Genrush is real, Sweat with Friends* needs a hardcore nerf, and Killers need to relax!

* = Disclaimer before the swf defenders pile in to say that by itself I think swf is a great mode and people SHOULD be able to play with their friends BUT there is a HUGE difference between wanting to connect and play with friends and the mindset certain groups have of “hey gang, let’s try to make thIs killer miserable, ruin their fun, and rub it in their face for funsies.” And if you can’t see that, I question how you play the game.

I play on ps4 and ps4 has a built in party system so the number of swf groups are probably much more numerous than on pc. And boy howdy, they make it hard to enjoy/learn playing killer and even harder to play in larger doses (compared to survivor - which is oddly? a more relaxing walk in the park even as a solo.)

I am a low rank killer and I consistently face reds, purples and high greens as a yellow rank 16 killer - and mysteriously, the yellows and greys I get matched with definitely DO NOT play like yellows and greys. “But it’s a messed up matchmaker!” I hear the infamous cry, to which I say - maybe - but at which point do we stop to wonder if it’s wholly the matchmaker’s fault or MAYBE people are tired of this behavior and see little point in playing killer if they’re just the atmospheric piñata for survivors?

Last night, I was working on my killer challenges and I KID YOU NOT nearly every game had ttvs, yts, smurfs, and derankers and they were all HIGHLY coordinated with strong add ons and load outs and they banged out gens in record time before I had a chance to really do anything. It was exhausting. And ridiculous.

Killers are not afforded the relaxation, fluidity, and freedoms survivors are. You can’t make fun builds or experiment builds without anticipating getting your butt whooped (and not in the trial and error way either.) You’re in a constant state of alert and stress which I just find so ODD because that should be what the survivors feel but it’s NOT? The game itself even punishes Killers much more harshly for how they play vs survivor, which is SO EASY to rank up that surviving the trial is just gravy.

Are there unfair killer mechanics? Yes, and it sucks peanuts when you’re on the receiving end of such toxic behavior. But when survivors complain about certain things like noed and stuff - it makes me wonder if it ever occurs to them that maybe sometimes it might be a reaction to feeling powerless and wanting to take cathartic revenge on the survivors who didn’t play with respect? Although sometimes a jerk’s a jerk and they take pitiful joy in that for some sad reason (and if they play like a jerk, they’re probably a jerk everywhere else.)

TLDR - Killer needs to be more relaxing and enticing to play, and maybe if survivors want to sweat they should I don’t know, have to work hard for their survival?



  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Well.. Swfs can turn the game down to a braindead-easy mode for them, but still... It's a multiplayer game and as such, it will always have swfs in it.

    The only way out would be to balance killers afters swfs.

  • SkeletonWitch
    SkeletonWitch Member Posts: 94

    lol I just don’t stress the game at all because well, it’s just a game, but seriously try going against a very skilled killer, they can easily wipe a whole team out in a few minutes, you’ll probably see that as you rank up.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    What rank are you at where the whole team gets wiped in a few minutes? Legit impossible unless everyone on the survivor team is seriously stupid enough to group up. Every map has a ton of safe pallets and/or windows, so there's no reason why good players should be downed so quickly. The survivors you're dreaming up are either laughably boosted, or intentionally screwing around for tome challenges.

  • What we need is something to equalize matches so they are not so one sided most of the time.

    That's like the #1 thing the game needs, but no one can really see that for some reason so it will never happen. It would solve about a dozen serious problems with the game in one swoop too....

  • kajagobi
    kajagobi Member Posts: 41

    I understand that survivor teams might have advantages but. It's approachable. The first part of the battle is figuring out it's a team. If it is a team you make decisions one step ahead. Like when you stop chasing and you go for a generator. Assume they knew you was coming before they heard your terror radius.

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    And if a survivor main says "the game is balanced" it means the devs balanced it around four escapes and 30 second gen times.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    The thing is, we can’t nerf swf without hurting solo play and as someone in red ranks on both sides, both sides are not a cakewalk and can be stressful. This sounds primarily like a de ranking/smurfing problem paired with a matchmaking problem. Also, depending on the killer, I can give you some advice. :)

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Wait for hell once you play solo high ranks. Worst experience I've ever had in any game. Its infuriating

  • VincentRedfield
    VincentRedfield Member Posts: 285

    Currently it's balanced that a 4 man SWF has average 48-49% survival rate.

    Not that facts matter to killer mains. God forbid they have any rounds that are not easy and relaxed 4ks.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Why would you complain about something HEAVILY in your favor.

