nurse have the ideal % for the right ranks but the new one don't

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    She has no map pressure, she has no move speed, she has no lunge, she will blink into the basement at total random and the autoaim coming out of blink targets everything except the survivor. Playing her on lerys is like getting a pineapple slowly shoved up the back door. The only map where she's truly OP is The Game, everywhere else, she's a joke.

  • TheCoolDBDGamer
    TheCoolDBDGamer Member Posts: 92

    Exactly. Dev's don't know what they are doing when they balance the game

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    The devs for this game are more useless than congress. The matchmaking alone proves that.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    She's fine now, survivors and devs agree on that point.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    At red ranks? Where do you get the stats from ? FYI red ranks in the released data by the devs only meant to have a red rank killer in the game, almo didn't mention the nurse stats ( oh i wonder why).

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,692

    Spending the majority of a match at 95% speed/in cooldown is not fun.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Least played killer with the lowest kill rate is "fine". Sounds legit.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    People aren’t toxic for being coordinated or good.

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    No. You say she have prenerf 78 % killrate and we do know that new nurse have 44 % killrate that's mean she lost 34%. This maker wotk bellow avenger and the weaker killer in the game.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    The fact the devs have been completely silent on nurse is disheartening. They don't care about old red rank killers, only new survivors buying the game. It's the sad truth.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    They dont play nurse that's why..they literally were untrusted to handle something they themselves didnt understand

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    New survivors would normally stomp new nurses though.

  • devs did well about whole game

    now nurse is not a crazy tool for free all kill anymore

    you have to predict enough with good addons for all kill,

    because nurse doesn't get any structure loops which broken concept at firstplace

    back than everyone spammed blinks and that always guaranteed better results than other killers

    also current nerfed spirit performing well but much weaker than old nurse

    i don't want to see any fight about somewhat untalented people trying to defend how broken it was, especially i saw some ######### conversations from its playerbase like "do stealth" from most mobile and plus, wall through, ignoring stun character mained players like they played same game with me but actually not

    how i know it? i did played nurse and all killed most times, thats why i knowing it just broken

    now she still can finish chase quciker and still theoretically strongest killer because if you accurate and predict them you still can hit them every 10sec,

    and theres exists that skilled players, and they can do all kill most times but its unblockable because i said she not following this game's rules

    i don't thinking survivors stealth not the answer agans nurse, what survivors only left is stealth

    back than 50h players could all killed mostly at reds even they didn't knew about exact maps

    consider characteristic its crazy as #########, because she designed easiest character in dead by daylight which only effects by map knowledge and blink sense, but only with blink sense could all kill with this character and they didn't knew any other rolls in dead by daylight

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Have you played Nurse? Please tell me how adding a cooldown, on top of fatigue, on top of slow base movement speed is "fun" when you have survivors sprinting across the map like gazelles on steroids? You can't catch anyone unless you run The Game. Fun indeed.

  • Roses
    Roses Member Posts: 21

    I played Nurse as a duel killer main with Huntress before her rework (I also play a ton of survivor btw).

    Before her rework, she was the strongest killer. She was the slowest killer that could be outran by survivors because of her ability to blink across the map in no time, pop up on survivors on gens, surprise engage unsuspecting survivors, quickly get in first hits and, if the survivor wasn't much better then said Nurse, she could quickly close the chase as well. Her greatest downside was basically all on the person playing her and the occasional great play by the survivor.

    Post-rework. She is still the slowest killer of them all and is still easily out-ran by survivors. But her ability to blink has been gutted, add-ons which gave her more blinks and those which extended their range are now gone (accept the one pink add-on which makes her blink incredibly restrictive but gives her a single extra blink). The frequency of her blinks has also been gutted, the recharge rate on her blinks has not only slowed down her blink rate, but the stalling and cancelling of their recharge cuts blinks down even further. She can no longer quickly jump across maps, she can no longer multi-blink in chases because of the charge cancelling, her blinks are stuck to their shorter range, she continues walks instead of chase, and you now spend equal times blinking as you do with a blackened screen facing the ground.

    All in all, Nurse is a slog to play now. Slow and undynamic. Her greatest downside is no longer the mistakes of the person playing her, but the duel punishment / restriction on using her only asset - her blink. Survivors now have a much easier time avoiding her, escaping her, surviving her - which is very good and is successful because it meets the goal of the rework. But it came at the cost of enjoying the majority of her play and her own ability. It's telling that the second of her pink add-ons gives her the ability to walk faster because it's the only way to get her to move at a faster pace then a crawl.

    I'm happy with changing old Nurse, she definitely needed a tune up for current play. I think the problem with the rework was that it was too devastating to her play. I would prefer that they either revert the add-on changes and keep the recharge idea or revert the recharge and keep the add-on changes. If they keep the recharge (which I personally prefer they revert away) I would want them to make it so that secondary and tertiary blinks could recharge while using other blinks and would not have their recharge cancel when using a blink. Ideally, I would just want them to keep the add-on revert and if they felt that it wasn't enough, have them slightly extend her fatigue time rather then add two punishment/ restrictions on top of using her ability.

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    Look that's a true pre-nerf nurse with the best add-ons was a beast and even someone with little experiences can play her and do well that's why we only ask for her add-ons to change and not the base kit. Because her base kit has to give the survivors just the right time to escape from her. This new nurse is more difficult to play, she forces you to use addons in order to work well and perform almost like the old nurse ( of course survivors need to no know-how you counter her).

    And no devs didn't do well in order to do good chances in this game you need to know how to play most of them can juke or play killer the right way and you can see that's from the way they fix the problem for killer and survivors. Survivors get a new mechanic and killer a mediocre perk that's can't solve the problem.

  • another covering old nurse basekit fine guy

    you clearly don't knowing senses and timings in this game

    unless you can't think nurse basekit fine

  • if the nurse player was idiot it was counterable

    because my old nurse never been countered by anyone

    it calls unskilled not a character itself counterable

    nurse.. it designed uncounterable firstplace

    current nurse is much weaker but still not counterable

    most killers are opposite, can't counter survivors if survivors all good

    still nurse depends on killer player's skill

    more and more your skill reach to theoretical cap you can feel this harder

    for me i don't understand why na people can make umbra keep 1rank with huntress

    pug so 20ranky but that guy also playing in red rank

    in my region lack of killer player at all ranks because even half of survivors human

    chasing them first killer directly into lost

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Because they couldn't come up with any more addon changes, so they slapped a cooldown on her cooldown and thought we wouldn't notice.