Can Survivors get a buff?

I feel like it's getting harder and harder to survive in Red ranks. As a Survivor I feel so powerless to stop my team from getting downed in 5 seconds just like the Shack pallet. We're at that point where a red rank doesn't know borrowed time exist. Even playing as a Killer I get easy wins and I can only complain about SWF because those are the people playing like their actual ranks. It's just pallet drop after pallet drop and run in a straight line.
Please buff Survivor brain, Thanks.
either a bait, or just... yeah i ain't even gonna say what im thinking.
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You play solo? That's probably the first problem - besides not having comms or dependable friends who won't DC on you, you now have to contend with rank reset change that cannot help but promote bad survivors to ranks they don't belong; along with the terrible matchmaking that does not care a whit about ranks.
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How do you want to buff the brain of someone else ... ?
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Giving them their missing brain cells.
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The problem is the new rank reset system. It’s easy to rank up as a survivor, so with the softer reset people are getting to red ranks as surv super easily. Which means the average survivor will be worse in red ranks then they would’ve been a couple months ago. Doesn’t mean an optimized group of survivors can’t still thrash the killer
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I feel this. I've never been red ranks before. The closest I have ever gotten was rank 12. That because I only swf and barely solo. Solo'ing is terrible because no one really knows what they are doing.
People lead the killer to me and sometimes it seems like it's on purpose, survivors blow up a gen and then fast vault over/into something. Come next to me just to self care instead of letting me finish the heal.
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There needs to be a better way to determine skill because the way it is now is if you play a lot you'll eventually get red rank
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I play solo survivor in red ranks just fine. The only thing that irritates me is I'm always the first one found I think it's mostly because everyone skulks around the map while I jump on the first gen I see.
My advice is run Quick and Quiet. I mad Killers double back because they didn't hear the quick vault. It makes looping without pallets better.
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Just make it harder to rank up and get matchmaking better teammates.
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Survivors dont need a buff. Killers win off of survivor mistakes. Which you can only get better by playing and understanding loops and how to loop certain killers.
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Survivor BRAIN yes. Survivors in-game no.
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I wouldnt mind to give solo survivors Kindred and totem count.
EDIT: as free extra perks
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As a survivor main, I believe this would unbalance the game even more. If you had these two for free, it would be even easier to gen rush the killer what already is a huge problem in the game imo. I believe they just need to make it harder to rank up.
And I believe the reason why red rank killers really dominate red rank survivors (mostly, if not a swf) is that ranking up as killer is really hard and only the really skilled players achieve red rank as killer (mostly). When these skilled red rank killers face these red rank survivors, they'll obviously dominate them. So I don't believe there should be any buff to survivors. You will understand this once you play enough matches as both killer and survivor.
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dude you must be high to even say those things...every single red rank killer to achieve those ranks abuses camp and tunnel simulators... then if this doesnt work they use the skillfull NOED....which not only gives you boosts ur speed too...but yeah lets nerf survivors at every patch we update
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I don't know what game you are talking about but I barely face red rank killers who tunnel, camp or NOED. Or maybe you've never faced red rank killers. (And with rank killers, I obviously mean rank 1s and 2s)
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The devs doesn't seems to want bots (Solo queue teammates) getting buffed, so all we can do is cry
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The killers rank up harder because they can't be carried unlike survivors. The game is either way survivor sided and I question if the entity watches dbd and says; yep exactly what I wanted.
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Think the problem aint the survivors stats, this would totally unbalance the game even more
The problem is the matchmaking since the new rank reset, as ranking up became so much easier thanks to the latest rank reset, and most of the red ranks now are already trashy (dont take it personally, as a killer/surv main i know what im talking about, i saw things)
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i can send you photo of me being rank 1 and my steam to prove it...thats not the case though.,.
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I want to get chased because if I don't either pallets get wasted or the Killers get a really good pressure on everyone because people kept getting downed 10 seconds into the chase. Of course decent killers would just give up on me since I actually know how to buy time so really the team is screwed.