    Just look at nurse, legion and spirit. These were a challenge, and survivors got them promptly nerfed with all the crying they did.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Imagine thinking that playing this game should be a relaxing experience. Go play solitaire or pick up knitting if you want to relax.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Legion wasn’t a challenge. They were weak but you couldn’t avoid going down to them. That isn’t challenging, in fact, legion was easy to escape against always but due to actually being uncountable, they needed a change.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    The Legion had 2 exploits and those 2 exploits needed to be fixed. Also at a bare minimum was 1 of their addons op. 2 if you ask me.

    That said... The rest was not necessary.

    I remember good on the days where survivors were complaining about the Legion and the most of them had no knoweldge of the Legion at all.

    They only had a terrible experience because of the exploits and the op addon and/or only watch streamers who have play with those exploits or addons and thought that would be the Legion.

    But the truth is, that the Legion was to no time op, without the exploits and without the op addon/s.

    I still wish that they had only nerf/fixed the exploits and op addons :|.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Most people agreed that legion was weak, being uncountable in chase doesn’t mean legion was overpowered.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Only bad nurses that were running 3 blink / ruin are affected by the nurse change she's still incredibly powerful, it's just lazy players refusing to actually learn killers, same goes for spirit. Legion was changed to do the ridiculousness of his power, wasn't punished for missing hits and was faster than survivors so all you had to do was wait for power to drain.

    The biggest issues with this game is maps and the lack of skill killers posses, back when there was only 8 - 10 killers it's was easy to he average with all of them. Now there's so many killers people just want to win every match with little effort. Survivors objectives are always achieved the same way, each killer plays different so obviously it takes more time to be good with each killer than it does to be good with survivor. The issue is people don't want to get better with one killer they want to do well with every killer, it's ridiculous.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    I play swf but we aren’t toxic. Most of the games we get the killer is toxic and ruins everyone’s game with camping, tunneling, or a op build. We are rank 6-8, and the games been unfun now for weeks, to the point we are playing less and less.

    I know there are rounds where you get bad swf groups but most of the toxicity I see, is from the killer mains honestly. I’m on ps4.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    I agree 100%. The players today use perks and add ons to win and never learn the mechanics of playing the killer well. Then they cry and say survivors are op? Really?

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I had the exact same thing happen to me early in my killer career. I threw on the sweatiest build I had on my best killer, then bullied the crap out of the next people I faced. Camping, tunneling, the whole 9 yards. Felt a whole lot better afterwards.

    Now, that I've gotten better, I'm more like Sherlock Holmes. When they attempt to bully me... "This musn't register on an emotional level. First, abandon chase at god loops. Sweep gens for potatoes. Slug overconfident flashlight members. Tunnel off hook, burn decisive strike early. Nod head while taking them to death hook. In summary, four members dead, no gens done, much salt in chat, gg ez. Full emotional recovery for bullies unlikely. Capacity to irritate killer......neutralized"

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Let’s see. Killers have

    -faster speed, lunge, one hit down, moris, doors that regularly spawn next to each other, egc, hatch closing, stealth, invisibility, phasing, blinking, traps, etc. Yet it’s still too hard because you didn’t get an instant 4K?

    survivors get to fix gens and hope not to get spotted and ran down. Maybe loop a bit or vault a few windows but you will likely go down sooner or later.

    Every game I’ve played in the last few weeks has had camping, tunneling, franklins demise toting, lobby dodging killers who do nothing but try and ruin the experience for everyone else playing. Literally every game. EVERY game. You should have to work for your hike like a survivor works to escape.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Very survivor sided posting.

    Also not every killermain likes to play every killer.

    As example, some I won't play because I find them to ugly (no, I don't say here which ones :P) and some are just not my style. Like the nurse as example. I can kill with her, but besides dailies... not my favorite character.

    If you think that the Legion had a rediculos power, then I know you have never play the Legion, or never play the Legion without at least the op addons. That doesn't speaks for you in my eyes.

    The problem is that you sometimes meet strong survivor groups who can everything outplay, you have to offer as a killer and then we have a not balanced situation.

    It is the same with killers. If a killer can everything outplay, what a survivor can bring up, then there is again a balance issue.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I know for a fact that he is a killer main so he knows the struggles killers can go through.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    The problem is that there are only a few really strong killers and most of those require a lot of skill to use. Trapper, Wraith, Plague, Legion, Doctor, Oni, Clown, Pig, and Demogorgon are all fun to play, but aren't strong enough to deal with good survivors unless used in the hands of a specialist. I'm decent with Plague and Wraith, but I can't "win" against survivors that are 8 ranks above me with them. I can put up a hell of a fight with Hag or Nurse.

    So what you wind up with is a crapton of Spirit, Ghostface, Meyers, and Freddy because they're easy to play at a decent level.

    Survivors have no room to talk about OP killer perks when every one of them is rocking BT, DS, Adrenaline/deadhard, and iron will.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2019

    Well. I can only write about what I have read/see or about what I remember from the experience I have made.

