Matching is very unfair.

Killer matching is very unfair. Behaviour should fix this issue as soon as possible.
Tell me about it. Me and my friend is both red rank and we got a Rank 16 and Rank 7 survivors
and they left me on the hook to die OVER GENERATORS while my friend was being CHASED!
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For the past two days, if I use anything but my best killers with best addons, I get screwed over. Rank 9 killer, solid teams of rank 2 and rank 3, EVERY SINGLE MATCH. It's getting old. What really brings my piss to a boil is that BHVR was johnny on the spot for "fixing" oni, yet can't be bothered to fix this or the sound.
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If they're SWF, that matching is possible.
Ranks 7 survivor pulls Rank 16 survivor into this match, in my thought.
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I get the same thing every single match. I’ve said it in these forums before ranks need to be done away with completely. Red ranks die as easy as brown ones but in my experience the fact that a person has a red rank seems to blow their heads up and make them cocky toxic ######### to play with. I got so sick of it one day I changed my name to toxic and when they start that crap I try to show them what toxic really is. I used to stay at rank one killer and survivor but anymore I try to stay no lower than 8 and avoid these people but with this match maker it makes no difference.
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That's just hilarious, sorry but I had to say it lol but yeah matchmaking is broken for some reason... Don't think it's ever been like this before, at least not this bad
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Nevermind, this one's way funnier lmaooo
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The devs said in a live stream that matchmaking is bugged and they are working on it. The results we are seeing arent supposed to be happening neither are the wait times but unfortunately a fix probably wont be out till next patch.
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The rank differences are not even the entire problem, it's broken even if it operates within it's intended parameters. The matchmaking and ranking in this game is fundamentally broken and needs to be reworked and expanded on in order to be remotely made reasonable- on TOP of the bugs being fixed with it.
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I mean before recently I would say mid chapter after stranger things, matchmaking was fine for me. Quick lobbies and always matched within a rank or 2 of me. So I was fine with the system. In my case it just seems to be "broken" recently
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Matchmaking was fine before the Oni nerf. I'm pretty sure this is just no one playing killer anymore, so the red rank queue just keeps going down the list until they find an open killer, regardless of rank.
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Not enough people playing killer, especially at high ranks. So it's either you having to play against the red surv teams or the red surv teams having to suffer from super long queue times.
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You have to go all the way back to September to find a killer buff, which was for demogorgon. The freddy. nurse, legion, and oni nerfs were all significant to their viability. Totem spawns are bugged, Peanits responds with "you have my permission not to run ruin". Sounds are bugged and matchmaking is supposedly bugged, they respond with "we will get to it after the holidays, we don't want to break it before leaving", yet they issued a hotfix for the Oni flick almost instantly.
Whether intended or not, that is a giant middle finger to killers. How they released Oni "bugged", only to nerf him into the ground after they got the money, intended or not, is a giant middle finger and it looks VERY suspicious. I think they've pretty much gotten their wish and had people go play Civilization.
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Yup. Ranking is borked. Got lucky here, but this is still ridiculous. Last game I played, rank 2, 2, 3, 4, vs me at rank 10...
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As I said they need to do away with ranks .
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Starcraft 2 has the best ranking system. Play 5 initial matches to get placed in a class. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grand Master. Once in your class, you move up and down in that class's own ranking. Get to the top and perform well, you will start playing members of the next class up, if you do well against them, you get promoted, if you do bad, you stay where you are.