Stop complaining

Quit complaining about swf groups
I never have issues with swf groups at rank 1. Idk what to tell you. And if you lose, who cares? Queue up again.
I'm fighting the urge to say git gud... but like... maybe you SHOULD face more swfs... so you'll get better at facing them and won't get wrecked so hard that you feel the need to come to the forums and cry about it <3
"Killer is chasing me"
"Im doing a gen"
"He is coming to you"
"He placed 3 traps at shack"
"He is in his power"
"He has knockout but im at X"
"There is two loops connected here if you need to use them"
Killer knowing very little of what the SWF team is doing
End game chat
Swf: GGEZ, get rekt, ez, git gud, baby killer, lol your bad
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######### hasn't happened to me in a loooooong time, bud.
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I get ######### by all survivor types regardless so checkmate
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Mayyyybe you should get better
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your probably being overdramatic does every survive with friends you play against act like this
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He just summed up a few informations swf players get for free. Any downsides? No? Why dafuq is swf in the game then or got n no drastic downside? Because it kept the game alive.
Btw i'm sure the op is a rank 1 spirit/nurse main and one of the best killer players worldwide. I'm sure.
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Maybe swf should players 'git gud' and stop sitting in a safe space on recruit difficulty while those with balls solo
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Solo makes you wanna quit the game sometimes I understand why people play in swf
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You'll never get better if you play swf, solo is just where the Chad's are swf is the congregation of cowardly virgins hiding behind eachother
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Nah, I'm a rank 1 legion main
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You need to cover their names
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People wouldn't complain if solo had the same info as swf. Imagine adding a chase indicator, totem counter, and kindred basekit. Too much work obviously.
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what? why?
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Why? Is their public name on a public game supposed to be secret on the public forum?
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Pretty sure it counts as name shaming I know the subreddit removes leader board screenshots when the names aren't censored
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no one is shaming anything lol
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Not sure how it can be called name shaming when he's not shaming anyone, just showing that he's a rank 1 legion.
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thaaaaank you
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Why cant killer complain about cheating dog who gain unfair advantage by not in game program---voice chat.
I mean what's the different about swf and wall heck
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Woah what?
How is discord even remotely comparable to wall hacks? Lmao
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@Rizzo90 do I have to cover their names?
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- If your post may reflect negatively on another person or people, please censor their name(s)
I know your not trying to name shame them but regardless you still need to censor the names
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Ah typical red rank match according to bhvr.
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I have worse screenshots. Me vs rank 20s... lmao
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@FJSJ_Lunar yes, please. You are not trying to name and shame anyone, but they were insulting each other in the chat, so it's better to avoid issues and hide the names.
I removed the screenshot, you can add it back with the censored names.
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How is it reflecting poorly on them...?
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I didnt notice the match chat in that pic. I tried to remove it, but couldn't figure out how lol
Thanks, bud.
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Further proving that this whole community has absolutely no common sense.
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its all good.
shouldnt have even posted a screen shot. derailed the point of the post.
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Doesn't change the fact that these people have no common sense to speak of. On topic, my only issue with SWF is when they're coordinating crap like pallet stuns, flashlight saves, and head on.
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that can be frustrating, but i go into every match assuming they're a swf death squad lol
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*If you dont play swf so i can't get ez 4k you are a noob, play solo so i can get ez 4k!!!*
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A legion main crushing purples thinking swf is fine. Okay then.
Please. Just play against a coordinated rank 1 4man and come back to tell me that swf is fine. I think i said that to you some time ago and you're still here stating swf is fine.
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This is why there is a shortage of killers and why survivors play Lobby Simulator more than the actual game.
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Complaining about complaining. You hate to see it.
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I never said swf is fine, stop putting things in my mouth that I have NEVER SAID.
Im just being sarcastic and that's all.
And yes, I know those kind of swf exist, but how often do you see them?
Should we balance around the 1% of the community?
Should we screw solos and every other not skilled enough player?
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Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the devs already change matchmaking so swf groups were put against higher ranking killers?
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I play both solo and swf, I do better with solo than swf even if its a good group. But I get bored of playing by myself and have to talk to other people so I find a swf.
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No we should bring solos on swf level and buff 80% of the killers that can't do ######### against swf. That's what BHVR should do.
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What changes do you propose?
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I'm not complaining
It's just a suggestion for the mental health of everyone on the forums lol
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Try a lobby full of red ranks, friendo
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I don't know about that, you would basically need to make all killers as strong as pre nerf nurse, most of them would need a completely new kit, so I would rather play against swat team every once in a while.
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My only question here is "why on earth did you trap shack 3 times?" No matter who you are Trapper, Hag, or even Freddy that's just a massive waste of time and resources.
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Yo! I was gonna say that! Lmao
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For solos: Kindred basekit, Totem Counter, Chase Indicator and maybe Bond basekit
For killers: too many to mention
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RIP mate.
Related: No Bond basekit. For killers just say the maps that need to be nerfed and the killers that need to be buffed.
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Yeah, basically. Base pre nerf nurse was fine imo, that's why i'm okay with that buffs.