    And after my experience have both sides unbalanced features on their shoulders - heavily depending on the individual balancing between killer X and survivors, because not every killer has the same strength.

  • Ace_Of_Spades
    Ace_Of_Spades Member Posts: 68

    This is all ludicrous. Killer is the power role now. It's not like the old days of BT, Infinites, etc. Killers can easily keep track of survivors and surviving is difficult. Swf is needed now more than ever. Red rank killer and survivor over 1000 hours of gameplay. Killers need to ease up. Survivors need to ease up. We need to start treating this as a game that should be enjoyed and not one to frustrate people. Swf can make a fool out of bad killers. Killers can make winning impossible for any group of survivors. Let's just try to get along. Everyone is too sweaty. These stupid challenges aren't making the toxicity any better. Everyone's got a basement build and survivors are sand bagging to get unhooks at end game. Not too mention matchmaking, on consoles at least, are jank. I'm red rank survivor and shouldn't be pitted against rank 10 or 13. Maybe we're losing killers. Idk but it seems likely. The only killers still on these days are try hards. Surviving is no longer a measurement of "winning." At red rank you pip thats a win in my book. Surviving is only good for 5 or 7k more points.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Not true. Only few killers have tools to stop loops. Thats the problem.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378
    edited December 2019

    It's not even just about killers either. I find myself playing killer 90% of the time because I want to play the game, not spend more time sitting in lobbies than actually playing the game. Make killer a little less stressful to play and maybe survivor queues won't be so damn long.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Ranked matches without friends,swf totally nulify surprise of stealth killers.How devs gonna fix this are they gonna make all killers invisible and no noise?

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    What's your point with the "survivor sided posting"? If I a disagree with you I'm a survivor main?

    Sorry that I'm actually good with killers and don't need my hand held, the game is insanely easy for both sides of you're actually good at both sides.

    And the old legion was changed because his power was dumb AF, go watch some legions mains and they mostly 3k every match because they're actually good and not lazy and dedicate the time to be good.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    No, you don't but if you only write if there would be problems on survivor side, or at least the majority, then it is survivor sided imo, no matter what you are playing.

    Besides that a power can't be "dumb af". Powers can only be boring for you as a person, or a group of people, but not in general. For this are we humans to individual.

    I find also specific killer and survivor perks boring - for others they seem to be very important and sometimes fun.

    Still, you can't denie, that dbd can have its unfair moments for both sides.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Lazy players playing Spirit? Nah. JuSt AdApT to the Spirit. EZ killer to loop.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    how would you nerf survive with friends oh wait people always suggest a gen debuff which sounds dumb as hell

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    I will now play survivor,one killer less till they fix SWF and gen rushing born from that coordination.Maybe if every killer do this they will hear the killer community.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    Very, very true. Too many are trying to be like their favorite streamers and attempting to play many killers. They don’t dedicate the time it takes to become great at any one of them, instead just come on here to complain about survivors and that the killers suck. Not wanting to put the effort in and expecting to just be good with a killer is entitlement.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Killer's don't control the pace of the match, it's on the survivors, if you're good but your team is doo doo then you're gonna probably lose but if at least 2 survivors are good then you have a way easier time. The way I see it when I play solo survivor is I'm more afraid of the survivors I get matched with rather than the killer, honestly bad teammates are the real killers in this game.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    If your in a swf you get an action speed decrease the more people you have. That solution doesn't affect solo's

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Don't count on the devs to do the right thing.

    Killers will be dealing with this crap for a long time I'm willing to bet.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Yes it does since you’d be a solo survivor with de-buffed teammates.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    There will never be mechanical nerfs applied to SWF parties, and obviously stuff like trying to remove it or interfering with VOIP apps is out of the question too. There's a reason there's a lot of discussion about changes to base survivors ("solos") and killers instead of restrictions and handicaps - they actually have a non-zero probability of ever being implemented into the game. And that's without even getting into how it could all be circumvented by people queue-sniping and dodging their way into eachother's lobbies as "solo players".

    And also playing the solo role in a game with assymetrical team sizes should be stressful to some extent. Managing that stress is a skill you need to learn, just like managing risk/RNG in games with dicerolls and the like (measure risk vs importance and decide what order you want to perform your actions from that).

    I'm by no means saying survivor shouldn't be more "demanding", I firmly believe additions or reworks of the core survivor objectives would be interesting, fun and potentially healthy for the game. But managing stress should be a core skill for killers to hone regardless.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    Swf are way more likely to abandon the solo anyway so it was a loss to begin with

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Killer is too stressful for the reward.

  • SlimyTaco
    SlimyTaco Member Posts: 133

    You know what's funny, jerk killers are the reason why survs try so hard and vice versa. But killers have much more ability to be toxic than survs.