General Discussions

General Discussions

Seriously stop

Tunneling is not a real issue to complain about

Camping is not a real issue to complain about

Gen rushing is not a real issue to complain about

Slugging is not a real issue to complain about

Yes they all can suck from time to time but the main problem with this is that people feel the need to ask the devs to stop this kinds of playstiles when it only depends on the player to play how they feel better

You dont see people complaining in the forums of shooter games because one guy is camping in a corner

There is no need to discuss about camping, tunneling, gen rushing etc. Either they can be the most effective strategy depending on the situation or if the player does it you just move on from that game and forget about it. Nobody wants to hear the same arguments for or against the same specific strategies.

And if ,as many people say, they play against the same strategy many games in a row use perks that adapt to it if you really hate it that much

There are far more important things to discuss about. Yet we are still complaining about the same stuff over and over and asking the people that make the game to change how others play (despite they themselves agree that is just how they play)

PLAY HOW YOU WANT AND LET OTHERS PLAY HOW THEY WANT, if they play well its good on them if they losose they will learn to change their playstile

Tldr (or something): stop with the 1000 complains about tunneling or gen rushing, move on from that game if you didnt like it. DONT MAKE ANOTHER POST ABOUT IT


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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    DbD is a rather unique game in that effective or at least easy strategies = denying the other side a chance to play. In shooter games, strategies are more like flanking and stuff; denying the other side a chance to play would be camping spawn points, and the devs for those games usually try to remove the possibility of such things.

    Being denied a chance to play the game isn't fun, so of course people come onto the forums and complain. Just because players can do it and those are considered valid strategies doesn't mean anyone has to like it.

    Sure, you can tell people to stop complaining, but that just means they'll keep quiet about the things they don't like. It doesn't mean they'll start liking them, and it may lead to a drop in the playerbase. I mean, why play a game if you're not having fun? If enough people stop playing, the game dies.

    Considering how fast killer queue times are and how long survivor queue times are on the PS4, each killer who decides to move on to a different game is detrimental to DbD and the survivor experience.

    Just to reiterate: tunneling, camping, slugging, and gen rushing are strategies that deny the other side a chance to play. Those shouldn't be strategies in a game. Yes, they are allowed, so complaining about specific players using those strategies isn't cool. However, complaining that those strategies can be used at all is more than fair. They are not healthy strategies to have in a video game.

  • Member Posts: 52

    Exactly!! People wanna make an excuse for everything! It’s literally a game of survival and kill. They try to kill you and you try to survive and if that means I “camp” to make sure you die. I mean that’s LITERALLY the point! We aren’t here to give out participation trophies and prizes for getting “fair play” 😂

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    He's saying there's no reason to complain about those things. Please read.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    The main reason why I joined the forums is to have my voice heard, discussed, and if I'm lucky, impact the game.

    Telling people to not discuss something because it's not a serious issue is just your opinion. You can't disregard other's opinion because you think your opinion carries more value.

    This is a public forum, everyone is free to discuss anything they want as long as it follows community guidelines. 😁

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    anyone has the right to complain about those pretty sure most people find the things you listed annoying when it happens to themselves

  • Member Posts: 9

    The problem with being hooked and camped just to be saved, downed for 60 to let ds go away, and rehooked isn't the fact we lost as survivor, it's the fact that we waited up to 10 minutes for a game just to have it ruined and that we now have to go wait for a new lobby with a 20% chance of being tunneled. You should be punished for ruining other people's games and you should be punished for only killing 1 survivor. I play both sides at a red rank level and I realized so damn fast as killer when I was in brown ranks for crying out loud that it's not fun to sit by a hook and I realized once I stopped how much more fun it was to work hard and get a 4k rather than camp 2 people on hook and have 2 escapes basically every single game. The problem with tunneling and camping is the loss of fun for BOTH sides, a survivor doesn't play the game and the killer doesn't feel accomplishment for getting kills, because they shouldn't. On the other hand, Gen rushing isn't a thing. Gen rushing is a term for a killer to use when the survivors do gens at a consistent pace and when they do it shows how unfair the game is. 1 40 second chase on killer gives survivors enough time for 3 gens halfway done and that's not including the time for finding the survivor, hooking them, or getting to a new one just to have the one you hooked unhooked and healed in 25 seconds while 2 gens get popped in front of you. Camping/tunneling needs to be punished and killers need a buff or survivors need a nerf, it's pretty obvious once you play both sides for a long time and the people who don't agree are the camping/tunneling killers, new players, and people who only play survivor (the ones who say gen times are fine). Simple as that.

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