Fun part is if I did run the killer throughout the entire game. There's also the amusing parts where I die on first hook or get into second state because Survivors are too afraid to go for one for one. Can't forget the times people flat out open the gates. It's nearly 2020 and people are still opening exit gates to screw the guy on hook. Is there a Rift challenge to screw people over this way? I don't know.
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Oh, I know your pain. I ran a Hag for 4 gens she finally got me hooked me and I spent all of my hook watching 3 survivors crouched around the environment near me. The funny thing is that the Hag never set a trap or was even around me.
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If your team is trash you're not gonna get out alive no matter how good you are though, last night I had a match with 3 rank 4 survivors and me(rank 2) against a rank 4 hillbilly... I managed to loop the guy around for 5 straight minutes and they did 1 gen, ruin was already gone and they did ONE FKING GEN in FIVE FKING MINUTES, I felt like Billie Joe Armstrong freaking out at the I Heart Radio Music Festival after he was told he had only one minute left to perform:
All I'm saying is teamwork is way more important than skill and that's why the devs need to do something about solo players because it's not fair and it's annoying, either buff solo survivors or change the ranking system because the way it is it's kinda fked up.
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I say the ranking systems needs changed to make it harder to rank up as a survivor. It seems way to easy to pip up. There are matches were I'm like damn that was terrible and I still get a pip. It's harder to derank without DCing than it is to rank up, seriously.
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He's complaining about how inaccurate the ranking system is.
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Love the sarcasm that 90% of everyone missed.
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That's the forum members for ya
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well, swf has this info, so, IMO, it wouldnt unbalance the game more than it is unbalanced.
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Swf is overpowered apparently. I disagree. People still die when I'm in SWF. The game shouldn't be balanced around the killer getting a 4k.
Solo survivor is weak. I agree, as someone who mostly plays solo (I have no friends ;-;).
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I was thinking we can start by closing the power gap between solo and SWF because most players who play solo almost always get destroyed by the killer.
Solo Survivors < Killer < SWF
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That's basically my experience in this forum. Surprised that Steam discussion wasn't this dense in comparison.
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Eh no. SWF is all buffs and no cons. Buffing solo survivors to one v one? Dude this game is supposed to be, say it with me, "asymmetrical". Sure you can have shotty teammates but that's going to happen here and there. You can't stop ######### from being #########, or trolling, or doing nothing. I mean ######### you said it yourself you looped the killer for 5 minutes. Most games everyone would've escaped in that scenario. That there, is some bullsh/t for killer.
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SWF is all buffs and no cons. There's no way to do such a thing without implementing voice chat. However, this is still op to be so coordinated. I would say stop 3rd party communication and force people to use their dedicated voice system. It will suck ass-ets, but in all sake for fairness and gameplay quality. Then survivors have the option to talk/text by using the keys. T,Y,U with I opening the text menu. You also have the option to voice to text and mute.
T: this is the default for whisper. You need to be within 5 meters to hear or see the text. For text it will have 40% opacity and last for 3 seconds (for those who are in range).
Y: this is default for talk. You need to be within 15 meters to hear or see the text. For text it will 60% opacity and last for 7 seconds.
U: this is the default for yell: You need to be within 40 meters to hear or see the text. For the text it will be 100% opacity and last for 10 seconds.
Remember, ANYONE even the killer, can hear the conversation if within range. But of course, killer cannot talk to them. Note killer cannot distinguish who is typing/talking unless they are in sight (as in chase).
This would help balance out between solo and SWF. As it requires people to get together and speak. Of course having the negatives of being overheard and being grouped. That, and foremost have chat and voice recordings after chat. And have BEhavior, be SERIOUS with reporting on negative and toxic speech. Which should definitely weed out toxicity in the community by dropping the ban hammer. I'd say 5 days for negative language is probably overkill, but probably enough to stop people from being toxic.
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I'm always the first 1 found when I start a generator it's the most annoying thing I wish I could be a skulker